67 Scheme

A few minutes ago.

Hector and Arturo joined Gianna at the seat in the restaurant, and as soon as she saw the both of them, a light frown appeared on Gianna’s face.

“How come I was here before the both of you?” Gianna asked, “I thought we agreed to meet here immediately after we took care of those people, so where did the both of you go to?”

When Hector heard Gianna, he smiled at her, “We had some other matter to attend to in the city, so we settled them first, before coming here.” Hector replied.

As for Arturo, he simply took a glance at Gianna before seating beside her.

“Did you perhaps miss me?” A second after Hector sat his voice rang out.

He was, however, greeted by a sneer from Gianna, before she then said, “You wish. You people from the murderer division really overestimate yourself, you must think the world revolves around you.”

“I rather have someone from his division than be with someone from that pesky place of yours.” Gianna blurted.

Hector shook his head, “As if I would also want to be with someone who plunders for a living. Who knows what could possibly happen, I might as well be selling my soul to the devil.” Hector raised his upper lips as he spoke to Gianna.


Meanwhile, Gianna’s eyes squinted, “You will repeat those words when we get to the academy.” Gianna muttered, and then took the menu on the table.


It wasn’t even up to a minute after Gianna called for the waiter, and a young man appeared in front of her. The man was holding on to a small booklet in his hand, and as he stared at Hector, Arturo, and Gianna, a smile could be seen on his face.

“What will you be taking?” He asked.

Gianna took a deep glance at the menu before saying, “It’s actually hard to choose, so you know what, I want every meal on the menu.” Gianna stated.

The waiter was left stunned when he heard Gianna, “Everything... Everything here?” He stuttered. And as Gianna nodded her head, he didn’t waste any other time and dashed to the kitchen.

Seeing the waiter hurrying to tell his colleagues, Gianna nodded her head. She smiled, but the smile only lasted for a few seconds when she stared at Hector and Arturo.

“What!” Gianna exclaimed. “We all know that apart from the pizzas, and chinese the other food on campus is terrible. I only get the chance to eat decent food when I’m out, so don’t judge me.”

Arturo, who had been quiet the whole time chuckled when he heard Gianna.

“So, you’re capable of laughing,” Gianna said, “I always taught the people from the assassin division are a bunch of creepies and weirdos,” Gianna said.

Arturo’s eyes twitched this time around. He didn’t respond and instead had eyes on the flower jar on the table.

As for Hector, he folded his hands across his chest, “No one is judging you for having a massive appetite.”

“I, for one, am also someone who wants to enjoy the best, life has to offer. Whoever said being a villain is a terrible thing is certainly a big fool.”

“Haha hahaha!” Hector and Gianna burst into laughter.

“Speaking of offers, how is the briefcase? Are the necessary papers in there?” Gianna’s expression suddenly changed, and so did her tone.

It wasn’t just Gianna, and once Hector heard Gianna, his expression also became stern. It was difficult to believe that the both of them had just been laughing a moment ago.

“Yes, the papers are all intact. Those peasants should have seen the video that we arranged, so once we receive the go-ahead signal from the informant, we will leave for the academy immediately.” Hector said.

Gianna nodded her head, she was about to speak, when a voice rang out from behind her.

“I believe you have something of mine!”

Staring at the young woman with aqua-blue wavy hair, and emerald-green eyes and was then putting on a black shirt, white skirt, high black hair, and a pair of glasses, Gianna’s eyes squinted.

Arturo and Hector glanced at one another, before staring at the woman. “Are you lost?” Hector asked.

Gwendolyn’s cheeks raised, and a smile could be seen on her face. It was almost as though she had been expecting that sort of response from one of them.

“If this is how you want it, then okay.” Gwendolyn said, “The briefcase you took, where is it?!”

“I have no concern with the people you killed, but the briefcase, hand it over, and don’t make this any 1more difficult than it could get” Gwendolyn blurted. “And this time around, don’t act dumb!’

A perplexed expression appeared on Hector when he heard Gwendolyn. “Briefcase? People that I killed? Woman, are you sure you aren’t lost, or perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else.” Hector spoke.

“In fact, you know what,” Hector paused as he stood from his seat. Hector raised his hand, “Is anyone in here a psychiatrist of some kind because I think we have a patient on the loose.”

Hector raised his tone when he stood, and he was able to get the attention of the people in the restaurant. They stared at Hector, before then shifting their gaze to Gwendolyn.

As for Gwendolyn, her eyes bulged when she saw how Hector and the other had reacted. Gwendolyn clenched her hand into a tight fist when she saw the staff in the restaurant all rushing towards her.

“Madam, please, I’m going to have to tell you to leave. This is a five-star restaurant, we maintain decorum in here, and our customers are beginning to feel discontent with you being here.”

The frown on Gwendolyn’s face deepened as two muscular men appeared behind her. Gwendolyn could already see one of the men already moving his hand on her, and without delay, she made a move.

