Most of the Monsters who use the spiritual Attack all this time use spiritual barriers, but unfortunately they were not able to cover the whole area and because of this, most of the Monsters who were unable to use the spiritual attack were not able to create barriers like that. 

Using that chance, Sam already teleports from that place while those Monsters are already facing the crisis. Most of the Monsters already begin to run away from that place but as you know the whole fire clouds cover a b amount of area, so you can say that it is already too late for those monsters to run away.

On the other hand, Sam already appeared 5 km away from that place and he was just barely able to get away from the range of the fire cloud. The moment he places he just falls down on the ground as he is fully exhausted and only has 1% spiritual energy left in his body. 

Fortunately, he has already begun to use the energy recovery technique and it has already begun to recover The lost spiritual energy. But compared to before this technique was not that useful to him as he used the origin spiritual energy and using a normal Energy recovery technique he won't be able to recover the original spiritual energy that much.

But still he used the technique because he wanted to reduce the mental pressure that he was facing right now. On the other hand he already Stop supplying The Spiritual energy and because of this sometime later the fire clouds will naturally disappear.


At this time when he is trying to recover his mental energy he can still hear the roar of those Monsters. He can already kill those Monsters facing a big crisis as he uses one of the strongest moves of his fire control technique.

Not only that, the whole area that got affected by the fire rain has already begun to burn. But surprisingly you can see the fire did not spread around the area where the red clouds did not affect.

The whole place begins to burn by the fire and in just a few seconds, you can see the whole place just turn into an empty ground. Other than the ashes of the streets and other things you will be able to see some of those Monsters who are able to survive. 

But the situation of those Monsters also wasn't that good as they used a huge amount of spiritual energy to protect themselves and protect other Monsters. But even with that the inability to protect most of the ork and with that the number of those ork, already reduced to 30.

Sam, who is lying down on the ground, also can see the situation. But you can say because of the mental exhaustion he was not able to move from that place but he also knows that he needs it to quickly recover his mental strength and his spiritual energy.

2 minutes later he is somehow able to recover a little bit of his mental strength and with that he already brings out the energy recovery Potion. The moment he uses that he recovers 100% of his spiritual energy but still you can say he feels the mental pressure as he did not recover the mental energy.

But fortunately he was able to kill those remaining Monsters in that state and wasting no time he already used that teleportation technique once again and in the next second he appeared in front of those Monsters.

Just appearing in front of them he uses a confused ray toward those Monsters. That naturally confused all the Monsters that already got surprised by the sudden appearance of their opponent. In the next second he already uses the sun ray, and burns all those Monsters to ashes.

As those Monsters get confused and unable to figure out what was happening to them, they are unable to protect themselves. On the other hand using the telekinesis he already collected all the loot and after that uses the teleportation technique once again to go to a safe place to rest.

Fortunately 10 km away from that place he already found a good place to rest and with that he already began to meditate. Naturally he needed to recover his mental energy as quickly as he could.


'Sigh, it looks like my luck is also quite bad. Who knows how long it will take me to find an Epic grade limit breaker. Even after killing those many Monsters I am unable to find a limit breaker. It looks like even if I kill all the Monsters I would not find a limit breaker. Sigh…'

1 hour later after recovering the mental strength when he began to look at the inventory, he just sighed as he didn't get any limit breaker. Even a normal limit breaker was out of the question for him. 

But he did not get disappointed with that as he already knew finding a limit breaker would be one of the difficult things in the danger zone. Finding a technique or finding a limit breaker is one of the difficult things.

'I just hope that I will find the limit breaker in these 8 days or I need to ask the human king or the Oni king. Well I could also ask the warrior association to find me a limit breaker.'

Sam was thinking all of these when he already got out of his hideout to kill more Monsters. He had only 8 more days before the competition started once again. So naturally before that he wanted to finish his adventuring the Dungeon.

He also did not know after these when he will get the time to come back to the danger zone or even if he came to the danger zone will he find a limit breaker or not. Because of this he is also thinking about asking the human king or the Oni king to give him a limit breaker or he could just ask the warrior association about this.

Well he still did not decide to ask for their help, that was also an option for him. With that he once again begins to search for more Monsters. Also surprisingly when he went back to the previous place where he previously used the fire rain, he really got surprised as the place fully recovered. It looks like the world was helping this place to recover. 

'I also need to maintain the distance from the area where I will meet those Planetary grade monsters.'

Right now you can say Sam was already very deep inside of the inner area. But he also maintains the distance from the core area where he will be able to meet those Planetary grade monsters.

Really he did not think he would be able to fight any of those Monsters even though he had the origin spiritual energy. Most likely even using the bersarker technique or his stealth technique, he won't be able to kill any of them.

You can say the power between an Epic grade and a Planetary grade is on a whole different other level. Even if a peak Epic grade Warrior tries to use his full power he won't be able to hurt a Planetary grade monster.

Also as he previously fought those Monsters in the war, he already knows the power of those Monsters. At that time even though he was using his superior concealment technique, and his full origin spiritual energy, he was unable to damage the Monsters.


For 7 days, Sam was fighting those Monsters non stop to search for a limit breaker. For 6 days he did not get a limit breaker that made him quite disappointed but still he decided to wait for one more day.

The next day when he killed an intermediate group of monsters he fortunately saw something that made him very excited. He finally became a limit breaker and not only that the limit breaker was an epic grade.

Now with that he already became happy and excited that he was already able to find a limit breaker. With that he decided to stop fighting those Monsters then decided to go back to the human Kingdom. For 9 days he spent inside of the danger zone and naturally did not eat that much delicious food.

As he was also very hungry so wasting no time he decided to go back to the human Kingdom. He did not directly teleport inside of the human Kingdom as it would also require him a huge amount of spiritual energy. Using his full power he somehow was able to come to the outer area of the danger zone and after that he already began to walk toward the entrance of the human Kingdom.

2 hours later he finally came in front of the entrance and naturally all the guards just after looking at him let him go inside of the human Kingdom. You can say that Sam already gets recognised by those people. People from the warrior association and also from the human Kingdom guard the main gate and naturally everyone of them knows about Sam. 

Now back to the main matter, Sam has already begun to go toward the Royal palace. But naturally just coming inside of the human Kingdom he can see the whole Kingdom was fully crowded with people and everyone of them very excited about tomorrow.

Also during all this time you can say not many people went outside to go to the danger zone. First of all, every participant wanted to stay in their top form. So naturally they also did not go outside while everyone of those Warriors decided to enjoy these 10 days.

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