When Yue manzhu heard an LAN Xintong suddenly say thank you, she was also puzzled.

He really couldn't understand what this girl was thinking.

Anlan Xintong knew that Yue manzhu didn't understand, but it was fine as long as she knew it in her heart.

Anlan Xintong thought that it was because of Yue manzhu that she came to this era and became the Crown Princess. As the Crown Princess, she would be able to display her talents and do something for the eastern glory nation.

Anlan Xintong thought that the reason why she could issue so many government decrees was because she had arrived in this era. Naturally, she had to thank Yue manzhu.

If they weren't on the streets, Anlan Xintong would really want to hug Yue manzhu and say thank you.

She realized that she was getting more and more attached to the moon bamboo, and she wanted to hug it anytime and anywhere.

It was only when she was beside Yue manzhu that Anlan Xintong acted like a little girl.

"I just want to thank you," Anlan Xintong blinked her eyes.

"Alright, whatever you say." Yue manzhu said in a pampering tone.

After the two of them conversed for a while, an LAN Xintong headed towards the easternmost part of the eastern glory nation's Yao capital.

After walking for a while, the two of them took a carriage to that side. They discovered that the originally remote road had many buildings built on it. This place was to be built into a Commercial Street, and it was right next to the two rows of shops that Anlan Xintong had previously bought.

After the commercial Street was built, the entire Yaojing of the eastern glory nation had expanded. Moreover, the commercial Street was close to a village not far away. It was much more convenient for the villagers to come here and buy things. It was also lively.

It was the same on the west side, where there was a night market with some small shops.

At night, the luminous capital became lively.

Previously, Anlan Xintong had people hang lanterns all around the night market. So at night, this place was like a Festival. It was brightly lit, and there were many people shopping and many people selling snacks.

Everyone was talking in full swing.

Moreover, there was a wave of recruitment into the Army in the eastern glory nation. Many people had joined the military because the living standard in the military had improved, and the monthly salary had also increased. There were also various subsidies and welfare systems, so many people were actively signing up to join the army.

Anlan Xintong felt that the security of the soldiers in this era was really too little, so she referred to the modern and complete system to improve the military environment here.

She had even specially allocated funds from the eastern glory nation's Treasury to rebuild a few military camps, which were all imitations of modern military management. She had also built clean and tidy dormitories.

There was also a canteen to ensure everyone's food and drink.

Every year, he would also take leave to visit his family.

The soldiers who entered the military camp were all amazed. When they visited their relatives, they talked about it happily, so more and more people signed up.

There was also the military school set up by Anlan Xintong. There were also many people who applied.

However, military schools had to go through layers of screening, and they had to select soldiers from the military camp to enter the school for training.

Only in this way could they ensure the combination of theory and practice, and only then could they truly cultivate the military talents that belonged to the current Eastern glory country.


Time passed very quickly. In just two to three months, the entire Eastern glory nation had undergone many changes.

The government was clean, the economy was developing, the people were living and working in peace, and even the military power was increasing.

Apart from strengthening military management, Anlan Xintong had also set up a special department to research some of the weapons that belonged to this ancient society.

To strengthen the military defenses of the eastern glory nation.

Even the soldiers of the major military camps found that their physical fitness had also become stronger after training according to the Royal daughter's instructions.

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