Gwendolyn grabbed the man’s hand before it could get to her, she twisted it, breaking the bones present in it, before then flipping his body to the other side.


A second after the loud scream of the anguish of the man rang out, he shut his eyes closed.

“Y-You...” Before the man could finish his words, Gwendolyn raised her hand, “He is still alive. He has only fainted.” Gwendolyn stated.

As Gwendolyn shifted her attention back to Hector, Gianna, and Arturo, she was about to speak, when a figure suddenly maneuvered his way to her front. “Gwendolyn, what are you doing here? This isn’t the time to be having lunch, you know!”

“I thought you said you were going to fetch those people you know, the ones who created this whole drama,” It was Dante that appeared.

Gwendolyn sneered when she saw Dante, “And that’s precisely what I’m doing. These three are the people we are looking for.” Gwendolyn uttered with complete assurance.

“What!” Dante’s expression became cold when he heard Gwendolyn. Dante stared at Hector, Gianna, and Arturo, before then saying, “Are you sure about this?!”

“You already have enough on your plate after what occurred to those people earlier, if you are wrong here, it will be extremely dire for the both of us.”

“I am.” Gwendolyn responded, “The mark and scars on his hands incline that he is a gun user. And his resilience and composed nature the entire time, make him a marksman.”

Gwendolyn showed the marks that she was referring to by gently holding Arturo, and a few seconds she moved towards Hector.

“I was also informed that a shiny red-haired man with red paint all over his fingers was also there. But, when I arrived there, they were no such man among them. The man wasn’t there, and so was the briefcase.”

As Gwendolyn spoke she circled Hector, pointing at his hair, and hands, and at some point, she had hands on his cloth.

“The red hair already checks, and I can bet that if he is to remove that glove he has on, we will find the red paint to be there.”

“Damn you and your creepiness, Hector,” Gianna said inwardly. She glared at Hector, and a deep frown could be seen on her face.

As everyone in the restaurant shifted their gaze to Hector, Hector’s eyes twitched, he clenched his hands into a tight fist before saying, “You can’t believe this crazy woman’s accusation.”

“Your theory is all based on hands and fingers, do you have some fetishes or what.” As Hector spoke, he began to take off the glove he was putting on, “And which red paint are you speaking of.’

“Do you see any red paint here!!” Hector exclaimed.

Gwendolyn’s eyebrows furrowed when she saw Hector’s hands. “Okay, where were you an hour ago?!” Gwendolyn asked. However, she had only just spoken when Dante appeared in front of her.

“It’s enough, Gwendolyn,” Dante said. “I apologize for the inconvenience, we will be leaving shortly.”

“Gwendolyn, let’s go!!!” Dante yelled.

Gwendolyn ignored Dante and continued to glare at the trio in front of her. The atmosphere was already starting to become intense as after Hector took off the gloves, and they were no red paints, everyone began to think of her differently.

They were starting to have the impression that she was really in need of a psychiatrist.

Gwendolyn suddenly took a step forward and turned towards Dante. “Sigh... I guess I have no other choice.” Gwendolyn mumbled.

“You all must be aware of the infamous cartel family, the Santos Family.” Gwendolyn stared at the people in the restaurant as she spoke, “This family is the most powerful and dominant drug cartel in the world.”

“The government and the guardian academy have been hunting this family for years, but we haven’t been able to apprehend the Santos family in any way. But today we have achieved a breakthrough.”

Gwendolyn had yet to complete her words, when Hector’s mouth opened slightly, “Oh, oh.”

“These three in front of you are members of the Santos family, in fact, core members of the family.”

” I wanted to handle this issue quietly, and didn’t want to reveal too many deals but I don’t have a choice anymore.”

There was an uproar in the restaurant when they heard Gwendolyn. The Santos family were monsters who have been involved with the death of millions of people. They were also responsible for almost all the drug trafficking in the world.

To the people in the restaurant, if the trio in the restaurant were, in fact, related to the Santos family, then there was no need for further doubt about what Gwendolyn said about them.

Dante hurried in front of Gwendolyn, “What are you talking about?!” Dante inquired in a confused tone.

“Search them!”

It wasn’t even up to a minute after Gwendolyn’s voice rang out, and three figures appeared before Hector, Arturo, and Gianna. There were excluding an intense amount of killing intent and as soon as they appeared before the three of them they began the search.

It was the female figure among them that searched Gianna’s body, and after a few seconds, two of them brought a small packaging nylon and a ring out of Hector and Arturo’s body.

“What the hell!” Hector muttered as he saw the nylon that had just been brought forth.

Inside the packaging nylon was a green and black pill, and the ring which was taken from their body had the words Santos written around its body.

The green and black pill in the nylon was a drug referred to as vertigo. A drug that had wreaked millions of lives and was created solely by the Santos family.

Hector and Arturo could swear that they had never laid eyes on the pills and the rings, nor were they involved in any cartel family that was mentioned. But with the nature of things, they had been pulled into a crisis.



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