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"Oh my god, the response was well received by the fans,"Han Nanxian said as they were at the dinner table at Grandpa Han's house. "Only some preparations are left and everything else is done."

They knew that response would be good but they didn't know that it would be this good. The netizens were going crazy over the internet. Han Zixin and his concert was the current trending topic. 

The people who always wanted to listen to him live were going insanely excited. Amidst the good response, there was a wave of negative comments too. Since the PR team made it public that HZ would not be showing his face due to privacy concerns, this group of people were causing trouble. They were of the view that if HZ was not going to show his face, what was the whole point of buying the tickets? But they were soon shut down by the loyal fans. 

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Does it mean Zixin can start the practice sessions tomorrow?" An Xiulan asked. They still have not started the practice sessions as Han Zixin was never fully free. He still had his duty towards the nation. But he was saying that he had submitted his application for leave and then he would be able to give his attention to one place only. Managing two things at the same time was not easy for him. 

Han Nanxian said, "Of course, he can."

Song Xueyun asked, "Zixin, what about your leave? Was it sanctioned?"

Grandpa Han said, "He had not taken leave this year. Of course, it will be sanctioned."

Han Zixin was that diligent worker who would go to the office daily. If it was up to him, he would also go on weekends. Since the nature of his job was peculiar, most of the time he had to work on weekends too. 

"Yes, it will be, "Han Zixin said, "But I had to make a sacrifice. Since I am just promoted and cannot take long leave but I am still taking it, they put a pause on my promotion. I do not know how long I will have to work in this office."

He was just promoted and transferred to a new city. Taking a long leave will affect his promotion but he didn't mind at all. It was not bad to slow down for a while and enjoy what he had, then always be in a hurry to move. 

Han Nanxian said, "At this rate, the department is scared that you will get transferred somewhere again and they are just keeping you hostage here." 

Han Zixin answered, "It is fine with me. I get to do two of my favourite jobs in the world. It is not an easy task. Who gets the best of two worlds. nobody. I'm lucky that I am getting at least good of both worlds even though I had to make a little sacrifice."

"Oh, it's Lu Xuan, "An Xiulan said. "He is facetiming me."

An Xiulan set her hair and put on a big smile before accepting the call. 

"You look horrible, "Lu Xuan said as soon as the call connected. "So much makeup. Tsk. Tsk. I can't even recognise you, white ghost. Oh, shall I say pink ghost."

Everything could change but their bickering could never. Neither Lu Xuan nor An Xiulan could survive without pressing each other's sore nerves. At this point, everyone had stopped interfering in their matter. They knew that this was their way of interfering. It was only when things got bloody and violent between the two of them, anyone like Gu Shangyan and An Qinyan would interfere. There had been several incidents of hair pulling and clawing between the two of them. 

"Lu Xuan! Why are you angering your Jie to death!" An Xiulan thundered. "I will tell mom what you called me."

"Sure, you mom's snitch, "Lu Xuan rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I didn't call you to talk to you. Give him the phone."

An Xiulan thought inside that he was so far yet he was so obnoxious. If it was up to her, she would ahh! He made her so angry! 

An Xiulan huffed. "If you wanted to talk to him, you should have called him. Why are you calling me?"

Her stupid brother had no logic at all! 

"You talk too much. Give him the phone, "Lu Xuan said. He was little on time yet he was making this phone call and this girl was wasting his precious time. He was so busy throwing orders at everyone and making his employees' lives hell abroad that it was hard for him to find time for himself and his family. 

An Xiulan threw an attitude at him but calmly gave the phone to Han Zixin. 

When Han Zixin took the phone and his face came on the screen, Lu Xuan, "She made you wear makeup too? Just what is she doing? I told you to not let her get her way with you but you didn't listen. Now tolerate it."

Lu Xuan tsked. What had his sister made of this okay-looking man with make-up! 

"Lu Xuan, you are a dead fish when you return, "An Xiualn was more than just angry. Was he trying to poison her boyfriend's mind by his nonsense? What would she do if Han Zixin began listening to him? No, no, she can't let that happen! Her innocent and obedient boyfriend would be gone this way. 

Lu Xuan just ignored the background noise. He focused on Han Zixin and said, "I know this is a big day for you. You must be nervous. Of course, you will be. But don't be. If something goes wrong, your brother and my family are here to take care of it. Trust me, our families can control the press. It's nothing big."

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