"There are some visitors, I will meet them, you just wait here," Arthur replied without stopping his steps.

When he arrived downstairs, the men had already arrived at the door. It was still open and unrepaired because Arthur didn't repair the things outside.

They just didn't go in because they had already seen it.

Arthur quickly arrived at the door.

When he saw them, they were still glancing into the building as if they were looking for someone else.

"What are you doing here?" Arthur asked straight away, not using a formal tone or greeting. He didn't ask who they were either.

His eyes stared at the old man who was clearly their leader.

"I heard you bought this vineyard?" The old man said, observing Arthur from top to bottom.

The latter nodded to confirm without saying anything more.

Funnily enough, the old man narrowed his eyes at the lack of response from Arthur, as if he wasn't used to others responding like that when he spoke.

"My name is Brenton," he said right after that.

He introduced himself without being asked by Arthur.

It made Arthur want to laugh and think he was funny. He asked, "So?"

"I'm here to tell you that your purchase of this vineyard is unauthorized," he replied.

"Unauthorized? What do you mean?" Arthur who originally wanted to smile could not help but show an unpleasant expression.

ƥαṇdαsηθνε|·ƈθm After all, no one would be unhappy with this situation. Especially when what he bought was a property with a price of 300 Million Euros. Even then Bella had to help him pay a debt of 3 Million Euros.

He wondered if this old man was talking seriously or if he was just some kind of crook trying to play around.

Or maybe Bastian's father was deceiving him from the start.

However, he thought the man wouldn't have such courage.

Plus, his reputation should be good since even Jenny didn't say anything bad about him.

"Ehm!" The old man cleared his throat while his eyes moved left and right, as if he wanted to say something awkward even to himself.

"I'm telling you young man, the land here is not something you should buy," he said.

"Why?" asked Arthur.

"Why?" The old man laughed coldly after he heard Arthur's question.

"Of course, because you haven't commissioned us," he said.

"I don't think your name was on the purchase of this land, why should there be a commission for you now?" Arthur couldn't help but be puzzled as this made no sense.

"I have been guarding this land for a long time just so that no one does anything strange. I was hoping that I would be able to buy it at a lower price when the bank auctions it off. But, look, you bought it instead, so everything I've done has gone to waste."

He seemed to be speaking honestly, but even Arthur rolled his eyes when he heard that.

"Old man, you should probably go to a mental hospital to check your mental health," Arthur said.

"What, how dare you insult our boss!" Apparently, Arthur's words immediately provoked the other men's emotions.

They immediately pointed their hands at Arthur's face while glaring, looking like they wanted to jump at him.

Of course, Arthur ignored them, he continued to stare at the old man, waiting for more explanation from him. For his words, he only looked annoyed for a moment before calming down.

"The point is; if it weren't for us, this vineyard would have been destroyed," he continued.

"As such, we are entitled to the wages of keeping this vineyard from destruction."

"And who would destroy it?" asked Arthur, becoming more confused as it seemed like there was another scenario here.

Or they were using the concept of (securing something from themselves!).

In other words, they are going to destroy the vineyard.

If that's the case, they're practically a gangster group.

Although it was common knowledge that Paris was the most populated place with street criminals, Arthur didn't expect there to be something like this, a group of criminals asking for a commission from a big party.

"No need to ask about that. You just need to remember that this vineyard will still be ruined if you don't give us a commission," the old man replied.

His words only confirmed that he was really a gangster who came to make trouble.

Arthur shook his head. He asked, "now there's no need to keep being hypocritical. Old man, I wonder how many people you've managed to annoy? I mean among people with hundreds of millions of Euros."

"Hehehe..." The old man laughed after hearing Arthur's words.

"I don't remember to be honest, but you can ask anyone around this area who Brenton is. One thing's for sure, every single one of them that I've bullied chose to surrender to me in the end."

"I see! Is that because of yourself or do you have better supporters?"

When asked that question, the old man glanced left and right, as if he was thinking about something.ραпdαs `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Hmph!" He then snorted coldly.

"I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to ask about that. Now young man, do you want to pay now or later? Don't worry, I'm a man of compromise, you can pay in installments if you feel you can't afford to pay all at once."

"How much do you want?" asked Arthur in response.

The question surprised the old man a little because he felt like Arthur was actually compromising with him.

He looked him up and down once again, wanting to find out if he was serious.

After that, he showed his three fingers.

"3 Million?" asked Arthur.

"3 million, boy, are you crazy?" Arthur's question got an instant response from the other man.

Some said; "you know boy, this vineyard can easily make 3 Million, how dare you only offer us 3 Million."

"Then?" Arthur asked them.

"30 Million, after all, this is the cost for a few years," replied Brenton, the old man.

"Even being a greedy dog should have its limits," Arthur replied.

"Don't think of me as greedy young man, this is the rule. After all, you're still young but can already buy such an expensive property, your parents should be very rich, just contact him, and the problem will be solved." The old man seemed to lose his shyness even more.

He kept trying to blackmail Arthur.

"Unfortunately my parents are dead, I'm an orphan," Arthur replied.

He seemed so honest that the old man immediately believed him, and because he believed him, he was surprised, which then made him wonder how Arthur had so much money while he was an orphan.

"Then how did you become so rich?" The old man couldn't help but ask, becoming curious.

"Maybe it's actually similar to your way," Arthur replied.

"What do you mean?" He became confused as his answer sounded strange.

If talking about the way he earned money, it was of course by taking other people's property using violence.

Due to some things, he was able to evade the law so every single thing he did was almost always successful.

Of course, Paris has no shortage of young gangsters who earn money by blackmailing others. However, not to mention hundreds of millions of Euros, none of them have hundreds of thousands. On average, they only get a small amount of money that is enough for them to eat, get drunk, and hire prostitutes.

As he continued to think about Arthur's words, the old man suddenly felt uncomfortable.

This feeling was similar to when a tiger meets another tiger.

The old man thought that Arthur was an unknown tiger, and could be a more dangerous breed.


Suddenly, Arthur actually moved, driving his hand into the old man's neck.

He and the others had no time to react. Arthur's hand easily strangled him.

"It's time we put an end to this nonsense," he said in an emotionless tone.

He casually raised his hands slightly upwards so that the old man's feet were also lifted into the air from the ground.

"Boy, you dare!" Of course, the old man's subordinates couldn't stay still seeing that.

Simultaneously, they stuffed their hands into their suit pockets.

When they took out their hands, they suddenly held a pistol.

They then pointed the pistol at Arthur.

There were at least nearly twenty pistols now, which was of course very dangerous.

However, the old man still couldn't calm down.

He was astonished to see how easily Arthur lifted his body just by holding his neck.

Although he was rather thin, he shouldn't have been able to be lifted up in such a way.

"W-what exactly are you?" he asked as he felt something was hidden.

"It's too late to be afraid, now you can see it," Arthur replied.


He moved again, heading towards the men while using the old man as a shield.

Of course, they were afraid to point their guns for fear of shooting the old man.

When Arthur arrived in front of one of them, he kicked him until he fell down and could no longer stand up.

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