431 Bonus Chapter (2)

I know I had never written anything on my socials except for bland announcements that talk only about the new music albums that would be out. It is the first time that I have sat down and decided to pen down this message for my fans. I know many of you will feel like my account has been hacked or something like that. Trust me, it's not the case. I am not the one to pen down long and emotional messages for anyone. For me, words meant making my thoughts clear to the other words. Music is the only means through which I can explain my feelings and thoughts better. However, my girlfriend insisted that I write something special for my fans. So here I am following her advice. I don't know how to begin or what are the best opening lines for what I am about to say. My hands are shaking while announcing that WE ARE ORGANIZING A CONCERT. The dates of the venue will be posted later on in the following post. What I would like to say is that thank you. Thank you for being here for me all the time. Thank you for encouraging me to be brave. Thank you for being the reason why I am still able to make music despite everything. Truth be told, I have never thought a day like this would come when I would be announcing that we are doing a concert but we never know. Life is a series of surprises and it is one of them, not just for you but for me too. Once again thank you for being here for me all the time. Without you, I am nothing. I owe everything to you, my fans, my family and my friends. Thank you for being with me during light and dark, ups and downs and happiness and sadness. ….

As Han Zixin stared at the computer screen, his eyes were moist. Writing this message for his fans has made him quite emotional. He had a lot to say to his fans but when he held a pen to write down his message, he found himself loss for words, it was as if he could not say anything at all. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see An Xiulan smiling down at him. He put a hand over hers and heaved out a sigh of relief. "Do you want this message to be typed or shall I post a picture of it?" An Xiulan asked him. "Are you going to post it?" Han Zixin asked, surprised. There was a separate PR team to deal with things like this. "Who else is better than me when it comes to social media?'An Xiulan asked him. "Moreover, I want to do it with you. It would be better if we do it together, don't you think so?"

Actually, Han Zixin did not think about it at all. However, now that she was saying this, he did not mind it. Maybe it was a better idea.

"This is the video that we will be posting along with the handwritten message," An Xiulan showed it to him. "What do you think about it?'An Xiulan asked him.

"Whatever you feel is best," Han Zixin said. An Xiulan typed the post on his official account and waited for him to catch his breath. He did not realize but he was very nervous at this moment. This was Officer Han who feared nobody. He had carried so many difficult operations yet no enemy was able to make him this nervous but today a single post was making him feel in such a way. "Post it, "An Xiulan said as she tenderly looked at him. "Me?" he asked, surprised. "Who else?" An Xiulan asked him. "Why does it have to be me?" Han Zixin asked her. "Baby, it has to be you, "An Xiulan said. "Do it. I am waiting."

With a nervous hand, Han Zixin touched the post option on the screen and saw it getting posted in a couple of Seconds. "You did it, "An Xiulan smiled at him. He turned to look at him and hugged her tightly. "Did I tell you that I love you?"

"Not today, " he whispered. "But I would like to hear this now more than ever."

An Xiulan kissed his lips and whispered how much she loved him. This was such a precious moment for the two of them. Initially, she did not think about the need to be alone while doing this task but now she was more grateful that there was nobody else, just them. This was the moment that they were never going to forget their entire life. And their being together just made it more special than anything. On the Netizen's side. Lily was Han Zixin's number one fan. She was a social media addict who seemed to have a good sense of music. She was famous on the internet for making short lip-sync videos. She was scrolling on the internet when the post was posted. For once, she let the post pass as she thought that it was just a fan account that was making random and ridiculous claims. Her music god never showed his face to anyone. There was no way he was going to organize a concert. It just did not make any sense. However, as her eye fell on the blue tick, her finger scrolled up and the post came on her screen. It was posted only a few seconds before and there was not a single like on it. She was the first person to like it and as she opened the comment section, it was empty. Lily read the words written in slightly ugly handwriting on a page in the dairy and realized that a tear had fallen on the screen. "Oh my God!!!!" Lily screamed as she held the phone in her hand and jumped on her hostel bed. "What the hell, Lily!" Her friend who was studying on her study table threw a pen at her. "I have an exam tomorrow. Why are you screaming?"

"Jingjing, you have to see this, "Lily said.

"Is it another viral dance video that you want to recreate? I don't have time for this. I am majoring in Physics. I have to study for real. Leave me out of this thing, "Her friend said, annoyed. "This is our music god's post. He posted something, "Lily said. Jingjing threw the book that she was holding on the table and ran towards Lily at lightning speed. She took Lily's phone and screamed in excitement, tears and so many things. Jingjing was sobbing at this point. "He..he…he is doing a con…"

"Oh my god, I can't even form words, "Jingjing said, looking at the post. Her fingers caressed the picture of the handwritten words and whispered, "He wrote it himself. Can you believe it? He is real. He is real. He is not someone from another world who creates music and drops it overnight and goes missing. We will be able to see him."

"He has a girlfriend, "Lily pointed out. "He is a man and of course, he will have a girlfriend, "Jingjing said. "I mean, he can have a boyfriend too. But it is not important. What's important is that he is doing a concert. I have some money saved and we are going at any cost! Sit near the computer and as the tickets begin getting sold, get us two to attend the concert."

"What about exams?" Lily asked. "It doesn't matter. There is always next year, "Jingjing said. "Stop thinking about trivial things when you are going to meet God."

For Jingjing HZ was no less than a god whose music had helped her in the darkest time of her life. When she heard his music for the first time, he was not even famous, she had found light in those dark days. He said that fans like them brought him out of darkness but it was the complete opposite. The reaction of fans across the country was more or less the same. The fans could not believe that HZ was really doing a concert. There were not just one but five concerts in different cities of the country. He made sure that his fans did not miss seeing him play live due to geographical barriers. Thousands of people were waiting for the tickets to go on sale so that they could buy them. He had more than twenty million followers on his social media account. There was a probability that not many would be able to get the tickets. The stadium where he was playing had the capacity of fifty thousand people and he was only playing for five cities. There were going to be a lot of people and it would be a battle to get the tickets. The fans were ready to engage in this battle as they did not know if he would ever play live again. Suprise! Suprise!

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