Release That Succubus

Chapter 377 377 New Abilities

Chapter 377 377 New Abilities

[Description: The Force Armor, an extraordinary manifestation drawn from the energies within, is a shield of remarkable resilience and impenetrability, rooted in the fundamental understanding and harnessing of an enigmatic force akin to that revered in many distant narratives. Crafted from the ethereal energy known as 'The Force', its protective abilities are inexhaustible, forming an impenetrable barrier that halts any intrusion, be it physical or metaphysical. Like tales of old legends and the mystical sagas known to a select few, the Force Armor stands as a beacon of defensive prowess, accessible only to those initiated in its unique concepts.] 

[Durability: Infinite (Barrier is impenetrable unless user's spiritual energy is expended.)] 

[Conditions of Use: Wielding this armor is not a simple endeavor. The comprehension and utilization of this force are prerequisites. Only those who possess at least a foundational grasp or higher proficiency in this enigmatic energy can command and utilize it.] 

[Effect: The manifested armor, a product of one's adept control over 'The Force', acts as an impenetrable barrier against a variety of attacks. It grants the user a shielded defense, capable of repelling blunt, slashing, and lower-tier penetrating assaults. Such attacks, within or equivalent to the user's strength level, are effortlessly nullified without any drain on the user's spiritual energy. 

When faced with stronger assailants, the armor mitigates the impact by partially deflecting the incoming force, absorbing a significant portion—up to 70%—of the assault's strength. However, against adversaries wielding strength significantly surpassing the user, there exists a chance that this resilient shield will yield. Only those wielding power two levels beyond the user's capabilities might have a remote possibility of breaching the armor, but even then, success is contingent upon the assailant's strength exceeding the user's spiritual fortitude at that precise moment. 

This intricate balance relies on the wielder's skillful manipulation of 'The Force' and their capacity to manage the energy used in sustaining this protective shield. The armor serves as a testament to the user's connection to 'The Force' and their adeptness in utilizing it for defense.] 

Zach contemplated the capabilities of 'The Force Armor,' realizing its unparalleled quality in the realm of defensive armaments. 

It stood at the pinnacle of defensive fortitude, nearly impenetrable in its resilient design. When wielded by a skilled individual, this armor became an impeccable bastion, capable of effortlessly withstanding an array of attacks. Its robust nature provided an exceptional safeguard against diverse assailments, making it a coveted shield for those that were adept at its use. 

Yet, Zach harbored doubts about fully harnessing the armor's capabilities owing to his limited spiritual capacity. Employing the armor exacted a substantial toll on his already modest spirit strength. This realization led him to believe that he could only sustain the armor for a minute, at best. 

The second thing that caught his eyes was 'Partial Mastery of Lightsaber' which was another augmentation and application of 'The Force'. This overpowered skill involved the compression of 'The Force', a weapon that materialized as a manifestation of one's spirit energy. 

Mastery in wielding this lightsaber not only required adeptness with traditional swordsmanship but also a deep understanding and control of one's inner force. 

Users capable of channeling their force could summon the blade, that allowed them to cut through almost anything with ease. 

However, the level of mastery was crucial for this as well; beginners could only summon a faint, almost translucent blade, while those with advanced expertise could materialize a solid and powerful incandescent blade capable of cutting through formidable defenses like a hot knife through butter. The range that the blade could reach, and the penetration power, both depended on the comprehension level of the wielder. 

Zach immediately summoned his lightsaber and tried to wield it using the enhanced mastery that he had unlocked. Although the difference was obvious and he could easily defeat any enemy within the radius of thirteen feet thanks to the increased reach of the lightsaber, Zach knew that the increased range wasn't without its side effects. 

As a penalty for the increased range, the consumption of spiritual energy for Zach had increased many times. Through experimentation, Zach was able to determine that the maximum limit that he could maintain this advanced lightsaber was limited to ten minutes. Any more than that would be extremely taxing on his mental strength, and he would be unable to maintain it longer than that. 

