After killing those fire lizards naturally he began to advance once again and not long after that he once again saw some Monsters that were also around peak Epic grade. Now you can say handling a small group of Monsters or even an intermediate group of Monster wasn't that much difficult for him.

Most of the time he will use the teleportation technique and will use the telekinesis to prevent those monsters from moving and naturally after that he will attack them. As also because of the origin of spiritual energy every one of those attacks became more powerful and with that killing those Monsters wasn't that hard for him.

But if he faced a large group of Monster higher at least 100 of them present and tried to attack him at the same time, then it would become more dangerous for him even if he uses the teleportation technique.

First of all, as every Monster became more intelligent and had a naturally stronger instinct, they would naturally react more quickly compared to other Monsters and obviously be able to find him when he tried to attack them from behind or another direction.

He won't be able to kill all of them at once and naturally it will take much time to kill those Monsters in this process. He can also get hurt by those Monsters. Because of these all the time he also tries to avoid facing a large group of monsters but you can say his luck wasn't that good.

45 minutes ago he just killed a small group of monsters and after that decided to rest. But who could have thought that you will get attacked by those ork Monsters out of nowhere.

Not just only those ork soldiers but you can also see those other ork Monsters present in that group. They did not even come close to his direction when they used their spiritual technique to attack him and at the same time those soldiers who most likely were close combat fighters already coming toward his direction as quickly as they could.

Fortunately Sam already became aware of those Monsters as he was using the live detection device and he was already able to use the teleportation technique to vanish from that place before those attacked could hit him.

He already appeared 500m away from that place. After that, he naturally begins to prepare a mega fireball to shoot toward those Monsters that he can see in front of him. Suddenly he feels the danger and completely deactivates the mega fireball technique and uses the teleportation technique once again.

As he expected, as the number of those Monsters increases this much they are naturally able to observe more areas of that place and the moment he appears 500 m away from that place those Monsters already sense him and already attack toward his direction. Actually from the first they already prepare their attack and because of this the moment they sense him, they are able to Attack.

On the other hand, as previously he did not get the chance to choose the place where he would appear that quickly he did not came that far away from that previous place full stop but just after appearing on the place he once again uses the teleportation technique and this time almost 2 km away from that place he appear once again.

Not only that instantly he began to create those mega fireballs that already begin to float around him. As he fully focused on the fire control technique you can see you are able to create almost 5 mega fire balls at once and naturally everyone of those fireballs even though look small in size but contain a huge amount of power.

Sam, still channeling The Spiritual energy into those fireballs as he keeps increasing the power of those fireballs. Naturally he wanted to power up those FireBall as much as he can and only then he will attack those Monsters. 

On the other hand he can already feel that most of the monsters already detect him and most likely preparing their attacks as he can also feel The Spiritual fluctuation. But the thing was that he had already finished preparing his attack, wasting no time. You can see those 5 mega fire balls begin to go towards Monster's direction. 

Naturally those Monsters can already feel the danger from those mega fireballs and already wanted to avoid those fireballs but not everyone of them was able to do that. Even though most of those Monsters already begin to escape from that place but before they could wind that far away those fireballs already hit the ground and instantly 5 big explosions appear on that place. 

Sam already uses the teleportation technique to go for a as the range of the destruction already reaches 5 km. But that wasn't over as the range of the destruction kept increasing and increasing and sometime later almost 10 km area got destroyed by those 5 explosions and naturally every Monsters who got affected by the explosion already got killed.

Those remaining Monsters naturally got injured right now and almost 70 of those Monsters were able to survive. On the other hand, Sam is already preparing for his next attack. This time you will be using the rain of fire. Using this technique, naturally rain will appear in that place and fire will fall from the sky.

But to use that technique on those Monsters in nature needed to get close to them. Before that he is already able to activate the technique and instantly uses a teleportation technique to get close to them while he channels full spiritual energy into that next attack and instantly the fire rain already appears on the sky and fire already begins to fall from the sky.


In the next second the ground where Sam appeared already got destroyed as those ork already noticed him and naturally they did not waste a single second to attack them. 

Fortunately even though Sam was not able to use the teleportation technique at time but he already activated The Spiritual barrier. That barrier is able to protect him but you can see he is still able to fill the impact and that sends him backward. Almost 10 of those Monsters attacked that spiritual barrier at once. This was the reason he was able to feel that strong impact.

But it wasn't over as in the next second he began to get attacked by many more ork Monsters. Naturally those Monsters had only one thing in their mind. They just wanted to kill him as quickly as they could so they are using their full power right now. 

On the other hand everyone of their attack contains The Spiritual energy. Even though he is able to protect himself using the spiritual barrier, even his spiritual barrier begins to show the sign of cracking as it is unable to absorb more damage. Right now almost 50 of those Monsters begin to attack him from every direction.

Sam, at this time just holding on to his ground and doing nothing. First of all he almost exhausted his spiritual energy and at this moment if he wanted to use the teleportation technique then he naturally needed to deactivate the spiritual barrier. That would be dangerous for him and because of this he keeps holding on like this.

But Sam also knew that he did not need to stay like this forever as he could already see the red clouds begin to appear above that place and 15 minutes later fire began to fall down from the sky. The color of those fires that fell down was almost dark red like blood. 

Those Monsters that attacked him previously already sense the danger coming from upward. They instantly know that this was the attack from their opponent and they can also feel the danger. Naturally at this time those remaining Monsters who previously did not attack Sam, already begin to attack upward. 

They already begin to use their spiritual attack to counter attack those fire rain. But naturally even though they were already able to counterattack, many of those fires rained and a huge amount of area got clear but in the next second once again they could see the fire ring that kept falling down.

Naturally from those red clouds fire rain begins to fall down continuously. Even if they destroy a huge amount of fire rain but still the fire rain would not stop falling until they are unable to destroy those red clouds. 

Unfortunately those Monster Steel did not realize that and they still attacked those fire rain to destroy them. Not only that, everyone of those previous Monsters that attacked Sam previously almost stopped attacking him except a few of them. The rest of the Monsters already begin to use their attack toward those fire rains. 

Naturally everyone realized the danger and it would be very dangerous for them if they really got affected by that so they wanted to destroy that attack as quickly as they could. On the other hand Sam who is still present inside the barrier is just smiling. First of all he maintained both of the techniques right now at once and with that until he did not get completely exhausted those fire rains would not stop from falling down.

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