Chapter 390: Secretly Watering

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

A moment later, the village chief’s wife realized that she had lost her composure and smiled awkwardly. “Aside from that, he didn’t eat anything else.”

Jiang Chuan continued to inquire, “Did you and the village chief both eat these mushrooms?”

The village chief’s wife shook her head, “Good things are scarce these days. The village chief has so much work to do in the future, I didn’t want to compete with him for it. He ate all the mushrooms, and I sent the leftovers to the neighbors. Their child is just over three years old, a time when it’s crucial to eat well, so I gave them to them.”

The village chief’s family were good-hearted people. Even when they themselves had little to eat, they still thought of others, which made Jiang Chuan feel for them.

Possibly out of a growing suspicion, Jiang Chuan, unsure of why, pressed on, “How is the neighbor’s child now?”

The village chief’s wife thought carefully, “I haven’t seen him for a few days. These past days, I’ve been so busy taking care of my husband, I haven’t had the time to go outside. But in this cold weather, who would want to go out? The child is probably bundled up at home.”

Jiang Chuan asked further, “Do you have any of the wild mushrooms left at home?”

The village chief’s wife laughed, “No, there aren’t any left. Those mushrooms weren’t enough; they were all used up in one meal.”

Jiang Xia said, “Second sister is going to do hard and tiring work. Mom doesn’t want you to suffer, can’t you understand mom’s concern?”

Hearing it was out of concern for her, Jiang Gu immediately brightened up, “Then I won’t go.”

Adding interspace water to the wells wasn’t a big task, so the three of them finished in just over an hour.

Concerned that the seeds might not thrive, Jiang Xia couldn’t resist adding a bit more interspace water than necessary. Only after they had treated all five wells with interspace water did they return home contentedly.

The next day, Jiang Chuan heard some troubling news at the commune; due to the ongoing drought, the water levels in the wells were dropping, and there soon wouldn’t be enough water to irrigate the fields for much longer.

Jiang Chuan wasn’t so much worried about the lack of water for the fields, but rather that Jiang Xia, in her generosity the previous night, had added too much interspace water.

If the interspace water was used in excess, the fear was that the corn seeds might mature too quickly, raising suspicions among the villagers. Rapidly growing corn seeds might end up being avoided by everyone, which would be a case of good intentions leading to an undesirable outcome.

However, Jiang Chuan’s concerns were short-lived and soon resolved.

One might say Jiang Chuan was extremely lucky; as soon as he harbored these worries, the sky grew overcast in the afternoon, and not long after, small snowflakes began to drift down.

Although the snowfall was light, it persisted for a long time, falling throughout the entire afternoon without a break..

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