If Ronaldo had been under Zach's command, a single discerning glance would have been sufficient to warrant his prompt dismissal. 

The lethargy, an archenemy of any diligent soldier, was glaringly apparent in this military commander. Ronaldo's demeanor did not befit a fierce soldier; instead, he resembled a shrewd and crafty businessman with his rat-like, ingratiating smile. This stark contrast to the image the public expected of a robust military leader was unsettling for Zach and Bruce.

As the fat on his belly jiggled with every step, Ronaldo finally reached the table, albeit with visible effort. He stood beside the table, attempting to assume a military posture, with his hands clasped behind his back. However, his hunched shoulders and protruding belly did little to support his efforts to project a dignified image.

Zach suppressed his disdain for being in the presence of such a man. He reminded himself that this man held the power to save or condemn Luke, and so he put on a forced smile. He received Ronaldo as if he was an old-time friend who had just played a funny prank on him for old times' sake.

"Since you are here with Andy, I guess you must be the person buying me this meal. I am Colonel Ronaldo, the military commander of the border control force for this region. Can I have the honor of knowing your credentials?"

The man didn't look like he was done putting on airs. No one in the city could have missed out on who Zach was considering that he had recently been elevated to the status of Viscount. Therefore, Zach didn't bother arguing with the man and instead just tried to remain silent.

Andy took over for him when he didn't utter a single word and managed to exchange pleasantries with the military leader on Zach's behalf and finished introducing everyone on the table to the military leader.

"I should apologize for my tardiness and for making you wait for me like this. I ended up forgetting about our little arrangement and only remembered it after it was too late."

Zach on the other hand tried his best to curtail the anger rising within. The man's shamelessness truly knew no bounds. He didn't even apologize properly even though the apology was more than warranted in this situation. He skipped past that apology with word play. 

Though they were the ones in need of something from Ronaldo, it didn't mean that he had the right to drag them through the mud. It wasn't like they were going to ask him to help them out for free. They obviously planned to compensate him for his troubles.

"Oh please, there is no need for you to apologize. It was barely a few minutes. In your absence, we took the initiative to order a few dishes so you wouldn't have to wait for the meal to be served." Of course, the bearer of such a servile tone could only be Andy. Being the chief of police who had to come into contact with officials on a daily basis, it had become a habit of his.

"Of course, I don't mind. I just hope that you give me the chance to order the wine of my preference. I love drinking. In fact, I would like to invite all of you to drink with me tonight as a celebration for our little collaboration." laughed Ronaldo boisterously as he picked up a menu from the table and directly ordered the most expensive wine available.

Zach sneered in his heart about the shameless behavior of the military colonel. The man was practically looting them to their faces, and he expected them to take it with a smile. Moreover, he had the nerve to invite them to drink with him while they were the ones who were going to foot the bill for him.

Bruce had an embarrassed smile on his face as he wondered how the man could have a straight face while acting so shamelessly. Still, he signaled the waiters in the distance to bring over the dishes when ready.

The waiter nodded as he mouthed, "certainly" in response to Bruce's signal.

Bruce had no option but to call for the meal before the main topic for the dinner was broached. But only the meal could reduce the awkwardness at the table now.

Soon three waiters came bearing a table full of dishes, each more luxurious than the next. Bruce had obviously pulled out the big guns. They couldn't let it all go to waste.

While the waiters were setting up the cutlery and the dishes, Ronaldo engaged Zach directly with a knowing smile on his face. 

"So, you must be Viscount Smith that I have been hearing so much about recently. Andy here has been telling me that you wanted to see me and make my acquaintance, is that right?"

Zach found Ronaldo's smile to be like that of a snake. Even his words were just as insidious, but Zach hadn't spent so many hours in the company of such shameless people for nothing. His facial expressions barely changed as he replied.

"Of course, I wanted to meet you and get a chance to host you. Let's just say that this chance didn't come easily. You are a hard man to find and a harder man to reach."

"What can I say? A man like me has responsibilities to shoulder. I can't do whatever I want like animals. Although I would love to be free of those chains, I don't have it in me to disappoint all the people who put their trust in us to ensure their security." There was barely a twitch on the man's face as he lied through his teeth and used the people as an excuse even though they both knew why the two of them were here. 

Let's just say that it wasn't for the benefit of the people at least.

"It seems that you are quite busy most of the time. Your job must be stressful. Have you thought of changing jobs? Maybe there is something else that suits a man of your caliber." Zach's words had hidden intentions that a cunning man like Ronaldo couldn't have missed but if he did, Ronaldo didn't reveal it on his face. His poker face was perfect as he became fully immersed in the conversation with Zach.

"This is what I should do as a leader. You must know, you are the head of your family too. It is stressful but rewarding at the same time. I wouldn't give it away for the world."

"Of course, you wouldn't. That way you wouldn't be able to rip people off like this." thought Zach in his head but didn't say it out loud obviously. Instead, he said, "Your dedication to the people is quite commendable. I must say that the security of the people seems to be in the right hands."

There wasn't a tinge of sincerity in Zach's words but the smile on his face was quite practiced. Even a cunning individual like Ronaldo might have been fooled.

"This meal is quite fine. Even though I have been in this city for a long time, this is my first time to this establishment. You could say that it is one of the burdens that come with my job. There is barely any time for oneself."

"I am sure that is the case. Sorry to take away that precious time for you but we had an urgent situation ourselves. Prince Luke whom you have detained for a crime, I wan..."

Zach's words were cut short abruptly by Colonel Ronaldo as he initiated a conversation topic of his own.

"A Viscount at your age is quite the achievement. How do you feel about it, proud?"

"There is nothing to be proud of about it. The government deemed me worthy enough to award me. To be honest I was only trying to lay low and not attract any attention to myself. Instead, I ended up becoming a Viscount."

The four of them began their meal in between a conversation that was pointless and served no purpose at all. Any time Zach tried to turn the conversation towards his intended topic, that is Luke's release, Ronaldo would do something to divert it once again. 

His actions made Zach believe that the military leader never intended to hear them out and was just playing with them.

The meal ended on a pleasant note, but the night was still young. Moreover, the topic Zach intended to discuss had yet to come up due to the interference play of the Colonel.

Zach was slowly losing it and Bruce had to grab his hand under the table to pinch it in order to calm him down so he wouldn't do something he might regret later on.

Zach clenched his teeth in anger while both Andy and Bruce tried to calm him down. Unfortunately, no matter how much time passed, he failed to grab attention of the middle-aged man who was drinking and toasting happily in between petty conversation topics that ranged from anywhere between self-introduction to taking down a nation hypothetically. He just wouldn't stop to answer him whenever he tried to say anything about Luke.

In the end, Zach was forced to drink a ton of wine to the point that his stomach was about to burst. He had to relieve himself two times in the middle of the drinking. There was no doubt that Ronaldo could drink. He fully had the capability of drinking them all under the table in a single sitting.

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