68 Good cop, Bad cop

Seeing how Hector, Gianna, and Arturo were handcuffed and then sent out of the restaurant, a smile appeared on Gwendolyn’s face.

“What did you do?” Dante had been dumbfounded the whole time, and it was only after the trio left that he spoke.

Gwendolyn, however, shrugged her shoulders when she heard him.

“Gwendolyn, all the members of the Santos family have already been annihilated decades ago, so how is it possible those three are members of the family,” Dante mumbled in a low voice.

The smile on Gwendolyn only widened when she heard Dante. She stared at him before then saying, “I guess, it isn’t all of them that were killed off and some are still alive.” Gwendolyn responded.

Dante wasn’t buying any of what she said, and he simply heaved a deep breath.

As for Gwendolyn, her lips curved into a bone-chilling smile. Gwendolyn recalled the scene that occurred a few minutes ago when she held Arturo’s hand as she showed the mark which was on his hand. And also when she moved toward Hector.

She had moved so flawlessly that neither Hector nor Arturo realized that she was sneaking something into their body.

“What about the girl? Why did you spare her, wouldn’t she also be a member of the Santos family.” Dante asked as he stared at Gianna, who was walking out of the restaurant at a steady pace.


Gwendolyn could sense the sarcasm in Dante’s tone. However, she nodded her head. “Yes, she is also a member of the family, but I spared her, so she would lead us to where the others are.” Gwendolyn turned towards Dante as she spoke.

“Enough Gwendolyn! We both know the reason you apprehended them is that you believe they are the ones who killed Luke, and the briefcase is also with them.” Dante exclaimed.

“Your words, not mine,” Gwendolyn responded a second after.

Gwendolyn was about to move forward when a waiter suddenly appeared in front of her. It was the man who had taken Gianna’s order earlier, and as he got to the table, his eyes twitched.

“Where...” Before the man could finish his words, Gwendolyn raised her hand, “Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of their bills.” Gwendolyn stated.

When the man heard Gwendolyn, he brought a receipt out and then passed it over to Gwendolyn. As the man thought about the bonus he was going to get for the food ordered, a smile couldn’t help but appear on his face.

However, while the waiter had a smile on, Gwendolyn’s eyebrows furrowed, and her mouth was wide open. Gwendolyn’s body shook as she stared at the total amount which was on the receipt.

“What is it, Gwendolyn?” Dante interrupted when he saw how dazed Gwendolyn was when she was given the receipt.

Dante grabbed the receipt from Gwendolyn, and as he laid eyes on the ridiculous amount which was on the bottom of the receipt, Dante’s body trembled violently.

“This is my eight years of income spent on a meal,” Dante muttered.

“Gwendolyn, I will see you back in the academy, there are a couple of things I need to take care of,” Dante said, and without wasting any time, he dashed out of the restaurant.

“Ah-Ahem...” A few seconds after Dante left the restaurant, the waiter’s voice rang out.

And while he was able to pull Gwendolyn from her trance state, she still found it impossible to handle the bill which was given to her. Gwendolyn could sense all eyes in the restaurants on her, but where could she see that sort of absurd amount?

Even if she were to empty her bank account, and all her assets, she still wouldn’t be able to come up with the money that was on the receipt.

“I apologize,” Suddenly a figure appeared in front of the waiter. “I will be taking the food with me, so help me wrap it up,” Gianna said, then gave the waiter her card.

The waiter nodded his head when he heard Gianna, he signified his colleague to do as Gianna as said, while he took the card.

“Thanks for coming to our restaurant, we will be expecting your return.” The transaction was made very quickly, and Gianna was handed over several bags.

“If the food is as tasty as described, I will surely be back,” Gianna responded. Gianna then turned around, she gave Gwendolyn whose mouth was still wide open a wink before walking out of the restaurant.

Gwendolyn hastily moved after Gianna left. However, she hadn’t covered much ground when a voice rang out.

“Boss, we have a problem.” One of the male staff exclaimed, “The account was suddenly debited seven million noxus.”

“Wh-What!!!!!” The manager of the restaurant yelled when he heard the staff.

“Seven million noxus... Isn’t that the same amount that women paid?” The manager asked and receiving a nod from the staff, he clenched his hand into a tight fist.

“What are you still waiting for, hurry outside, she can’t have gone far!!!!!”

Gwendolyn didn’t even turn around when she heard what just occurred. She pushed the door of the restaurant open and walked out.

Meanwhile, in an underground ground bunker in the city, two young men were blindfolded and then tied to a chair.

