When they said life doesn't stop just because one person leaves was not wrong. Everyone's lives went back to normal a few days later when Lu Xuan left China. Even when they missed him, they had realized that it was his decision and there was nothing they could do except for respecting his decision.

Their life did not stop. They found other challenges to keep themselves busy. Every day was a battle for everyone to survive. Similarly, Lu Xuan was fighting his battle far away from home. He was swamped with work to the extent that he did not have time to think about anything else. Life had been going at a double speed for him there in a foreign country. And just like this, two weeks passed for all of them.

These days An Xiulan was spending more time with Lu Xun who was more impacted by the turns of events. The little boy was trying to figure out why the adult world was so complicated. First, An Xiulan stayed away from him for so many years and now Lu Xuan had to go. The relationship between the three siblings was very deep and the little boy adored his siblings too much. He only wanted to stay with them as much as possible. But it was not possible for him.

He was losing one sibling after another. Although he was not losing them, his young mind was not able to understand the things. He was still very young to understand these big things even though he was very wise for his age.

Since she was spending her free time with Lu Xun and her family, she was not able to meet Han Zixin. She felt bad that she could not see him often but he assured her that he was fine and she did not need to feel bad about it. Her supportive partner was the reason why she was able to support her family at this time. Sometimes, she wondered what kind of good deeds she must have done to deserve Han Zixin.

Han Zixin was the biggest support she had right at this moment. Her family was the best in the entire world yet there were many things that she could not share with them. It was not the awkwardness but the feeling that she might upset or worry them. However, with Han Zixin, there was nothing that she had to hold inside. She could tell him everything that was troubling her and he wouldn listen to her patiently. If she wanted him to give her solutions, he would do that for him too.

Right now, he was patiently giving her all the time and space to focus on her family and she was very happy about it. But it did not change the fact that she felt bad for not being able to give him more time. She was worried that she might end up taking him for granted.

Currently, An Xiulan and Lu Xun were in Lu house helping the latter with his homework. She came here from the office. He was calling her saying that he wanted to see her and like a good big sister she came to meet him. Moreover, he was very vulnerable these days and staying with her always made him feel better. Lu Zhaolin and Song Yifei had requested her to spend some time with her. Lu Xun was her precious brother and she did not need anyone to request her. She would do that without having anyone to say it.

"Jiejie, can we take a small break?" Lu Xun pouted. He was having trouble focusing on studies. His attention was on having fun not studying. He found studies quite boring yet he was forced to stay now. And that too math. "Mathematics is not going inside my head."

"We have just begun, "An Xiulan said. She could see that he was not in the mood to study. Then again, he was never in any mood to study. If she asked him to go play, he would look so energetic. But with books in front of him, he looked like a withered flower.

"But I am already tired, "Lu Xun made the most innocent face that melted just anyone. He was so certain that this face would work on his sister and he was not wrong. This face seriously worked on her. In the end, An Xiulan had to give in to him. She was helpless when it came to. Whenever she was Xiaobao, he was able to get what he always wanted. Maybe, that's what Lu Xuan and Gu Shangyan had felt every time she showed her stubbornness to them.

"Fine, "She said and he smiled slightly. He was able to get what he wanted and his happiness knew no bounds.

"Since we are taking a small break, shall we play video games?" Lu Xun asked. He was so excited all of a sudden that anyone could see on it his face. The withered flower from before was nowhere to be seen now. "I will go easy on you!"

"Alright, "An Xiulan agreed. They played for ten minutes and then she switched off the television.

"What?" He asked with a spoiled attitude.

"We are going back to studies again. If you complete this exercise of mathematics, we will play two rounds, "An Xiulan threw the bait and he had no other option but to agree. Reluctantly, he began solving the questions.

Lu Xun felt like he was being duped. For only playing ten minutes, he was forced to solve the entire exercise of mathematics that had more than twenty questions. Two rounds of game would end in ten minutes again and his sister would make him solve another round again. Wasn't it cheating? But what could he say? He could not even complain about it. After all, he got what she wanted. His sister just behaved like the smart lawyer that she was.

"Can we go out tomorrow?" Lu Xun asked. "It is the weekend. We both will be free. We can go to the waterpark. What do you say? We will have an awesome day!"

An Xiulan thought for a moment and then shook her head. It had been two weeks since she had properly given time to Han Zixin. They saw each other often but only when he came to drop or pick her up from the office. They had spent some quality time with each other and now she was missing him a lot.

That much time was not enough for her. He would pick her up from the office and drop her at home and in the morning he would do the same. They did not get time these days. She could not hug him. She could not feel him against her. She could not kiss him! Ugh! It was a torture against her heart. It was very difficult for her to sleep at night and miss him all the time. She could call him and talk all night but he had a very demanding job, she could not do that either. It was very tough for her these days. So, she decided that she had to spend the weekend with him at any cost. She would convince Xiaobao anyway but she could not convince herself against what she wanted.

"Why?" Lu Xun asked. He had everything planned out for tomorrow. He wanted to have fun with her but now she was saying no. It made him sad.

"Because I promised Han Zixin I will be spending my weekend with him, "An Xiulan told him. She did not want to break her promise. And it was not just about promise, she was terribly missing him. She was at her limit and if she did not see him soon, she would get consumed by her own self.

"He sees you often. You live so close to each other, "Lu Xun pouted. "Gege is not here. Who will take me out now? Does it mean I will be alone forever?"

An Xiulan sighed. She ruffled her hair. "No, Xiaobao. That's not what I meant. Why would you be alone? I only said I can't take you to the waterpark but I did not say I will not see you or call you. We will be the best sibling duo here. We will have all the fun in the world. But we have to make time for others too, right? How will you mama, dad and grandma feel if you only spend time with me, not with them?"

"They would be heartbroken, "He said in a small tone. "They would feel I don't like them anymore."

"No, they won't feel like you don't like them but they certainly will miss you, "An Xiulan said. "We should give time to everyone in our lives. We should not ignore anyone for someone else."

Lu Xun nodded his head as if he understood what An Xiulan was teaching him. But he did not know what was the connection of this talk with going out with him on weekend. He knew one thing that she was trying to make a point here but couldn't understand what point.


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