Seoul Object Story

Chapter 105: Cruise Ship (6)

3rd Person POV:


In a crystal cave emanating a mysterious light, a black operative lay unconscious on the cold, hard floor.

The faint glow spreading from the crystal cave walls illuminated the man's distorted expression and tattered clothes.

In front of him stood a blonde girl with a determined yet anxious look, guarding the black agent.

[Make a contract with me and I'll turn you back into a human.]

A woman leaned forward in front of the girl, whispering a tempting offer.

[What do you say? Interested?]

The woman's eyes shone with a cunning light, her lips twisted into a dangerous smile.

The black agent, in his dazed state of mind, heard the ominous conversation ringing in his ears.

Making a deal with a deceitful Object that could speak human language was absolutely forbidden.

The black agent snapped his eyes open in shock, regaining his senses.

He struggled to get up and cried out in a hoarse voice,

"Miss, you absolutely cannot do that!"

At the man's words, a hint of hesitation crossed the girl's face.

"Don't you know, Miss? You must never make deals with speaking Objects. The price is horrific, and you won't get what you want."

Sprawled on the floor, the man hurriedly blurted out words to persuade the blonde girl.


The woman, who had been quietly listening to the man, put a finger to her lips and said,

[Don't interfere, just sleep for a while.]

The woman's words took physical form, sending the black agent back into a deep slumber.

"Ah... Miss."

Beautiful in appearance but undoubtedly a horrific monster, an Object.

And in front of it stood the defiant blonde girl.

Taking in this sight, the black agent lost consciousness.


Piercing through the thick, swirling mist enveloping Yangcheon District's lake, the moonlight struggled to reach the water's surface.

The mist-shrouded lake seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for something.

And slicing through that anticipation, monsters oozing black slime charged towards the lake from a parked truck on the shore.

As if they had lost all reason.

[The earth will tear at your feet!]

[Your bones will not bear their own weight!]

From the lake, grotesquely twisted old women emerged slowly through the mist, spewing curses freēwēbηovel.c૦m

The black slime-oozing monsters seemed vastly outmatched against the curse-chanting old women.

With each curse the old women uttered, the monsters burned, melted, or were sucked into the ground.

But the monsters, appearing to have forgotten fear, simply charged relentlessly towards the lake.

Watching from afar, a man gave a satisfied smile at the monsters.

"At this rate, the heart of the lake will be in our hands. The brain-extracted researchers really listen well."


However, a change occurred for the old women, who had seemed to have the upper hand.

As the black slime flowed into the lake, black spots began appearing on the old women's hands and feet.

The more spots appeared, the more agonized the old women became, and the more slime polluted the lake.

Watching this, the man started returning to his parked vehicle.

"It's over. As expected, smooth sailing again this time. I'll go ahead, have the butler stay behind to retrieve the heart of the lake."

"Yes, understood, Director."

After seeing off the departing director, the butler stood silently by the lakeshore, gazing at the mist-filled lake.


But the atmosphere of the battlefield, where victory had seemed within reach, began to gradually shift.

It started with the fear-devoid researchers stopping in their tracks.

They tried to charge forward, but their steps wouldn't carry them, twisting their bodies in apparent agony. fearless researchers were afraid?

From beyond the mist, a yellow-glowing gaze swayed closer.

tak tak tak~

The brisk footsteps of a child out for a stroll.

A Reaper with gray skin and yellow, glowing eyes.

Watching the trembling Objects, the Gray Reaper smiled.

Spreading its arms wide, small golden Reapers tore through space and appeared, charging forward.

An overwhelming violence that crushed everything it touched.

Even the researchers, who should not feel fear, panicked and fled in all directions.

The old women hid their bodies in the mist, retreating deep into the lake.

Seeing the yellow eyes staring piercingly at them, he understood the researchers' fears.

That thing is...

The Gray Reaper is something Objects can never defeat.


Reaper (MC) POV:


The lakeshore was turned into a mess by the black slime.

If I had lungs, the stench would be so overpowering that I'd suffocate.

Fortunately, I don't have lungs.

