Seoul Object Story

Chapter 106: Cruise Ship (7)

Reaper (MC) POV:


While slowly following the direction where the Blue Reaper's movements were felt, an urgent signal was sensed from the Blue Reaper.

<A suspicious Object has appeared!>

It seemed a bit urgent.

A message that seemed a little frightened.

Upon receiving the Blue Reaper's signal and rushing over, what was discovered was the sight of the Blue Reaper in agony.

Upon discovering that sight, nothing else was visible.

The gigantic old lady or the mysterious cave was not in mind at all.

I eroded reality into the garden, forgetting that I was looking for the Blue Witch's Mirror.

And just like that, the Blue Reaper ended up in my hands.

She had her eyes tightly shut and was trembling violently.

Lines of text kept appearing and disappearing in the empty space repeatedly.

The Blue Reaper, repeatedly pleading 'It hurts' in agony.

As I fed her flame, her torn arm slowly began to regenerate.

The Blue Reaper seems quite different from the Golden Reaper.

She was peculiar from the way she flew around and used magic.

First of all, her regeneration speed was significantly slower than the Golden Reaper's.

Moreover, despite not being a powerful Object that the old ladies could tear apart with physical immunity, she seemed to lack physical immunity judging from her injuries.

The expressions of the Golden Reapers that had gathered around also looked like they were watching a younger sibling who was prone to injury and needed to be cared for delicately.

Once her arm fully regenerated, the Blue Reaper immediately lost consciousness and fell asleep.

I stroked the Blue Reaper's furrowed brow as if she were having a nightmare until her expression became relaxed while she was asleep.

After gently placing the Blue Reaper, now sleeping with a relaxed expression, on a marshmallow, I reversed the garden's encroachment and returned to the lakeside.

Rest there, I'll avenge you soon.

For the Blue Reaper's peaceful slumber, I decided to deal with the old ladies at the lake.

Well, there's no need to use spatial manipulation against mere Objects like them.

The cocoa, marshmallows, and cookies that had filled the world vanished without a trace, and the dark night sky and vast lake reappeared before us once more.

There was a gigantic old lady and three others about the same size as the last one.

Since she mentioned having sisters, those must be the 'sisters'.

The old ladies who had been trembling while looking at me regained their composure upon returning to the familiar lakeside.

The gigantic old lady who met my gaze spoke with a tense expression.

[I did not realize that small creature was one of your subordinates. Please forgive me...]

No matter where I looked at the old ladies and gigantic old lady, I could not see a mirror.

Could it be that these old ladies are not the Blue Witch?

When I remained silent and just stared, the gigantic old lady changed her tone slightly and spoke in an overbearing manner.

[Surely you would not oppose the Blue Moon over such a trivial matter?]

As the gigantic old lady spread her arms wide, the blue moon reflected on the water's surface expanded massively, filling the entire lake.

It seemed to fill the lake with the blue moon.

The enormous blue moon looked as if light was gushing out of it.

The force felt from it was not insignificant either.

[The Blue Moon is immortal. You must have sensed this power.]

The gigantic old lady, having shed her subservient expression, now wore a confident expression.

Her expression implied that since I had sensed the power of the Blue Moon, I had no choice but to back down.

Acting so arrogant over just that much?

Even if you commanded a thousand Lophiomuses, I cannot forgive you for harming my frail youngest.

All I can give you is eternal destruction.

With a grim expression, I summoned the Golden Reaper.

No matter where I turned my gaze, front, back, left or right, it was filled with the sight of Golden Reapers, causing the old ladies to panic.

[You fools! Don't panic!]

The gigantic old lady scolded the panicked old ladies.

Baring her shark-like sharp teeth, the gigantic old lady growled while gnashing them.

[So you intend to fight after all? As long as the Blue Moon exists, witches too are immortal. You will surely come to regret this. You and everything precious to you will forever fear the night and shadows!]

Despite the gigantic old lady's ominous warning, the Golden Reapers began closing the distance step by step.

Seeing this, the gigantic old lady let out a loud curse.

[You shall all melt into a puddle of blood!]

The Golden Reapers struck by the shockwave of the manifested black curse.

But it had no effect at all. fгeewebnovё

The old lady's curse dispersed and lost its power the moment it touched the Golden Reaper's skin.

[You all shall not be able to see ahead.]

[Your limbs will all be twisted and unable to move properly!]

The old lady's gnarled hands waved through the air, casting curses at the Golden Reaper.

The old lady's face, distorted with rage and fear, was in stark contrast to the Golden Reaper's calm face.

The old ladies tried negotiating at times and spewing curses, but the Golden Reapers simply kept advancing forward with small steps.

Finally, seeing the old lady cornered to the point of being unable to move, I clapped my hands.


At the signal, the Golden Reapers charged in unison.

It was a faster and more intense charge than usual, perhaps due to the Blue Reaper's vengeance.

[You cannot harm me!]

[You will scream in pain from the slightest breeze!]

