Days passed as Ronan’s mana paths closed themselves up effectively making him an level 1 newborn. However wether it was with the maids or visitors to the royal family , everyone looked at the second prince with a lot of mixed emotions.

Those who were in support of the royal family just wanted to get some sort of connection early on to this once in a lifetime prodigy. While looking at him to notice all the intelligent things about him , about what made him soo extraordinary , however the people got a reality check when all that Ronan did was wobble his legs around aimlessly and poop his pants.

The only people who did not scrutinize the second prince were his immediate family. Mother Sierra did not care about her son’s talent and loved him just like she loved Percy . While grandmother Luna was just worried her already plump grandson was not eating enough.

Percy was always around his little brother , getting happy at the small achievements he made , like making cooing sounds and moving his hands.

It was beyond adorable how the two brothers interacted with each other , while Grandfather Augustus was having the time of his life seeing his grandchildren in their most carefree and adorable phase..

Augustus had just stepped into the level 120 range and was effectively as young as someone in their prime in terms of bodily functions . Although not as strong as his son , he himself was a formidable warrior who was a seasoned chief.

Augustus was someone who was conservative to say the least . Initially when Alexander was only the chiefs son, Augustus was against him always going on millitary exploits trying to gain more territory.

It was a time of turmoil in the then Phoenix household , however with Alexander unifying the region under his banner and becoming the first true king , Augustus felt proud and eventually stepped down as clan chief to let his son take over.

Augustus was a firm beleiver that his bloodline was special. That every next generation of his family would turn out to be better than the other , as his great grandfather was only a farmer while his father was a solider , untill he became a chief and his son a king. Now both his grandchildren had talents even surpassing their father , and it seemed like they would grow to have great achievements.

Retired from political affairs , Augustus was a family man now , if it were upto him , he would want the carefree days of the children to last forever , and never force them into the hell that were to come . However the family custom was firm and soon Percy would have to start his customary training.

Alexander who was drowned in political work , making a temporary peace with the temple was missing out on the golden time of their Childrens childhood , as he could only see them once in two-three days.

His heart was bleeding at this loss , however his position as the king made sure that his duty came before his personal life .

Although the situation had stabilized for now , the temple had already started to become vigilant and grow power in secrecy , which was exactly what Leif was doing too. Both the parties were embroiled in a cold war now , as beneath the calm surface , tensions were high enough to be cut by a knife.

As time passed and the young Ronan kept growing in size and prowess , taking his first steps at 3 months old and speaking his first words at 4 months of age , the news about the incredible prodigy began to spread throughout the kingdom.

However the real shocker came when at 6 months , Ronan broke from level one to level two which was an unprecedented achievement . Even Percy who was now 2 years and 2 months had only stepped into level 2 very recently. Showing the gap between the talent of the two.

The simple minded children naturally knew no jealousy or things about increasing levels and the power structure of the world , however the adults did and just like what every adult did , the gossip about the second prince to come out ontop of the race to the throne became more prevalent.

The two loving brothers who were not yet even mature enough to remember the faces of people outside of their immediate family Circle were now started to being compared with each other at every aspect. With everyone being biased with the second more talented prince.

This was a problem for Sierra who was also privy to this gossip , however unlike the others she treated her kids the same and to not let jealousy or comparision ever become a part of the bond the brothers shared , she made a harsh decision.

Pleading with Alexander to announce Percy as the crown prince , Sierra felt her demands were falling on deaf ears as Alexander outright refused to do it.

Stating the reason as ” The worthy will get the throne “. He refused to differentiate between his two sons.

However after Sierra’s insistent pleading , Alexander was put in a tough spot as he had to promise that untill Percy turned 18 , Alexander had to support him in every way to keep him ahead of Ronan in his journey to become a warrior.

The elder brother should always be the head of the family , while Ronan could never find out about his superior talent .

These were Sierra’s conditions , as she felt the peace of the family at threat . Alexander’s simple mind could not comprehend why Sierra was overreacting , but trusting his wife he agreed.

This would proove to be a life changing decision for the Draco household , as the seed of discord that could have been sown between the brothers , was destroyed by an intelligent Sierra before it was ever planted.

The palace staff instructed to never compare the two children and Leif instructed to slowly circulate stories about the first Prince’s achievements . Sierra made sure to highlight her firstborn as an genius , while trusting that her second one could do it without any help.

The result was that Percy who was supposed to start his training at 3 years of age , had to start 6 months early , as his life as a happy playing kid changed into the life of a fire clan seedling starting to walk on the path of fire.

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