Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 280 - Chapter 280: Chapter 272: 2 Tigers Fighting

Chapter 280: Chapter 272: 2 Tigers Fighting

Translator: 549690339

Hence, perhaps even after Wei Fan leaves the Thick Earth Sect, he might still remain within the sect.

Furthermore, he could occasionally receive various information fed back by his two friends.

He seems lost in thought.

After having a long conversation with his two friends, He Song and Wei Fan bid their final farewell and left.

Meng Guan had just broken through to the Late Foundation Establishment Stage and his cultivation power in the Late Foundation Establishment stage has not yet been stabilized. Hence, his long stay was truly inappropriate.

He returned to his mansion.

Relaxing his mind, He Song sat down in the living room of his mansion.

As wisps of tea fragrance filled the air around him, thoughts began to flash in his mind.

Should he, like Meng Guan and Wei Fan, seek opportunities elsewhere after he reaches the late Foundation Establishment stage?

Stay in the Thick Earth Sect.

Considering his loose cultivation and base building status, he definitely won’t get any opportunity to acquire the Golden Congealing Elixir Pill or the Golden

Core secret method.

This was the reason why Meng Guan and Wei Fan made such choice.

Even if the Thick Earth Sect is a Golden Core Sect, which boasts two renowned Golden Elixir Masters, what does it have to do with loose cultivators like the thrpp of them?

If there were any opportunities, they would probably not be their turn anyvvay.

Staying in the Thick Earth Sect would only be a waste of time, benefitting his cultivation in no way.

Moreover, the presence of these two Golden Elixir Masters, although granted the Thick Earth Sect great reputation, also posed a hidden danger to the sect.

If the Thick Earth Sect continues to have two Golden Elixir Masters, it is likely that factional struggles would erupt within the sect once again.

Be it Qi Refiners, Foundation Establishment cultivators, or Golden Elixir Realm Masters.

Their commonality is that they are all living individuals.

They are human, and they have human nature.

When the internal resources of the Thick Earth Sect are sufficient to exchange for a Golden Congealing Elixir Pill.

Who should this Golden Congealing Elixir be given to?

Both Golden Elixir Masters must have their respective choices.

But there’s only one Golden Congealing Elixir.

Consequently, disputes would inevitably arise.

Even if the two Golden Elixir Masters of the Thick Earth Sect put this aside and accumulate for many more years until the sect has two Golden Congealing Elixirs,

They can fairly distribute them to their respective most valued candidates.

However, even after taking the Golden Congealing Elixir Pill and the Golden Core secret method, breakthrough to the Golden Core Realm isn’t necessarily assured.

What if one person fails while the other succeeds?

Wouldn’t one party then have two Golden Elixir Masters?

When outnumbered two to one, the speaking power of the lone Golden Elixir Master would fall in an instant.

This could potentially lead to chaos.

In short.

Though the Thick Earth Sect seems to be very powerful with two Golden Elixir Masters.

But how could there be two emperors in the world, and how could anyone allow others to snore beside their couch?

The existence of the two Golden Elixir Masters is indeed the biggest instability within the Thick Earth Sect.

In such a situation, He Song, who is a member of the Thick Earth Sect and who was recruited by Master Fa Xuan, would hardly earn any advantage if he was caught in the middle.

However, if he leaves the Thick Earth Sect directly after breaking through to the late Foundation Establishment stage, and goes elsewhere to seek opportunities.

He Song’s heart was somewhat unwilling.

It’s his natural instinct.

Always being cautious by nature, He Song had always been safe in this place for a long time.

Now, he is asked to leave this safe place and explore an unknown place for opportunities. It’s hard for him to accept such change rapidly.

For this reason, although he knows he is only wasting his time staying in the Thick Earth Sect,

He still hesitates about leaving.

“Forget it, forget it, if chaos breaks out within the Thick Earth Sect, you should leave this place right away.”

“But if everything is stable, I will wait until my cultivation has broken through to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, and I am capable of striking at the Golden Elixir Realm and have enough self-preservation power before I leave the Thick Earth Sect to look for other onnortnnities-”

“It’s always somewhat insecure to leave the Thick Earth Sect as soon as you reach the late Foundation Establishment stage.”

“It would rather let my two friends explore the outside world more comprehensively, investigate the situation outside world, so that I can prepare more.”

“Wait until the cultivation reaches Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, and it is really impossible to make further progress, it is not too late to leave the Thick Earth Sect.”

“When you go to the outside world, you can’t be as safe as you are now, and you have to be cautious in your annual cultivation.”

“But with my cultivation base being at the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, and having some lifesaving items, I should be able to escape in case of danger.”

After pondering for a long time, He Song finally came up with a feasible and satisfactory plan.

He had considered leaving the Thick Earth Sect to seek opportunities outside immediately after breaking through to the late Foundation Establishment stage.