Even as they were gruesomely torn apart by the Golden Reaper, the old ladies did not give up and continued chanting curses.


[Save me!]

But the frequency of the curses gradually decreased, while the frequency of screams increased, until eventually no sound came out at all.

All that remained were gruesome piles of flesh and blood.

[You will regret this...]

The last curse flowed out from that pile of flesh and blood.

But it was useless.


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3rd Person POV:


Black Agent slowly regained his senses in the quiet silence.

The moonlight pouring in through the ceiling opening, the dimly glowing crystals.

It was the same cave where Black Agent had lost consciousness, but the atmosphere was completely different.

The blue lady who had exuded an immense presence was nowhere to be seen.

Where is the young lady?

Black Agent could see a blonde girl lying quietly under the moonlight.

The girl's figure bathed in the blue moonlight looked utterly serene,

as if she were just sleeping, exuding a calm atmosphere.

With an expression mixed with hope and fear, Black Agent rushed to the girl's side.

He knelt beside the girl and held her in his arms.

Outwardly, the girl seemed unharmed.

No injuries, and she was breathing peacefully.

"My lady! Are you alright?"

The man's voice echoed faintly through the cave, breaking the heavy silence that had engulfed it.

"Ah, uncle. You're here."

The girl opened her eyes with a weak smile on her face.

Her two blue-glowing eyes took in Black Agent's appearance.

Sensing something from the girl's expression, Black Agent tried to say something, but the girl's feeble voice began to speak instead.

"I should have listened to your words, uncle. I failed."

As the girl began speaking, a change also began to occur in her body.

Blood started gushing from the area around her heart, which had been uninjured before.

"The Object that grants the wish does grant it, you know. But with so many, so many conditions attached to the contract, I thought it would be okay..."

A wound as if stabbed by a sharp knife suddenly appeared on the girl, and blood poured out from there.

No matter how Black Agent tried to stop it, the wound was too deep.

"I wanted to go play together, no matter the clan, grandfather, or the Objects..."

The blonde girl looked somewhere with unfocused blue eyes and stopped breathing.

Closing the girl's eyes, Black Agent stood up, cradling her in his arms.

There must be a way, surely.

Even if he had to beg that woman for a wish again.


Reaper (MC) POV:


Near the cave in Yangcheon District, by the lakeside.

I was cleaning up the piles of flesh and blood left from the old ladies.

The Blue Reaper, who had regained consciousness, also helped clean up after the old ladies.

<Let them all burn and turn to ashes!>

<Let everything burn and turn to ashes!>

<Make sure they burn completely and turn to ashes!>

The Blue Reaper's text strings charred the old ladies' corpses black, while the Golden Reapers dug the ground diligently.

This was necessary to fulfill the destruction requirements of the old ladies.

The destruction condition for all the old ladies was the same, <Burn to ashes and bury in the ground>

There was something strange?

Inside the corpse of the giant old lady, I found a peculiar Object that would not turn to ashes.

A red heart that endlessly spewed flames.

It seemed to be a fairly high-level Object, as its destruction condition was also unusual.

<Make the heart stop beating and submerge it in water>

Thump thump.

As I watched the faintly beating heart, the Golden Reapers had finished their work on the old ladies.

They covered them with soil, burying the ashes securely. I felt my abilities drastically changing.

The Blue Reaper multiplied.

Ten of them.

Quite a rapid increase in number.

But how many more old ladies would I need to catch to multiply them as much as the Golden Reapers?

It doesn't seem like there are any more old ladies in this lake...

The Golden Reapers, delighted by the increase in Blue Reapers, surrounded and hugged them joyfully, making a fuss.

It was such a warm welcome that I worried the Blue Reapers might be crushed.

Seemingly overwhelmed by the infinite kindness emanating from the lively Golden Reapers, the Blue Reapers didn't know what to do.

Eventually, unable to endure it, the Blue Reapers pulled their hats down and fled into the sky.

As I was watching the adorable mini Reapers, I suddenly sensed an anomaly in the lake.

Simultaneously with the feeling of an Object's presence, the mirror-like calm surface of the lake began to swirl.

Is the Blue Witch finally appearing?


3rd Person POV:


While resting at an inn in Yangcheon District after arriving at the lake, I felt the ground shaking.

The ground was rumbling.

It wasn't a major tremor, but it was definitely noticeable.

The tattooed woman, startled, rushed out of the inn.

Could it be that the lake monster has already appeared?

A massive, extremely massive monster emerged from the surface of the lake.

The guardian of the lake, called the Lake Serpent.

Perhaps following a famous legend on Earth, it was named,


The serpentine monster that emerged with the vast lake of Yangcheon District as its root appeared taller than any building.

It was gigantic, as if piercing the sky, a monster made of water.

"Haha, why is the Lake Serpent already..."

The woman muttered to herself with a dejected tone.

The crystal needed to subdue that serpent is not ready yet.

It will take about a day.

One day was enough time for the cursed Hydra, which had been ravaging Seoul, to turn the entire city into ruins.

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