Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 281 - Chapter 281: Chapter 273: Master Bi Shui

Chapter 281: Chapter 273: Master Bi Shui

Translator: 549690339

Dragging a trail of red escaping light, He Song continued to fly hundreds of miles forward.

It was only after some time had passed before he descended once more.

He then used the Earth Tunneling Skill to advance another hundred miles forward.

By the time he soared into the sky again, the escaping light he had transformed into had turned aqua blue once more.

When outside, it’s always better to keep a low profile.

The red escaping light was too eye-catching.

When He Song travelled in his red escaping light form, every glance he cast saw countless mortal cultivators looking at him with extreme envy.

It was uncertain how many of those gazes were various informants.

This was why, after flying several hundred miles while dragging his red escaping light, he quickly descended again and transformed his escaping light back to aqua blue.

As soon as the aqua blue escaping light appeared, the attention He Song received diminished countless times.

Almost no one would notice him in the high sky anymore.

Moreover, since there was a distance of hundreds of miles between the locations where the two different colored escaping lights appeared, it was unlikely anyone would connect them.

Once He Song transformed into aqua blue escaping light and left the influence of Heaven Power Immortal City, he quickly arrived at the range of Mountain Immortal City’s influence.

He Song continued to move forward without stopping at the location of Mountain Immortal City.

This time, his purpose for leaving Heaven Power Immortal City was to sell Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs and to purchase spirit medicine for refining Earth Spirit Elixirs.

He definitely needed to be further away from Heaven Power Immortal City.

Mountain Immortal City was too close to Heaven Power Immortal City and was not a suitable location.

He Song already had a destination in mind.

At present, the Thick Earth Sect had a total of eight Immortal Cities.

Four of these cities originally belonged to the Seven Star Sect.

The other four were the Immortal Cities that the Thick Earth Sect had always had.

These four Immortal Cities are situated to the east, west, south, and north of the Thick Earth Sect’s mountain gate.

To the north was naturally the Mountain Immortal City where He Song was currently located.

To the east was the Green Wall Immortal City, where He Song had previously spent a considerable amount of time.

To the west was the Eight-Direction Immortal City, which He Song had never set foot in.

As for the south, it was the Ghost Road Immortal City that He Song had not yet visited either.

This time, He Song’s destination was the Ghost Road Immortal City, situated at the southernmost end of the Thick Earth Sect’s influence. Ghost Road Immortal City bordered the Jade Flower Sect.

The Jade Flower Sect was also a righteous sect.

Therefore, even if He Song personally went to Ghost Road Immortal City, it was unlikely he would encounter any danger.

This area did not border the Demon Sect and was in the heartland of the

Righteous Alliance, closer to the Sun Faction. So, safety was relatively assured.

At the same time, Ghost Road Immortal City was far away from Heaven Power Immortal City, ensuring that news of He Song’s sale of elixirs wouldn’t quickly reach there.

In this way, the news of He Song selling elixirs in Ghost Road Immortal City would not spread quickly.

Even if it did, it would take some time.

By the time this news reached Heaven Power Immortal City, He Song would have already returned there, pretending he had never left.

On his journey,

He Song repeatedly pondered the various risks of his trip in his mind. Upon determining that the risks were virtually non-existent,

He Song’s figure quickly crossed the range of Mountain Immortal City’s influence, bypassed the location of the Thick Earth Sect’s mountain gate, and hurriedly flew towards Ghost Road Immortal City.

Half a month later,

After a long journey,

He Song’s disheveled figure appeared dozens of miles outside Ghost Road Immortal City.

Descending dozens of miles away and confirming that there were no anomalies within Ghost Road Immortal City, He Song began his various disguises.

As usual, He Song put on a black robe, changed his appearance and body shape, and adjusted the aura of his cultivation realm.

However, this time, He Song just suppressed the aura of his cultivation to the Foundation Establishment Early Stage.

He did not suppress it to the Qi Refining stage.

After checking everything and finding no flaws, He Song immediately set up three Array Skills in the area.

Smoke Array.

Seven Kills Heaven Fire Array.

Sea-Stabilizing and Spirit-Orienting Array.

With these three Array Skills set up, He Song’s heart immediately felt much more at ease.

Controlling the three Array Skills to cover the surrounding area, He Song placed all the necessary items for battle within easy reach.

Should he be under attack, he could react immediately and counterattack.

Only after all of this was done did He Song rise into the air again, transforming into a streak of red escaping light, heading towards Ghost Road Immortal City.

Setting up Array Skills in this location,

As well as revealing his cultivation realm at the Foundation Establishment Early Stage, were decisions He Song had made after careful consideration.

If a Qi-refining late-stage cultivator were to sell a large number of Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs in one go, anyone would likely harbor murderous intentions.

Moreover, it would be too conspicuous.

If the person receiving He Song saw him as only a Qi-refining late-stage cultivator, yet he was selling so many Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs, They would inevitably notify the people behind them.

In that case, the information would be passed along layer by layer, and perhaps the entire Immortal City would be shaken by the news.

Once everyone knew that a small Qi-refining cultivator with only the Qi Refining stage had arrived carrying many Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs,

What would those Foundation Establishment Clans do?

