Release That Succubus

Chapter 410 410 Suggestion

Chapter 410 Chapter 410 Suggestion

She had never been able to live a normal life or act like a child. However that had changed a lot now.

Now she didn't have to worry about that any longer.

With Zach there she knew that all of her fears were unnecessary as he was able to keep them protected.

She was able to live the life that she had only ever imagined in her dreams before.

She could act like a normal person and go about a normal life without the fear of others catching her. It was perfect. Almost too perfect but she couldn't have asked it any other way.

She owed a lot to the Smith family and she knew that although she would never be able to repay them that he would do her part to ensure that they stayed afloat.

She knew that part that she had to play and she was going to cast aside her princess title in order for her to play her role amongst the family.

Zach had been trying to spend the last few days trying to keep himself calm.

He held the confidence that he would be able to defeat his enemies by being better than them.

Bruce was hard at work to ensure that Zach's idea was put in motion. However things weren't working out as easily as he had thought.

He had holed that he would be able to get everything sorted out and have the matters delt with without the other family members getting to know about it.

However after a few days carol could tell that there was something that had shifted and she decided that it was time for her to approach him so that she could tell him about what she had observed.

She found him in his office once more as he stood overlooking the workers.

"I know that you are stubborn and the last thing that you want is for me to tell you that you are wrong. However I am only looking out for you and you km ow that this more than just about the business. If you win the business battle then that isn't going to be enough. They are going to come after you in other ways .They are always going to have their eye out for you and they will not stop coming for you. Because you know that for them you are like a prickly thorn that is stuck in their side and they aren't going to stop until they are able to pull you out completely." She said to him firmly.

He gritted his teeth at her not wanting to hear the rest of what she had to say. He knew that she was right but he didn't want to admit it to himself or for him to say it out loud.

"Well then, I guess you want me to just sit around and do nothing whilst the y destroy everything for the Smith family. I thought you cared for the Smith family." He said to her as he cocked his head to the side.

He watched as she shook her head at him in response before she spoke up again. " You don't understand. I am not doing this because I don't like the Smith family or I want something cruel to befall them. I am doing this mainly because I care about the Smith family. I know that if you continue to play around with the royal family they won't stop until they destroy you and they destroy the Smith family as well. If you carry on there will not be any Smith family for you to protect because this is going to be responsible for tearing down any sort of future that they might have. Don't think about yourself for just a moment. How about you think about how this would affect them and what it would mean for them." She said to him in a pleasing tone.

"Well I see then. So what am I supposed to do. I can't just sit around and do nothing and they have already put their plans in motion. You don't think that they are going to just magically change their mind and go back on their plans." He said to her as he crossed his arms over his chest.

He watched as a small smile made its way onto her features and she had to admit that she hadn't expected him to say that. For a moment she wondered whether he was starting to come around because of her words.

"That is why you are the one who has to make the first move now. You have to make the first move towards making peace with them. you have to admit defeat and want them to stop by offering them something that they want so that you both can stop battling it out. Because it isn't just affecting you it is affecting all of those that are around you." She said to him firmly.

Zach was quiet after that and she didn't say anything to her at first. Carol wasn't one to show much interest in the business and he hadn't expected her to have much keen insight into it.

He understood where she was coming from and why she feared for what would happen. Despite his own better judgement. He knew that she was right and that things weren't going to end well if he continued to push the royal family.

They had the money and the power to destroy the Smith's completely and that was the last thing that he would ever want.

He knew that she didn't have the entire context of what was going on but she was able to come to a decent conclusion on her own.

He knew that she cared about the Smith's a lot and whatever she was to decide to do she would do it in order to protect them because she truly cared about them in the end.

He couldn't deny the fact that he was somewhat impressed by her approach.

However he knew that the reason why she had said that to him was because she didn't know what had happened to Christina. And he didn't blame her for that.

However he also knew that she was persistent had that she would continue to press him on the matter unless he explained the situation to her.

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