Chapter 391: Poisoned

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Tian Zao, seeing the heavy snowfall, deemed it unnecessary to water the fields, so the villagers’ labor for the day was suspended.

Jiang Chuan, of course, was even more delighted. With the addition of the snow, the water in the wells would increase, diluting the interspace water so that there would be no concern about the seeds growing too quickly!

Moreover, the villagers had already watered the fields in the morning. With the protection of the interspace water, there was no need to worry that the cold weather would damage the seeds. Jiang Chuan was aware of this, but the villagers were not, so they were still anxious.

With nothing much to do in the village for the entire afternoon, everyone stayed indoors to keep warm by the fire or gathered on the street to chat. The most common topic of discussion was whether the seeds would be able to germinate in such cold weather.

The snow lasted longer than expected. Although it was light, the village’s dirt roads were soaked and became muddy. Walking on such muddy roads, covered in mud, was very uncomfortable.

Even the children, who usually loved to play outside, stayed obediently at home to avoid getting dirty.

Despite the inconveniences, the snow brought endless hope to people during such a dry season.

Shen Mo and the troops were also quietly stationed deep in the mountains, not disturbing the villagers.

However, after just a few days of quiet, something happened.

One afternoon, when there was no work at the commune, Jiang Chuan sat at home leisurely reading a book. It was a literary book borrowed from Jiang Xia.

Jiang Chuan mostly read political and economic books in the past and seldom delved into literature. Today, with some rare free time, he was engrossed in the book, thoroughly enchanted.

Zhou Lan and Jiang Xia were in the courtyard pickling vegetables and discussing what to have for dinner. Jiang Xia wanted to stir-fry the green-tailed shrimps from the interspace, and Zhou Lan was pondering what vegetables would go well with the shrimp.

Jiang Gu was focused on playing with a snowman the size of a palm. The snowflakes had hardened, no longer the fluffy snowflakes they once were, and were even showing signs of melting.

Suddenly, a frantic knocking came from the door, accompanied by Shen Mo’s loud shout, “Uncle Jiang, something terrible has happened, come out quickly and see!”

Jiang Chuan, absorbed in his reading, was startled by the interruption, causing him to almost drop the book. Annoyed, he went to open the door, ready to scold the boy. But seeing Shen Mo’s panicked, disheveled appearance, with his hair in disarray and his face smudged with dirt, he knew something serious must have occurred.

He didn’t have time to invite Shen Mo in, instead, he hurriedly asked, “What happened? Catch your breath and speak slowly..”

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