But as an everlasting being,

If he would impatiently seek opportunities in order to progress to the Golden Elixir Realm like other cultivators,

Then what is the point of him being an everlasting being?

As an everlasting being, He Song can afford to wait for anything he wants.

Once a Golden Core power collapsed, one might be able to acquire all the Golden Core secrets held within.

If some relics emerged, some might be able to find a Golden Congealing Elixir, or its elixir recipe.

Wait until…

For He Song, all of these things were actually attainable.

Unlike other cultivators, he didn’t need to take drastic risks when facing the end of his lifespan, risking his life.

If an everlasting being engaged in such acts, it would be a true insult to his status as an immortal.

Which everlasting being would fight to the death with other cultivators, desperate for opportunity?

A chance…

Won’t it come if you wait?

Patience, He Song always had it.

Thus, the idea of immediately leaving the Thick Earth Sect to seek opportunities right after his breakthrough to the Late Foundation

Establishment Stage only lingered in He Song’s mind for a moment.

Then, it was directly rejected by He Song.

And it’s the kind of rejection that throws it beyond the ninth heavens.

Without leaving any room for reconsideration.

This idea was too dangerous and not He Song’s style.

Therefore, after some thought, He Song naturally reached the same conclusion as before.

Firstly, let his two good friends scout ahead.

If possible, once he reaches the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, he will leave the Thick Earth Sect and head into the sphere of influence of the Sun Faction.

In this way, the safety of He Song himself can be said to be maximized.

He would not have to worry about being inadequate in his cultivation or not strong enough.

Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment was not considered low in the Immortal Pavilion, Immortal City, or Immortal State.

By then, Meng Guan and Wei Fan should have been active in the Sun Faction’s

sphere of influence for a long time.

He would naturally be much more familiar with the various situations within the Sun Faction than he is now.

Naturally, it’s much safer.

However, after confirming his decision.

A thought He Song had previously considered flashed across his mind.

Selling elixirs.

Acquiring spirit stones.

He had spent three full years refining Earth Spirit Elixirs in the Elixir Refinement Room.

Now, he didn’t have much spirit medicine left for the production of Earth Spirit Elixirs.

Even before Meng Guan broke through to the Late Foundation Establishment Stage, He Song had thought about going out once to sell some of the Earth Spirit Elixirs he had on him in exchange for spirit stones.

With this in mind, He Song put away the tea in front of him.

Then, he quickly went to the Elixir Refinement Room.

The Elixir Refinement Room.

When He Song returned here again, his divine sense instantly scanned the entire room, covering it all.

The scenery within the Elixir Refinement Room was almost unchanged from three years ago.

But when He Song’s divine sense swept over, many spirit medicines he left in the Elixir Refinement Room flew towards him.

When all the spirit medicines flew in front of him, He Song casually waved his hand and the spirit medicines were immediately stored in his storage bag.

When all the spirit medicines in the Elixir Refinement Room, including even the discarded residues, were all stored in his storage bag.

Only then did He Song’s figure leave the Elixir Refinement Room and head to the outside world.

Looking at the sky, He Song pondered slightly, and eventually decided to quietly leave the city alone, not telling anyone about it.

The last time He Song left the city, he bid farewell to his two friends, just because what he was doing was not unusual at all.

His goal of leaving Heaven Power Immortal City the last time was merely to harvest the spirit medicines he had planted.

And to visit other immortal cities to buy some auxiliary medicinal herbs.

It can be said that such actions were not unusual in any way.

Therefore, He Song could naturally bid farewell to his two good friends.

But this time was different.

This time.

He Song was leaving Heaven Power Immortal City to sell the Foundation Establishment spirit elixirs.

If he left and then news broke out that someone was selling Foundation Establishment elixirs in the surrounding Immortal Cities.

If such things happened, it would be hard for He Song to not be suspected.

Hence, for the sake of his own secrecy, He Song decided not to bid farewell to his two good friends, and even decided to go further away to sell the Foundation Establishment elixirs.

With this arrangement, even if He Song’s departure from Heaven Power Immortal City was discovered, people might not associate him with the person selling the Foundation Establishment elixirs.

When He Song returns, if someone found out about his absence, he could simply find an excuse to fob them off.

Presumably, it wouldn’t cause too much of an upheaval.

With these thoughts in mind, He Song left his residence quietly only after cnanglng ms appearance and putting on a black robe.

Black-robed cultivators were common in Heaven Power Immortal City, as well as everywhere else.

So, when the black-robed cultivator disguised as He Song openly left Heaven Power Immortal City, no one paid him any attention.

Only after He Song was already hundreds of li away from Heaven Power Immortal City, using Earth Tunneling Skill, did he transform into a red escaping light, rushing towards the distance.

With this distance and the color of the red escaping light, even if discovered, people might mistake him for a passing Foundation Establishment Master.

None of the Master Guardians of Heaven Power Immortal City had the color of this red escaping light..

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