Release That Succubus

Chapter 409 409 Behind This

"I know that it wasn't you but I know that you can help me to find out who was the one that did all of it." He said to him and he watched as he let out a sigh before he loosened himself up slightly.

Andy looked at him wearily as though he was trying to figure out whether or not he could trust Zach.

"Are you sure that you aren't going to blame me for any of it." He asked Zach. Zach raised his hands into the air in surrender before making a cross over his heart.

"I swear to you that I am not going to use any of this against you." He said to him in a promise.

He watched as he let out a sigh before he leaned in close to him. Zach was still as Andy whispered a name into his ear and he could sense the nervousness that was clear on his fsce.

Ss he pulled away Zach couldn't help but smirk. "Well thank you for your help. I am not going to forget that." He said to him firmly. 

Zach pulled away from him as he began to walk away. He smirked at the thought of the name that had been mentioned to him. "Princess Candice." He had to give it to her that the woman was very stubborn. He couldn't help but feel shocked that she still held her grudge against the Smith family.

He would have hoped that she would have given up by now and that she would have found someone else for her to torment. However it seemed as though she was still determined to see that the Smith family crumbled.

He guessed that she had heard about the footing that the Smith family was getting in the kingdom. And that she feared that they would continue to grow more and more powerful.

And that eventually in doing so they would come and try to reclaim Christina who had been taken hostage.

He guessed that she was doing this so that she could pull out the weed at its source. She wanted to destroy them before they got too strong and to show them that they couldn't win no matter how hard they tried.

She thought that she was cunning but Zach realized where her plan was heading. He realized that she had tried to be subtle in the beginning but he wasn't one to be fooled so easily sand he was soon able to piece together her plan.

Her first step was for her to get spies to infiltrate into the Smith company and to learn about the sugar making process. It had worked well and she had been able to get it done undetected.

After that she had then gone on to purchase numerous small factories around the land that would be able to produce the sugar and they were able to sell it at a cheaper rate.

This would allow her to make large profit as all the while she would be able to crush the economy for the Smith family.

The thing was that Zach no longer had anything to lose and everything to gain. Their secrets were already out there and there was nothing for the enemy to uncover because they already knew it all.

"Actually you are wrong. Our risks are zero because the enemy already knows all of our trade secrets. There is no longer a need for us to keep a tight lid on everything when it is all already out in the open."

Bruce looked towards Zach with uncertainty for a moment but he couldn't help but notice the look of determination that was clear on his face.

He let out a sigh lowering his head knowing that there was nothing that he could do to change his mind. He reluctantly agreed to him hoping that he was aware of what he was doing.

After Zach had been a part of the Smith family for a while. Carol couldn't help but come to realize that Zach was a special part of the family.

Although he was a patriarch she knew that he didn't carry the same principles and mentality as the others.

He didn't treat people differently but rather he was the same with everyone as he treated everyone with kindness and in the same way.

He was always vert considerate with the others as well. When the others couldn't do things for him due to one reason or the other. He didn't try to force them into doing anything.

Rather he was very understanding and he allowed them to take their tine and he would eve n do some of the things on his won if he knew that the others weren't able to do it for him.

Zach also told his wife Diana that she is in charge of teaching the soldiers and the servants.

He taught her that she is also a leader and she had to follow his principles as such. There was never meant to be any form of bias and she was supposed to treat them the same way that she would any of the other members of the family.

Carol had expected that her life would have become difficult especially with Zach there but she had to admit that his presence hadn't made things more difficult.

In fact he had made things much easier for all of them. Thanks to him life wasn't that much more difficult but rather things had become much easier and she was able to live a normal life much like the others.

It had always been her dream to live a normal life once more. Especially after the fall of the county.

She felt as though she was finally able to get what she wanted and it was all thanks to the efforts of Zach. She knew that without him there she wouldn't have been able to lice the type of comfortable life that she was able to enjoy now.

Due to her past she knew that she was constantly on thew run. She had to always look over her shoulder out of fear due to the fact that she was the princess of the Ascar empire.

She knew that she couldn't trust anyone and she had to constantly look over her shoulder.

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