In the hushed expanse of the room, an inexplicable enthusiasm gleamed in Zach's eyes, casting a gleeful luminescence across his face. This wasn't a mere smile; it was an eerie curve that stretched from one ear to the other, a smirk that held a twinge of obsession. It revealed not just joy but a fervent obsession to delve into the realms of his newfound abilities. 

Zach's excitement was palpable, crackling in the charged air, as if he was on the verge of unlocking a treasure trove of mysteries hidden within these novel skills. The limitations that might have dampened the spirits of another only seemed to fuel his curiosity, igniting a relentless zeal to understand and master these extraordinary talents. 

He had long since been dissatisfied with his personal combat evaluation as it was subpar compared to his wives. He had to rely on the strength of his wives to survive when the ruthless Prince Kolt had ousted them from their homes and even then, Luna had fallen comatose unable to wake up again because she had burned her potential in order to fight off the black panther back then. 

Even when facing off against Jack, Zach had never dared to confront him alone and had brought Christina along for added security on all occasions. It had to be known that Jack was only an upper A rank mage. He had not even reached S rank. 

Even now, he wasn't exactly confident of facing stronger opponents with just his lightsaber to back him up. 

Therefore, the sudden increase in strength was a welcome opportunity to increase his confidence in his own strength. 

With these additions to his arsenal, he recognized the potential to engage adversaries of SS-ranked mastery, an exhilarating notion that electrified his being. The sheer accessibility to techniques capable of challenging such high-caliber opponents infused him with a fervent enthusiasm for the confrontations that lay ahead. 

Although the window of time in which he could engage SS rank opponents was quite short, Zach believed that it was enough for him to figure out a path to survival in that time even if he was incapable of defeating the opponent within the time limit during which he was able to sustain his new abilities. 

Diana's awakening was a gradual process, marked by a leisurely pace that contrasted with Zach's swift examination of the numerous rewards he had just received. 

After a long time, her eyelids displayed the slightest hint of movement as they fluttered unconsciously. It was evident that she had concluded her restful slumber and was almost on the verge of opening her eyes. 

By the time she forcefully roused herself, Zach had already completed his survey of the array of new rewards and their possible implications on the increase of his personal combat strength and that of Smith family members in training. 

Upon awakening, she glanced about with an air of bewilderment, akin to finding herself in an entirely unfamiliar landscape that seemed rife with potential danger. Her demeanor mirrored that of a cautious feline, its fur bristling, as if attempting to contort into a hunched posture, all senses heightened, resembling a cat tentatively standing on its toes, ready to pounce at the first sign of trouble. 

Since her back was towards Zach, she had yet to spot him. 

But as soon as she remembered the events of the night, her face reddened, and she tried to turn around to take a look at whether Zach was still around or not. The moment she did, a painful groan sounded from behind her, and she felt something twitch inside her flower cave. 

It was apparent that the guest from last night had yet to depart her flower cave and was probably still resting inside her. 

Just the thought of it caused her to blush profusely as she tried to push that thought out of her mind. Her body had begun to heat up just thinking about it and she was too tired to deal with it at the moment. 

As such, there weren't many options available to her in such a situation. 

Obviously, the resident of her flower cave belonged to Zach who was probably right behind her. She could touch him if only she tried to move her butt a few inches back. 

"Stay still, will you? You just woke up. No need to move around so much." advised Zach thinking of his poor member that had been a few milliseconds away from snapping in half and assuming a right angular shape instead of the straight spear it was. 

Diana, who had been a virgin till the previous night, could not take such naked words to her face and immediately hid herself under covers like a traditionally shy bride who could not get used to the stranger next to her after her wedding night. 

Zach obviously was a witness to her every action. He observed her every movement keenly, anticipating her demeanor and the subtle display of reticence. He was prepared to intercept her hesitation before it could evolve further into shyness. 

As for how he was going to do that; he already had a plan in mind to restrict her shy demeanor. 

He wanted her to be her true self with him, especially when they were trying to expand the whole family.


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