The Golden Reapers that eliminated all the harmful enemies fled from the dreadful smell.

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This slime has been appearing frequently lately, but where does it keep oozing out from?

If the cause is found, I'll tear off its limbs...

There were no corpses of the old women by the lakeshore.

It's only natural since I deliberately let them go.

No matter how I look at it, they seem related to the 'Blue Witch', so I purposely didn't capture those eerie old ladies.

I had a feeling that if I let them go, they'd flee to where the 'Blue Witch' is.

The one in charge of tracking them is our newbie Blue Reaper who can fly.

Since I've eliminated all the enemies at the lakeshore, I slowly made my way to where the Blue Reaper is.


3rd Person POV:


On the bus heading to Yangcheon District's lake, a tattooed woman sat with an uncomfortable expression.

The bus was filled with lively chatter and laughter from excited passengers.

Despite the late hour, the passengers' anticipation showed no signs of waning.

"Sis, what should we do first when we get there?"

Her younger sister's eyes sparkled with expectation.

The woman said while chewing on a bitter leaf,

"First, we should check out the cave."

"Ah, you looked into Yangcheon Lake too, sis! I heard the cave there is really cool."

The woman gave a wry smile looking at her expectant younger sister.

There was a high probability that the sightseeing her sister hoped for would not happen.

Lifting the crystal in her hand, the woman thought,

That traitor won't just overlook the lake.

The lake will turn black, and the serpent of the lake will fall into the traitor's hands.

The nine-headed serpent cannot be defeated without this crystal.

Absolutely not.

Gazing at the swirling white flames inside the crystal, the woman steeled her resolve.


The Blue Reaper, riding on a broom made of water, chased after the fleeing old women.

Gripped by terror, the old women thrashed about on the water's surface, causing ripples.

They kept glancing back over their shoulders as if monsters from the abyss were pursuing them.

Without exchanging any words, they just kept fleeing towards somewhere.

Only their ragged breaths and the sounds of treading on the water's surface echoed across the tranquil lake.

The seemingly endless flight halted when they reached the cave entrance.

The old women, their expressions somewhat relieved, gathered in front of the cave and began conversing as if to dispel their fear.

[We barely survived]

[Why did such a monster appear?]

[Could it be because of that thing that the youngest didn't return??]

As the old women with skin mottled by the black slime chattered in front of the cave, mist spewed out from deep inside.

And within that mist, a massive silhouette appeared.

Thud. Thud.

With heavy footsteps, the silhouette parted the mist.

It was a gigantic monster that seemed to have doubled the size of the old ladies.

[How noisy.]

At the sight of the monster, the chattering old women stopped talking and stiffened.

Seeing the Object with an overwhelming presence, the Blue Reaper sent a signal to the Gray Reaper.

Lines of text adorning the empty space.

<A suspicious Object has appeared!>

However, the signal sent by the Blue Reaper was easily observed by the old ladies.

Realizing this, the Blue Reaper tried to flee, but the gigantic old lady, moving at an astonishing speed contrary to her massive size, grabbed the Blue Reaper.

<Ah... It hurts! Let me go!>

The Blue Reaper struggled to break free, but could not escape.

[What an interesting creature. Not our sister, yet wielding a similar power.]

Thud thud.

The hand striking down to break free from the old lady's grip.

Watching that hand, the old lady simply grabbed and tore it off.


The Blue Reaper let out a silent scream with an expression filled with pain.

[Kukukukuku. How amusing. I didn't expect such an entertaining child to appear. Child, shall we make a wager? If you win the wager, I'll let you go.]

Watching the Blue Reaper shedding tears as its arm was torn off, the old lady gave an evil laugh.

Then suddenly,

The world transformed.

[What? What is this?]

The damp lakeshore was nowhere to be seen, and the cute child gripped in her hand disappeared.

And what was visible was....

A sea of chocolate.

Clouds of marshmallows.

Golden small Objects that appeared to be extremely enraged.

And finally, a gray monster glaring at her while cradling the blue child.


T/N: Angwyy!!!

By the way, I will change the reaper's pronoun to 'she' since she looks like a female, right?

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