By then, the people attracted would not be just one or two Foundation Establishment Masters.

Even if He Song revealed his Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation at that time, under these circumstances, those from the Foundation Establishment Clans might still take risks.

After all, things have reached this point, and those who should have been offended have all been offended.

However, if a Foundation Establishment Master comes to sell the Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs in this Ghost Road Immortal City, besides those four Mid-stage Foundation Establishment Master Guardians, other people probably don’t have the guts to go against them.

After all, that’s a Foundation Establishment Master.

Moreover, one who is able to bring out many Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs to sell.

Ordinary people from the Foundation Establishment Clans would not want to completely offend a Foundation Establishment Master over this matter.

Who knows where this Foundation Establishment Master who comes to sell Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs is from?

Who knows what kind of identity this Foundation Establishment Master who comes to sell Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs has?

Who knows how strong or weak this Foundation Establishment Master who comes to sell Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs is?

Who knows…

Ultimately, the most crucial point is.

Nobody knows whether this Foundation Establishment Master is a loner or not.

As for those Foundation Establishment Masters who can feed themselves and their families, hardly any Foundation Establishment Clan would be foolish enough to completely offend them.

Because if the encirclement fails, the consequences could be a huge blow to the clan.

It may even result in the whole clan being wiped out, except for the Foundation Establishment Master.

If it comes to that point, regret may be too late.

For a Foundation Establishment Master.

He may not be strong enough to compete with others.

But when it comes to running away and acting against Qi Refining stage cultivators, there certainly wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

To kill a Foundation Establishment Master, at least several people must surround and attack, and it may not even be possible to kill them.

If the snake is not killed, then the consequences will surely backfire.

Therefore, in the face of an incoming Foundation Establishment Master, in this Ghost Road Immortal City, few people would probably have any bad intentions.

Even if they do, they would need to consider whether it’s worth it.

It is for this reason that He Song reveals his Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivation at this moment.

Instead of pretending to be a Qi-refining cultivator and conspicuously selling Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs in the Ghost Road Immortal City, it would be better to come directly in the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation level.

This way, he can also save himself some trouble.

The red escape light shot into the sky and quickly fell into the Ghost Road Immortal City.

He Song’s arrival quickly drew the attention of many cultivators in the Ghost Road Immortal City, and soon the streets were abuzz with speculation.

Many cultivators were guessing who the red escape light was.

Could it be an incoming Foundation Establishment Master?

Or perhaps, a newly established Foundation person from a certain clan?

However, when He Song’s transformed escape light fell into the Ghost Road Immortal City, the red light dissipated, revealing He Song in a black robe.

The cultivators around He Song immediately stepped out of the way, making the area within tens of meters around him extremely empty.

He glanced around.

Seeing that almost all the cultivators had retreated far away, and they didn’t even dare to raise their heads to look at him, He Song’s expression remained unchanged.

At this moment, he was in a black robe.

Although it’s not uncommon for Foundation Establishment Masters to wear black robes, it’s not unusual either.

But for the people in front of him, they didn’t know whether the Foundation Establishment Master beneath the black robe was good or bad, kind or evil.

It was precisely because of this that they backed away as soon as they saw He Song land in this place, not even daring to lift their heads.

Some of them even started taking small steps to leave this place and get out of He Song’s sight range.

Seeing this, He Song maintained an indifferent expression and stepped forward.

Even before he flew into the Ghost Road Immortal City, he had already chosen his target for this trip.

Treasure Pavilion.

In each Immortal City of the Thick Earth Sect, there is a Treasure Pavilion.

In the other Immortal Cities that He Song had visited, there were also Treasure Pavilions.

As a chamber of commerce with branches in many Immortal Cities, the Treasure Pavilion naturally became He Song’s first choice for selling elixirs.

According to He Song’s understanding.

In every Immortal City, there is at least one Foundation Establishment Master guarding the Treasure Pavilion.

There are too many precious things in the Treasure Pavilion, without a Foundation Establishment Master guarding it, there would probably be a lot of trouble.

It is also precisely because there is a Foundation Establishment Master guarding the Treasure Pavilion that He Song, with his current early Foundation Establishment stage of cultivation revealed, doesn’t need to worry about anything.

But if he only displayed his Qi-refining late stage cultivation.

Then he would likely create trouble.

He Song’s landing spot was right next to the Treasure Pavilion.

For this reason, as he walked forward, he quickly entered the Treasure


Inside the Treasure Pavilion.

As He Song in a black robe stepped in, a warm and enthusiastic voice suddenly rang out.

“I am Bi Shui, the Sub-Pavilion Master of the Ghost Road Immortal City Treasure Pavilion. I’ve seen Daoist friends, please come.”

As the voice fell, a chubby, wealthy-looking man with a smile that made his eyes invisible appeared in front of He Song.

Just by looking at his appearance and figure, he seemed to be a harmless fat man.

However, after sensing his cultivation just a little, He Song already had an idea in his heart.

This man’s cultivation was at the Foundation Establishment Early Stage, similar to He Song’s current revealed cultivation.

Being a Foundation Establishment Master, this Master Bi Shui in front of him was far from as harmless as he appeared on the surface..

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