Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 10 A carefully planned plot

Three years passed in a flash , as little Ronan lived a carefree life in Avalon. He had only recently started training , and was a genius by all means however the brat was lazy and notorious as all he could think about was food and playing , having absolutely 0 interest in training.

The life of the elder and younger brother could not be more different , as while everyone was hard on Percy when it came to training . Nobody had the heart to scold the cute little glutton called Ronan . As the plump 3 and a half year old did as he liked , yet still managed to grow by leaps and bounds.

Ronan was the darling of the family , as everyone from grandfather Augustus to elder brother Percy completely shielded and spoiled the little one , with him never even having to fetch himself water.

However the happy days of the Draco family were being closely monitored by enemies , as a carefully planned ploy had been set into motion , to eliminate the two geniuses of Draco family.

In the three and a half years that had passed since the killing of priest Roygar , the temple had slowly mended it’s bonds with the Draco family , as the tensions seemed to be relatively low at the moment..

However the extremists in the Phoenix clan as well as the temple had not forgiven the Draco family for defecting and had planned an event to end the family line , killing both Ronan and Percy in a staged event that would look like a complete accident.

Invited to the Temple’s yearly’ Agni Dev Pooja ‘ ( Flame god’s worship ) festival . The Draco family were attending a traditional temple event for the first time in a while.

However , the temple had planned to assassinate the two young prince’s in this event , when nobody was on alert. Using the guise of a bandit attack to divert the attention of the king and grandfather Augustus , to have enough time to unleash berserk flame lions on the young prince’s.

Flame lions were level 15 creatures that roamed the country of Avalon freely. Usually they would not attack humans , but during the mating season , they were often in a berserk state and more aggressive than usual. Attacking humans and killing them sometimes during scuffles.

It was not uncommon for children to die by flame lions and it was not something that the king could nitpick about , pointing fingers at the temple as it was the mating season ongoing .

It seemed like a foolproof plan to the temple , one that they were prepared to go ahead with . However , the problem was with the fact that they still needed to deal with Queen Sierra and Grandmother Luna , who would be with the two prince’s at all times.

If it were ordinary women , they would have been also killed alongside the two young prices when faced with level 15 flame lions . However the royal family was different.

Grandmother Luna was a level 70 warrior , while mother Sierra was a level 55 ice magic user who was also a beast tamer.

This is where the temple made extensive planning , making a sound insulated room for a ritual that would be only carried out by the royal women .

The ritual would take 25 minutes , which the temple assumed would be enough for the lions to kill the young prince’s.

It was imperative for the temple to not leave any clue behind the culprit of the event , as they would not leave a single phoenix clan member or temple staff around the young prince’s , incase they be blamed of inaction.

However a single person was needed to unleash the already captured and tortured flame lions , that would be fed berserk potions before being unleashed and that person was chosen to be second priest ‘ Rafa’ .

Rafa was a level 12 elder in the temple ,who was nearing the end of his life. He had nothing to loose even if he was captured , as he had already prepared a poison in his tooth , to be injested should he be captured.

With everything carefully planned for months , it was finally the day for the Agni Dev Puja , as the six members of the royal family , entered the temple grounds with all smiles after 3 long years. This being the first visit of the little Ronan to the palce.

While the two prince’s were running around and playing in the temple garden , the Phoenix clan members aware of the ploy to kill the prince’s looked at them with pity , as a smirk formed on their faces thinking about how the Draco family would suffer for defecting from their glorious family name.

In the minds of the phoenix clan members , should the Draco family’s two geniuses given enough time to grow. It would be impossible for even their sons to ever usurp the throne of Avalon in the next 200 years. For Phoenix clan to regain their glory , the two young one’s had to die!

It was their father and grandfather’s sins that they had to unfortunately pay for , however their death sentence was already decided.

When the Audience realized that elder prince Percy was a level 13 fire user , gasps and shocks could be seen all across the temple grounds , as Percy was barely 5 , and yet more powerful than what some temple elders could achieve in all their life.

Such was the disparity of talent in the world of Everlon . The strong did in days what the weak could not in decades.

However an even greater shock followed when people inspected plump prince Ronan and found him to be at level 10!

A 3 and a half year old level 10 fighter was something unheard of in the history of Everlon. Most of their kids had not even started their training journey at 3 and a half , some not even breaking into level 2 yet. However the second prince was already level 10!

This reaffirmed the conspirators beleif that the two prince’s had to die and that they had to die today!

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