"The current crown Princess is the real Crown Princess, much stronger than those fake princesses in the past."

"That's right. I've never seen those princesses do anything in the past. The current Princess is much better. It's miss calm orchid. She's such a nice person ..."

"Shush, you're the Crown Princess now. You can't call her miss calm orchid ..."

"In the past, when children wanted to go to school, they might not even be able to get in even if they spent money. Now, they can go to school for free, and they are all teachers arranged by our Dongyao nation ... They are all talented and knowledgeable ..."

"Right now, in the East District, they're all building some sort of shop. They call it a Commercial Street, but no one knows anything about it. The Imperial court recruits people to work and pays them their wages every day, so they can earn more ..."

"Nowadays, there are many unclaimed lands that are tax-free for the first three years ... The taxes have been reduced by a lot, and some are even reduced. Every village has a report box, saying that if officials deliberately persecute the people and impose more taxes, they can write a report letter in the box. I heard that the box is made of special materials, and only the emissaries sent by the Imperial court can open it. Furthermore, those people are directly facing the great Empress ..."

"This is great. The people are safe ... Everyone's in a good mood. Now that the pressure is gone, they can go out and buy things ..."


There were many commoners on the streets, walking in groups of two or three, talking and discussing.

Most of them talked about the clean politics and the good things about the princess.

Anlan Xintong had disguised herself to go shopping, and she had also disguised Yue manzhu. Anlan Xintong's makeup skills were very good, and others simply could not recognize the two of them. The two of them were just like two people traveling in secret.

Walking on the streets and listening to the words of the commoners, Anlan Xintong felt her blood boiling.

It turned out that the people really benefited from the government decrees that she had done and announced. They all knew who was in charge of the government.

Anlan Xintong realized that she actually liked to hear the commoners say such things. It wasn't that she was good, but that she could use these words to know that she was doing the right thing and that her policies were really beneficial to the commoners.

Moreover, he knew that those policies were quickly implemented.

Looking at the bright smiles on the faces of the people, it was as if the eastern glory nation would become stronger and more prosperous.

Moreover, it was said that now that the pressure on the people had lessened, their shopping enthusiasm had also risen, which had also driven the economic development of the eastern glory nation.

Now, everyone was praising the Royal daughter.

In particular, the Crown Princess had raised the social status of merchants, encouraged farming, and reduced agricultural tax, which had received great support from the people.

Nowadays, many people idolized Anlan Xintong as an idol.

Of course, there were no idols in this era, but everyone's fanatical enthusiasm was similar to that of modern fangirls.

Anlan Xintong lightly laughed.

Even though it was winter, she still felt her body heat up and her blood boil.

She still wanted to continue being a good Crown Princess, a Crown Princess who truly sought the well-being of the people.

She thought that she might really have come to this era to achieve something.

"Manzhu, thank you."

Anlan Xintong suddenly turned her head to look at Yue manzhu. She looked at him with a smile in her eyes and sincerely thanked him.

"Silly girl, these are all your achievements. Why are you thanking me?"

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