543 Fishing
However, seeing that Ye Xuan’s attitude was very firm, no one could say anything else. They could only nod silently. Then, CEO Zhang Feng pondered for a moment and continued.

“Alright, we’ll do as Chairman Ye says. We have pure green ingredients here, and there’s a bamboo forest at the back of the mountain. We can go pick some bamboo shoots together and cook them.”

As soon as the suggestion was made, all the CEOs agreed.

“Yes, this suggestion is not bad. The fresh bamboo shoots are very tender. They’re soft and delicious when roasted. They’re very good.”

“I agree. It rained for a while last night. There should be a lot of bamboo shoots today.”

“Then let’s do that. What do you think, Chairman Ye?”

Of course, Ye Xuan felt that there was no problem. It was very fun to dig bamboo shoots from the bamboo forest in such good weather. Moreover, fresh bamboo shoots were very refreshing to eat. Of course, there was no reason to reject this suggestion.

“Of course not. Let’s go now.”

With that, he stood up and led his eager sisters out of the villa.

CEO Zhang Feng followed closely behind. After leaving the villa, he stopped Ye Xuan and smiled.

“Chairman Ye, wait for me for a while. I’ll go to the room and get some hoes and small shovels. It’ll be easier to dig later. Some bamboo shoots are buried very deep. It’s really difficult without a shovel.”

With that, he turned around and went to a villa opposite them. The CEOs behind them also quickly returned to their villas. After a while, they returned with a few hoes and small shovels in their hands, just enough for the sisters, Ye Xuan, and each of them.

Then, CEO Zhang Feng led the way and led Ye Xuan and the others along the mountain path to the bamboo forest at the back of the mountain.

This bamboo forest occupied an area of about 2,000 square meters. There was a gentle breeze in the bamboo forest, and there were also the cries of many insects. It had the aura of summer and the smell of nature.

They were used to living in the city. Throughout the seasons, they only felt that the weather was hot or cold. They didn’t experience the feeling of the seasons at all. Because there was too little greenery and it was separated from nature, the city naturally lost the beauty of the seasons.

Only when one was in nature, smelled the fragrance of nature, listened to the cries of insects and birds would one have the feeling that it was really summer. This was truly summer. It was a very enjoyable experience.

At this moment, Ye Xuan enjoyed this aura and took a deep breath of the fragrance of the green bamboo leaves. Then, he let out a long breath and felt refreshed.

Then, he walked into the bamboo forest with a hoe and began to dig up the fresh bamboo shoots buried underground.

The CEOs followed closely behind, but they did not have much experience. They dug around for a long time but could not find a single one. They simply used the method of randomly digging for treasure chests.

After digging for a while, they felt tired and powerless because they had not received any rewards from labor for a long time. They held their hoes and panted gloomily.

Ye Xuan was also happy to see them like this. He walked over and threw a large bag of bamboo shoots in front of them. He smiled and spoke.

“It’s very obvious where there are bamboo shoots. Let me point them out to you, lest you don’t get anything.”

When the CEOs heard this, they immediately smiled. Then, they followed Ye Xuan’s instructions and dug wherever he pointed. There were bamboo shoots wherever they dug. In a short while, they dug a huge box of bamboo shoots, making the CEOs overjoyed. They praised Ye Xuan one after another.

“Aiya, I didn’t expect Chairman Ye to have such an understanding of digging bamboo shoots. It’s only been a while, but the harvest is already much greater than before. As expected of Chairman Ye.”

“We only have bamboo shoots to eat because we followed Chairman Ye. We old fellows just dug randomly. We dug for a long time but didn’t even see the tip of a bamboo shoot. I’m really ashamed.”

“Chairman Ye is really discerning. You can tell at a glance where there are bamboo shoots and where there are none. I’m impressed.”

“Alright, there are so many of us. These boxes of bamboo shoots should be enough for us to eat, right?”

“That’s definitely enough. A few shoots are enough to stir-fry a plate of bamboo shoots. These few boxes are definitely enough.”

“Then let’s call it a day, Chairman Ye.”

Ye Xuan nodded. They had indeed dug too many bamboo shoots, but there were so many people. It should be suitable.

Therefore, he put away the hoe and small shovel and waved at his sisters, who were already exhausted and lying on the ground.

“Let’s go, sisters. There’s enough for us to eat.”


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When the sisters heard this, they heaved a sigh of relief. Then, they carried the boxes on their backs and held the hoes. They followed Ye Xuan down the mountain, preparing to return to the villa to rest.
However, as soon as they went down the mountain and passed by the pond, a grass carp as thick as a burly man’s arm suddenly jumped up from the calm water in the pond. This sudden shock frightened their sisters so much that their feet slipped and they almost fell into the water.

“That scared me to death. I was wondering what it was. It turned out to be a big fish. I was so frightened that I almost fell into the water.”

“Me too. I almost fell in. No, we have to think of a way to capture it and eat it to teach it a lesson.”

“Little Brother, let’s fish. Do you have a fishing rod? There are quite a lot of big fish in this pond. It’s a pity not to eat them.”

When Ye Xuan heard his sisters say this, he also looked at the big fish that would jump up from time to time in the pond. He was instantly interested. Just as he was about to ask the bosses if they had fishing rods, he heard CEO Zhang Feng speak excitedly.

“Yes, yes, there’s a fishing rod. I’ll go get it now.”

With that, he carried the box of bamboo shoots and walked quickly towards the villa.

The other CEOs also quickly followed CEO Zhang Feng back to the villa to get fishing rods. It could be seen that they were very excited. They probably fished often and were veteran fishers.

After a while, the CEOs each returned with a fishing rod bag in their hands. They were all luxurious custom-made super high-end fishing rods. They also had some bait.

“Chairman Ye! We’re here. Hehe, there are many fishing rods and bait. Moreover, there are earthworms in the fields here. We don’t have to worry about bait at all!”

Ye Xuan was also happy to hear this. It was as if they were afraid that he would stop fishing because there was not enough bait. Once he stopped fishing, everyone would be too embarrassed to fish again. Wouldn’t their happiness be gone?

Ye Xuan understood this logic. It was just that the CEOs didn’t know him well, but they would have time to slowly understand him in the future.

At this moment, the CEOs had already arrived in front of Ye Xuan by the pond. They opened the bag of fishing rods. Then, they distributed a high-end sea rod and many baits to Ye Xuan and his sisters.

As it was an outdoor activity for fun, the bosses all had an unwritten rule. They were not allowed to use groundbait, and they were not allowed to use barbs. They all used gentlemanly fishing methods. If they could catch a fish, they deserved it. If they couldn’t, they shouldn’t curse.


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