542 Eating
Ye Xuan thought about it. Since he had nothing to do, he could go wherever he wanted. A resort in the suburbs sounded pretty good.

Hence, he replied to the microphone on his cell phone.

“Okay, sure. I’ll go tomorrow. Just send the address to my phone.”

With that, he hung up the phone and got up. He walked through the information exchange network in the living room formed by his sisters, who were excitedly chatting about the feel of a Ferrari. He came to a rocking chair on the 50 square meter-large courtyard balcony and sat down, enjoying the comfortable breeze.

The next morning.

Before dawn, Ye Xuan got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. After changing, he went to the living room.

Breakfast had already been arranged by his father, Ye Hongliang, and filled the entire dining table. There were stir-fried liver and steamed dumplings from Tianjing, as well as a famous snack from Shanghai, pan-fried pork buns, and dumplings in chili oil from Sichuan. There was a dazzling array of food, and the fragrance spread throughout the entire living room. Anyone who smelled it would be tempted, and their stomachs would stir.

At this moment, his mother, Sun Xiaoqin, and father, Ye Hongliang, had already finished their breakfast and went out to the park to do tai chi. His sisters had just woken up and were woken up by the fragrance of breakfast. They were wearing cute pajamas and looked sleepy, giving off a lazy beauty.

Ye Xuan didn’t hold back. After sitting down, he took a bite of the pan-fried buns, a bite of the soup dumplings, and a bite of the dumplings in chili oil. He ate until the aftertaste lingered in his mouth. It was really a very satisfying thing.

Meanwhile, his sisters seemed much more reserved. They chewed slowly and leisurely tasted the food. They enjoyed it very much.

After a while, everyone ate until their stomachs were round. They rubbed their round stomachs and leaned against the back of the chair to rest comfortably.

Ye Xuan was also a little full. He got up and rested on the sofa for a while before speaking to his sisters.

“Let’s change after resting. We’re going to a resort to play later. The journey will take two hours. If we’re late, we won’t be able to make it in time for lunch.”

The sisters yawned and stretched. Without saying anything, they got up and returned to their rooms. They took a shower, changed their clothes, and put on makeup. It took them a full hour to finish.

However, when they came out, everyone looked more energetic. They were no longer as lazy as when they had just woken up.

Ye Xuan looked at his sisters and nodded. Then, he stood up and walked to the door. He took the elevator down and went straight to the Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended edition.

After all, there were mountain roads in the suburbs. The height of Ferrari sports cars was too low, so it was really not suitable. A Rolls-Royce was fine, so they took the Rolls-Royce together.

The breeze in the morning was especially refreshing. It was only 6.30 in the morning. The sun had just risen, and the warm light shone on everyone, making them look very warm and comfortable. It made their sisters close their eyes comfortably and enjoy this unique quiet time.

Before long, two hours passed quietly. The tall buildings in Tianjing City, the noisy sounds of cars on the road, and the discussions of pedestrians had already disappeared. In their place was the greenery of the forest and the crisp cries of birds.

After driving along the mountain path for about ten minutes, a huge resort appeared in front of them.

The village extended down the stairs of the hill. It was filled with villas built in a combination of European and Chinese styles. Each of the villas occupied an area of more than 600 square meters and had independent gardens, garages, and swimming pool designs. They looked a little out of place in the surrounding environment, but they also looked extremely professional. It was obvious that they had been created by a professional designer.

At the bottom of the stairs was a small river formed by a few ponds. At a glance, it was extremely beautiful. It simply looked like the residence of a person who had seen through the mortal world and lived in seclusion.

When the custom-made Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended edition arrived at the village entrance, many CEOs were already standing at the village entrance and waiting respectfully. Zhang Feng was the first to bear the brunt. When he saw that the custom-made Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended edition had arrived, he immediately welcomed it and personally pulled open the back seat. He warmly welcomed them.

“Chairman Ye, welcome. This place is a little far from Tianjing City. A journey of two hours is indeed quite tiring, and Chairman Ye must be tired. However, the scenery here is indeed not bad.”

Ye Xuan got out of the car and shook hands with Zhang Feng. Then, he looked up at the scenery and joked with Zhang Feng,

“CEO Zhang must have seen through the mortal world and created such a fairy-like place here.”


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The elevation here was slightly higher. Furthermore, it was a mountain village. Because of the environment and the fact that it was early, the surrounding fog had not completely dissipated, giving off a very fairy-like feeling.
When Zhang Feng heard Ye Xuan’s words, he smiled and continued.

“Hehehe, Chairman Ye, you must be joking. However, if the company incurs losses again and the securities and stocks fall again, I really have to consider whether I should break away from the mortal world and become a monk.”

As soon as CEO Zhang finished speaking, the CEOs behind him stepped forward and shook hands with Ye Xuan.

“Chairman Ye, welcome, welcome. Miss Ye, welcome.”

“I, Old Li, also became a shareholder of this resort. In the end, I lost so much that I don’t even have my trouser pockets. I was tricked by Old Zhang, so I could only keep it for us old fellows to play with. With Chairman Ye’s help, the feeling here is simply different.”

“Hehehe, I’ve been looking forward to meeting Chairman Ye. We old fellows came here early in the morning after breakfast. Chairman Ye is indeed efficient and arrived very quickly.”

“Alright, alright. It’s not good to stand here like a fool. Come, Chairman Ye, Miss Ye. Let’s go arrange our accommodation first.”

Zhang Feng dispersed the small talk. Then, he gestured for Ye Xuan and his sisters to follow him to a villa with the best lighting and viewing.

This villa occupied an area of nearly 1,000 square meters. The front yard was filled with all kinds of flowers, and the lawn was neat and clean. There was even a small stream that led to the outside and a Chinese pavilion. It looked very beautiful. Even the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Ye Xuan glanced at the renovation style of the villa and nodded in admiration. Then, he walked into the villa and sat on the sofa that was as soft as sand.

The sisters followed closely behind, followed by Zhang Feng and the other CEOs.

As soon as he sat down, CEO Zhang spoke.

“Chairman Ye, let’s go out for lunch today. There’s a common canteen in this village. The chef was specially hired from Bashu. The taste is very good.”

“Let’s eat at this villa. I won’t let the CEOs spend money.”

Ye Xuan immediately replied, but this sentence made things difficult for everyone. After all, the chairman of the Dinglong Corporation was here. How could they not treat him to a meal?


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