Andy's pragmatic approach in navigating this reality was something Bruce respected. It was a testament to his understanding of the world they lived in, and the strategies required to navigate it effectively. Bruce saw in Andy a kindred spirit, someone who comprehended the need for a strategic and calculated approach to deal with the city's pervasive corruption.

Andy had enough power, and he knew how to wield that power. He understood that sometimes to dismantle a corrupt system, one needed to operate within its confines. He aimed for strategic interventions, leveraging his power to challenge the status quo and drive reforms. It was a realization that true change often required a balance between idealism and practicality, utilizing the available means to achieve a greater good. He could do a lot more good than someone idealistic who played by the rules.

Zach gratefully nodded towards Andy in appreciation as if asking him to continue and Andy obliged.

"He extended an invitation for a meeting, suggesting we convene tomorrow at the renowned Windsor family's upscale restaurant. It's a place frequented by the elites of the city, making it an ideal venue for a discreet exchange. The exclusivity of the location guarantees a sparser crowd, ensuring our conversation remains confidential. To add an extra layer of assurance, I've already arranged with the head of the Windsor family to subtly thin out the patrons during our meeting. Maintaining confidentiality is paramount for us; it's prudent to keep our plans veiled from any prying eyes, if you understand what I mean."

Zach and Bruce simultaneously expressed their agreement to those words. Andy had really turned out to be an excellent ally to them even though they had been off to a rough start due to the incident with Marico's arrest.

The next day, Zach, Bruce, and Andy arrived at the designated restaurant at the agreed-upon time for their meeting with Ronaldo. However, to their dismay, they found themselves waiting for more than twenty minutes, and there was no sign of the Colonel.

The minutes ticked by, and impatience settled in as they wondered about the delay. They exchanged glances, their concern growing. Being a military man, it was hardly expected out of the man. Despite being corrupted to the core, Zach would never expect such tardiness from someone who used to be a soldier. 

Being a trainer himself, he had inculcated a sense of strict self-discipline in his people and his soldiers had never disappointed him. He wondered if Ronaldo still considered himself a soldier despite his lack of discipline. The people he knew were punctual to the fault and would always keep their commitments.

Why would Ronaldo keep them waiting without any prior notice? Had they been played? Anxiety crept in as they anticipated the reason for his tardiness.

Zach began to entertain the unsettling possibility that Ronaldo might have intentionally left them waiting, a deliberate act to humiliate them. The suspicion gnawed at him, intensifying as each minute passed with no sign of Ronaldo.

As time dragged on, minute by agonizing minute, Zach's apprehension deepened. The absence of Ronaldo fueled his growing concern, leaving a bitter taste of uncertainty in his mouth. He grappled with the increasing likelihood that this delay was not a mere accident but a calculated move to toy with their patience and pride.

Turning to Bruce, Zach sought his opinion on the situation. He valued Bruce's experience and expertise in dealing with the intricate politics and mind games of the city's elite.

"Bruce," Zach began, his concern evident in his tone, "what's your take on this? Could Ronaldo be playing a game here, trying to get under our skin and unsettle us?" He leaned in, eager for Bruce's insights into this perplexing scenario.

Bruce shook his head to indicate that he was just as baffled as him. He couldn't understand why Ronaldo would agree to see them but won't show up. What was the man trying to achieve by doing that?

"I can't say for sure," Bruce replied, his expression reflecting his uncertainty. "I've had limited encounters with the man and haven't immersed myself deeply in the elite circles of this city. It's possible that such behavior is common practice here, a subtle form of power play."

The enigmatic ways of the city's upper echelons remained somewhat elusive to Bruce, leaving room for speculation and interpretation.

Andy was the first one to come up with the right answer. He immediately put his hand on Zach's shoulder to keep the latter from acting out as the latter was slowly giving in to his anger. They had got this chance after a lot of effort, so he wasn't going to let Zach ruin it by a momentary fit of anger and impatience.

"Don't worry, he will show up soon. He is just trying to test you since you are new in the circle and don't have a reputation. He is probably worried that you are some kind of spy sent to expose all his sinful deeds to the public. People who deal underhandedly need to be cautious and the man is as cautious as he can be."

Andy's understanding of the intricate dynamics of the city's elite helped provide a perspective on the situation which was quite unique and understandable.

It was quite a logical explanation, so Zach decided to act on Andy's judgement this time. 

Andy on the other hand didn't stop. He shared his own experiences of dealing with the elite but crooked forces of the city. Even though his position had its perks, sometimes it was just a chore to deal with these kinds of people with no regard for time or commitment.

"You might be new to this, but I have been through this kind of situation a lot ever since I took up office. Don't take it to heart. The more you do, the more it will show on your face during the meal. Think of it as a prank and let it go. Be magnanimous or it will only serve your enemies. Since we are the ones who need something from him, he can put on all the airs he wants, and we can do nothing about it."

Acting unperturbed, Zach and his companions took their seats at the table, suppressing any irritation they might have felt as they waited for Ronaldo. Hunger teased their appetites, but the prolonged wait cast a slight shadow over their moods.

As they waited for their guest, Zach found himself drawing parallels between the dynamics of power in his previous world and the current one. The common thread was evident, the rules of influence, maneuvering, and political complexity remained strikingly similar across different worlds. Regardless of the realm, human nature seemed predisposed to a certain propensity for greed and corruption, leading to inevitable political strife wherever they inhabited.

It wasn't until an hour later that Ronaldo finally strolled into the restaurant, his casual demeanor and composed expression giving no hint of the delay that had frayed their patience.

Zach, Bruce, and Andy exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of frustration and curiosity. They wondered if this tardiness was a tactic, a test of their resolve, or perhaps a display of superiority. 

Zach speculated whether Ronaldo had been lingering nearby, observing their reactions and using this delay to gauge their temperaments, or if he had been intentionally prolonging their wait from the comfort of his home. The uncertainty of the situation added to the brewing tension in the air.

Ronaldo had dressed extravagantly for the occasion, perhaps compensating for the delay with a display of ostentation. Despite being a middle-aged man in his thirties, sporting a beer belly and a receding hairline, his attire somehow managed to soften his appearance. The tailored suit he wore was undoubtedly expensive, exuding an air of affluence. The fabric, smooth and dark, clung to his form but was unable to hide the protruding belly.

His choice of accessories included a golden watch that adorned his wrist and reflected the ambient lights in the restaurant. His fingers were decorated with rings, each gleaming as they caught the light, dazzling the onlookers. It was as if he aimed to portray an image of opulence and influence, contrasting starkly with the reality of his age and physicality.

There was nothing in his appearance that announced his professional occupation. One might have expected a military official like him to have a more discernible air of authority, a well-maintained body and a disciplined outlook but Ronaldo defied this expectation. 

He could have easily been mistaken for a wealthy businessman enjoying a leisurely evening rather than a key military figure. The contrast between his appearance and his role in the military disgusted all three who laid their eyes on him, but they hid it well and didn't let it show on their faces.

Zach couldn't help but assess Ronaldo as the latter ambled towards their table. His pace was deliberately unhurried, almost mocking their patience. As Zach's eyes traversed the man's form, a sense of repulsion and unease settled within him. Ronaldo's appearance did nothing to dispel this sentiment; in fact, it heightened it.

There was a certain arrogance in the way Ronaldo carried himself, an arrogance amplified by the extravagance of his attire. It was as if he enjoyed playing with power, relishing the discomfort of those waiting on him. 

This portrayal was a far cry from Zach's conception of a military figure. Having personally trained soldiers, he found it unfathomable that an individual like Ronaldo could be entrusted with the crucial responsibility of defending the populace during times of crisis. 

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