The trio proceeded to the building in the center of the vineyard.

When looked at closely, the building was not as good as it looked in the picture, there were many scratches on the walls. Even the door looked broken.

In the end, this was a former winery, not a residence.

"I think it's better to buy castles and such," Bella said, looking like she regretted Arthur's choice.

However, Arthur already had his own considerations.

He opened the door of the building, revealing its contents.

There were no machines left there, just a large room.

Bottles and wooden barrels littered the floor, making the whole place look dirty.

There were three staircases leading to the upper floor, their condition was still quite good except that broken glass was everywhere. One couldn't possibly go upstairs without getting hurt under such circumstances.

"It must be those villagers who littered this place," Bella said, looking annoyed again.

After all, only they had access because they knew the owner. People who just happened to be passing by would definitely not try to enter.

Of course, it all didn't make Arthur regretful and all that. He was still quite satisfied.

The problem that it was messy wasn't something that was hard to overcome with his strength now. He didn't even need workers.

If he wanted to, he could renovate the building himself.

However, he just wanted to clean it up and divide the room into sections.

"You two can rest first," Arthur said to Carla and Bella.

"What do you want to do?" Carla asked because she didn't know Arthur's plan yet.

"You can see," Arthur replied.

He took a step before stepping into the air, hovering there.

Since Carla and Bella didn't know about his breakthrough yet, so their mouths were open when they saw him fly.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

A large amount of magic energy shot out from his body, spreading throughout the building including the upper floors.

The two women were astonished again as they found themselves very insignificant compared to Arthur's current strength.

He really is very powerful.

In an instant, all the trash on the floor was gathered in one area, then burned to ashes, the ashes then turned into nothingness.

After that, rows of wooden chairs appeared, created directly from spiritual energy.

Concrete walls also appeared everywhere, separating the room into sections.

The process was a little longer this time as Arthur needed to make sure that every single thing he made was completely solid.

Plus, he also created various magic traps, which would naturally deter people who were not allowed to enter this place.

He was using so much energy that his skin became a little pale. It was obvious that she was quite exhausted.

However, when it was all over, the whole place instantly became completely different, seeming like a mysterious, yet cozy place.

Carla and Bella even felt like they were sent to a different world.


Arthur sighed, taking one of the chairs before sitting down.

He was a bit sweaty.

Carla and Bella then approached him.

Simultaneously, they took out tissues.

"Gosh, Arthur, you're really pushing yourself, I don't think we can do it tonight," Bella said.

She and Carla started wiping the sweat off Arthur's forehead.

Unlike Bella, Carla seemed more interested in Arthur's magic, she said, "is this the power of an Official Magus?"

While saying that, her eyes looked around again.

The building was vast, after all, so the power that could reach this entire building could practically be considered a giant.

It was hard to imagine that humans had such power.

Arthur was focused on stabilizing the state of power within his body, so he said nothing in response to Carla and Bella.

After a while, he said, "there's something I want to do tonight, do you guys want to come along?"

"Do what?" the two women asked simultaneously.

"Something quite interesting, hang someone from the Eiffel Tower," Arthur replied without hiding his plan.

Of course, that made the two women's faces freeze as no one had been hanged there in recent years. After all, this was the modern era, such a thing was no longer suitable, let alone being shown to the public.

"You're not crazy, are you, Arthur? Who do you want to hang there?" Carla asked.

"You'll find out later, after all, you know the person," Arthur replied.

After that, he stood up and added, "let's get cooking, I'm quite hungry, to be honest!"

Speaking of hungry, Carla and Bella found their stomachs very hungry as well.

However, they couldn't help but be confused because Arthur was talking about cooking, not looking for a restaurant.

"Here?" asked Bella with a confused expression.

"Yeah, there's actually a kitchen, now we just need to find something to cook." Arthur explained.

If it was just a kitchen, it wasn't so surprising because a building of that size wouldn't be out of place if it had everything a house would have.

It was just, what was the something they were going to cook?

Arthur walked to the window before Bella could ask more.

To their surprise, when they got there, Carla and Bella found that there were many birds flying in the air, something that they realized now because before they were too focused on the things below.

Arthur pointed his finger upwards, sending several almost invisible attacks.

The strikes cut the necks of some of the birds, making them fall to the ground.

Arthur then used his magic to pick them up while removing their feathers and skin.

When they arrived in his hands, they were already clean, ready to be cooked.

Even when raw, they still gave the impression as if they had a very delicious flavor after being cooked later.

Of course, since they were not a common food, Carla and Bella were still hesitant.

The latter asked, "what are these birds, are they really edible?"

"They are not protected animals, are they, Arthur?" Carla also asked, but a different topic.

If Arthur responded to their questions, there would probably be more questions, so Arthur simply replied, "the point is that you two will like it."

After saying that, he took a step towards the stairs.

The kitchen was actually on the second floor because there was a dining room directly attached to the kitchen.

The facilities left in the kitchen were still quite complete, there was even gas.

"I guess it's been a while since you two have cooked. However, I know you're quite skilled," Arthur said upon arriving, glancing at Carla and Bella.

"Would you like us to do the cooking?" When she heard Arthur's words, Bella couldn't help but object.

However, Carla seemed to think differently.

She put her hair up in a bun and took the bird in Arthur's hand.

"I think I want to eat my own cooking now," she said.

Bella rolled her eyes after hearing her words, thinking that Carla was using this opportunity to look good even though the woman's expression showed that she seriously wanted to cook.

"Yeah, maybe that's not bad," she said afterward.

She put her hair in a bun as well before following Carla.

If she didn't do anything, she would really look useless.

Arthur, on the other hand, went to the dining table that was next to a window.

It was really a great place to relax as he could clearly see the vineyard below including the river beside it and the farmland on the other side of the river.

Perhaps if this building was converted into a resort, the result might not be so bad after all.

It wasn't long before the kitchen began to make various crashing sounds as Carla and Bella stirred the food in the pot.

Arthur watched them for a while, and thought that they were already quite skilled. Perhaps they had practiced on their own as well.

However, he couldn't help but scratch his forehead as he suddenly saw four Jeeps coming from the opposite direction of Paris.

The four Jeeps stopped near Bella's Ferrari, and each one actually contained men who had quite large bodies.

Although they looked neat because they were wearing suits, the impression given by them felt more like they were gangsters.

Among them, Arthur saw an old man walking with the help of a cane.

He had sharp eyes that seemed domineering, making people easily know that he often intimidated others.

'Don't tell me that this vineyard still has other debts?' Arthur wondered, wrinkling his forehead as he began to feel annoyed by this.

The problem was that his instincts told him that those men had come to make trouble.

Fortunately they didn't try to damage Bella's car, but went straight to the building.

Of course, they were still staring at the car with their mouths almost drooling, obviously mesmerized by its luxury.

"Well, I still have to meet them," he said before standing up.

Sensing his movement, Carla and Bella turned their eyes towards him.

"What happened?" asked Carla.

She couldn't see out but she could also feel the men coming.

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