Release That Succubus

Chapter 376 376 Burst Of Energy

Chapter 376 376 Burst Of Energy

He believed that the system would be able to help him absorb the overflowing stream of energy as it had done so in the past.

Zach stirred from a fitful sleep; his eyelids heavy as if laden with lead. Blinking repeatedly, he struggled against the morning haze that enveloped his vision. Fatigue lingered, a heavy weight upon his senses. 

Rubbing his eyes only offered a fleeting respite from the drowsiness, failing to dispel the grogginess that clung to him like a persistent mist. 

The remnants of sleep seemed determined to persist, refusing to yield to the clarity he sought, leaving him in a state of bleary-eyed weariness.

Zach was lying on his side and right in front of him, conjoined with his body lay Diana who was still connected to him. His previous attempt to separate from her had been stopped by her which had resulted in their current condition.

They were still in the same position they had been in before they both passed out. His dick was still lodged deep into her pussy and seemed to be stuck in there as if her cave was full of quicksand sucking his member inside continuously, as if intending to keep him there till the end of time.

"System, what happened earlier? I remember that sudden burst of energy that assaulted me? Was it her?" Zach had felt the energy that had struck him all of a sudden and was of the opinion that the source of that energy had to be Diana because there was nothing else that could have affected him to such a degree. After all, it was not the first time that he had slept with a woman and was experienced enough to not be affected by post coitus fatigue. Therefore, he wanted to clarify it with the system who must have noticed it all.

In a rare turn of events, the system responded with an unexpected eagerness, almost as if it couldn't wait to provide an answer to his inquiry. It felt like the system had been dormant for ages and was now eager to spring into action.

[You are right. The energy truly came from the girl. Her potential was unlocked after copulating with you. The leftover energy was passed to you in one go but it was so massive that you received a neural shock as soon as it entered your body causing you to pass out. I helped your body absorb most of the energy while you were asleep but the rest of it can be absorbed slowly from now on.]

Zach finally remembered the events before his slumber. The residual energy as the system described it, had surged into him like an unstoppable tidal wave, a sudden deluge that inundated his entire being. It had crashed against the walls of his senses, overwhelming his system with its colossal force and sheer magnitude. 

The abrupt influx had hit him like a searing bolt of lightning, sparking a neural shockwave that reverberated through every nerve and fiber of his being. The impact had been akin to an electrical surge, a jolt that sent his mind and body reeling in an instant. 

Submerged in a sea of excessive energy and unable to withstand its power, Zach had felt himself being cut off from the stream of consciousness. The sheer force and unexpectedness of it all had caused his consciousness to falter, and he had been swiftly swept into the realm of unconsciousness.

At the same time, several questions that he had in mind had been answered by the system's response. 

For example, Zach finally understood why he was feeling so full after awakening from his slumber. Although his body felt overworked, he wasn't exactly feeling the fatigue in his bones. The excessive energy in his body made sure of it.

"Will my absorbing her energy affect her development in the future?" asked Zach visibly concerned about Diana's wellbeing. He didn't want to hinder her development in order to further his own. He wanted to be stronger but not at the cost of her future.

[No, it won't. If it had been any other woman, it might have been so. But she is an exception. She has the legendary void physique, and her talent is otherworldly. You still fail to acknowledge That little bit of energy that sent your system into shock was just the excess energy her body had gathered up to now and was expelled the moment you unlocked her potential. Worry about yourself instead of her.]

"Why's that?"

[With her potential unlocked, she can easily learn anything that she wants to learn without any hurdle. It won't be long before she will be able to outclass anyone in any field she chooses. Even you might not be her match in whatever she chose to excel in.]

Zach finally understood why she had seemed so talentless before even though she had such a special physique. It was because she had yet to unlock the true potential of her physique.

He had to admit at least one thing about Diana that the system had revealed to him. The talent to grasp anything was definitely top notch even amongst the unique abilities that the mages in this world were sometimes born with. 

"Can she learn things that are not of this world as well?" asked Zach since he was curious and wanted to determine the limit of Diana's abilities. Usually, the system would have shut him out by this point and would have refrained from explaining any further, but he had been lucky so far, so Zach kept on pushing his luck.

[Yes, as long as she has access to the core concepts behind the ability, she can master it faster than anyone else in the world.]

"Then she can even learn 'Force'?"

[Of course. There is nothing she cannot learn even if it is beyond the limit of this realm.]

A smile spread on his face as soon as he heard the answer because that would mean that Diana had the potential to surpass everyone else in this world despite getting a late start. She had the ability to bring everything to reality through her extraordinary potential, even the things that didn't exist in reality in this new world.

Her superior talent would make sure that she would not only be able to excel in magic, but she would also have the ability to learn all the abilities Zach could master thanks to the system he had managed to awaken.

This would make her an advanced version of Zach, but without all the technology he had in his weapons' arsenal.

Zach marveled at the revelation and couldn't help but envy the talent that Diana was born with even though he had come to this world with his system to guide him. It was a true case of 'his fields being more fertile than mine'. 

Zach shook his head to throw out such thoughts from his mind and pulled his entire focus towards his message log. 

Like all the times he engaged in sexual activities with his beloved women, Luna and Christina, there were several rewards for copulation with Diana as well. 

While he consummated his love with Diana passionately, a flood of system messages had poured in incessantly due to the rewards that were constantly being unlocked in the process. Later on, it had become so overwhelming that Zach had decided to instruct the system to mute all kinds of notifications pertaining to the unlocking of various rewards. 

The influx of constant messages had inundated his interface, creating a chaotic cascade of pop-ups alerts. And in an attempt to quell this deluge, Zach had struggled to maintain focus on the task at hand, a task that he was fully enjoying. 

Therefore, he had no choice but to interact with the system settings to mute the unnecessary notifications if he wanted to pay full attention to pleasuring Diana to show her the heights of the heavenly ecstasy. 

His effort had been aimed at bringing a semblance of peace to the screen that had transformed into a mosaic of vibrant notifications, bombarding him incessantly, disrupting his focus. The swift action of muting the notifications was a much-needed respite, providing a momentary relief from the virtual onslaught that had momentarily overtaken his vision. 

Thankfully, the system, in all its efficiency, meticulously maintained a comprehensive record of each and every message and notification that flooded Zach's interface. 

This preserved log served as a repository of the myriad alerts and updates, ensuring that none of the information was lost amidst the ceaseless influx of system notifications or messages. 

Despite the overwhelming volume of incoming messages, this methodical documentation by the system offered a meticulous compilation of all the rewards, achievements, and progress markers that Zach acquired. 

Without the system, Zach wouldn't even have known the kind of treasures he was holding in his hands until the very last moment or until after it was already too late. 

Going through the system log, Zach noted down anything worth paying attention to. Although there were myriads of weapons that had been unlocked, most of them were slightly more upgraded versions of the base weapons he already had or were not the things he needed currently. 

Out of all the unlocked rewards, two of them caught his eye like nothing else. He was wide eyed as he contemplated all the possibilities, they would bring to his combat style. 

The first of them was 'The Force Armor". 

[The Force Armor] 

[Description: The Force Armor, an extraordinary manifestation drawn from the energies within, is a shield of remarkable resilience and impenetrability...


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