And even though both of the men were already soaked in blood, they were rather calm and throughout the entire time, they hadn’t uttered a single word yet.

“This isn’t the first time the both of you I’ve been in this situation.” In front of the two young men were two muscular men and a tall woman. The three of them folded their hands across their chest, and their eyes were fixed on the two young men.

“But, I can assure you that this will be different from anything you have ever experienced. By the time we are done with you, you’ll wish you were dead.”

The two men were Hector and Arturo, and a second after the man spoke, and he drove a knife through Hector’s thigh. He tightened his grip on the other knife which was in his hand and stabbed Arturo’s thigh afterward.

A light frown couldn’t help but appear on the man’s face afterward, as he had been hoping for a bit of reaction from one of them, but none occurred. Whether it was Arturo or Hector, both of them didn’t seem to feel the effect of the knife at all.

“Very good!” The man exclaimed. “All this won’t work, go bring the iron over here.”

Suddenly, the tall woman crouched gently, she placed her hand on Arturo and Hector’s thigh, “It doesn’t have to be this way you know, you can just tell us where the briefcase is, and you can be on your way.” She said.

“Just give us the location and I promise you that all this will be over.” The woman rubbed her hand across Arturo and Hector’s thigh as she spoke.


Followed by that loud laughter was Hector’s lips curving into a bone-chilling smile. “Good cop, bad cop, the three of you are quite foolish if you think this is going to work,” Hector said.

“Instead, you should be worried about what I’m going to do to the three of you.”

As the two muscular men and the woman glanced at one another, a very stern look appeared on their faces. One of them was about to speak when the door was opened and a woman walked through it.

Seeing the woman, the muscular man moved two steps backward and lowered their head quickly. The tall woman also did the same once she saw the woman who came in.

“Were you able to get anything from either of them?” A second after Gwendolyn walked inside the bunker, she asked the three of them immediately.

“No madam.” The tall woman replied.

An expression full of disdain appeared on Gwendolyn’s face when she heard the response. Gwendolyn cleared all the tools which were on the table and placed a bag on it.

“I will handle it from you,” Gwendolyn said as she opened the bag. There were numerous syringes, pills, and bottles in the bag, and after taking a syringe and two bottles, Gwendolyn moved away from the bag.

“The both of you are going to inform me where the briefcase is, and then I will decide if the both of you should get to live or not.”

“Give it your best shot, woman!”

Gwendolyn sneered when she heard Hector, “Oh, trust me, I will.” After taking the content in the bottles into the syringe, Gwendolyn moved behind Hector.

She held his head and inserted the syringe deep into Hector’s skull. Gwendolyn pressed the plunger top of the syringe, and the greenish-blue fluid which was inside flowed into Hector’s skull.

Hector’s body couldn’t help but tremble and a few seconds after, beads of sweat could be seen all over his forehead. Gwendolyn arranged another syringe, mixing it with the content in the bottles as well, and repeated her earlier to Arturo.

“By now you should be feeling awake, mentally alert,” Gwendolyn muttered in a low voice.

“I want you to do something.”

“Imagine that you can fly. Imagine that you’re weightless. You can float gently into the air if you like, You can fly away and leave all your concerns and fears behind you. Imagine that.” Gwendolyn whispered into Hector and Arturo’s ear.

Gwendolyn rubbed her hand across both of their hair gently, “Truthfulness is easier than falsehood, so when I ask you a question I want you to tell me the truth.”

“Is that okay?”

“Yes.” Hector and Arturo responded simultaneously.

Gwendolyn smiled when she heard their reply, “Where is the briefcase?” Gwendolyn asked.

“The briefcase...” Hector’s mouth opened slightly, he seemed to want to add further details to the words he had just spoken when suddenly he went quiet.

Gwendolyn raised an eyebrow, she was about to speak when a burst of laughter rang out. “Haha hahaha!!! Woman, you’re going to have to do better than a truth serum or hypnosis, if you want answers.”

“Hahaha, Arturo, these people really underestimate who we are and the sort of ways we were raised,” Hector said. “You have no idea who you’re messing with!”

“Fools! If you are that great as you think you’re, then you wouldn’t be tied up by now.” The tall woman exclaimed.

And in response, Hector smiled, “I see you no longer playing the good cop. By the way, have you considered if this was all our plan all along?” Hector stated.

“Whatever if we wanted this to happen?”

The expression on Gwendolyn’s face changed instantly, she clenched her hand into a tight fist and then hurried out of the bunker.

“Don’t let them get away, I will be back.” Those were the words Gwendolyn had spoken before she slammed the door shut.

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