"Why are you so wise today?" Lu Xuan asked his little brother. The Xiaobao he knew was stubborn. He was surprised that the boy wasn't lying on the airport floor demanding him not to go. Xiaobao should have thrown a couple of tantrums until now but he did no such thing. It was a little unsettling right now. Then he looked at his sister standing beside Han Zixin and understood that she might be the reason.

Lu Xun pursed his lips. It was not that he did not want to say anything, it was just that he did not know what to say. He was young but not dumb. He was just talking nonsense to deviate his mind from sadness and it was working to some extent. When he found out from his Jiejie that Lu Xuan was going to America like she went once for that many days, he cried a lot. He did not eat and drink all day. But then his Jiejie came and made him understand how complicated and bad the adult world is. He found out that sometimes we have to go far to solve our problems. Lu Xuan was doing the same thing. He wanted to stop his brother from going but he did not want to forget the important lesson that his sister taught him. He would be a good boy and not cry here. Because if he cried, his brother was going to be very sad too.

"Take care of yourself, Little buddy, "Lu Xuan said with a chuckle, "Or the Feminist in you won't allow?"

Lu Xun looked at his sister and said, "Jiejie! He is teasing me for being a feminist."

"This an androcentric world, Xiaobao. But keep holding your ground, we will win one day, "An Xiulan said. "Fighting!"

Lu Xuan rolled his eyes. "You are teaching him words heavier than him."

"He is body shaming me, "Lu Xun said to his sister.

"Lu Xuan, be nice to your brother, "An Xiulan scolded him.

"I am nice to this fatty, "Lu Xuan shrugged.

"Both of you, stop bickering in the airport lobby, "Gu Shangyan said in his stern tone.

Lu Xuan and An Xiulan behaved like well behaved kids instantly. The three of them hugged each other and Xiaobao ran to join them.

"You better take care of yourself, "An Xiulan threatened him.

"She is threatening me, "Lu Xuan complained to Gu Shangyan.

"Xiulan, be nice to him. Don't threaten him, "Gu Shangyan said.

"You are biased, "An Xiulan pouted. Although they were bickering again, they were hugging again.

An Qinyan and Lu Zhaolin said a lot of things to him. They gave him a list of dos and don'ts. He was obediently listening to them while nodding his head. It was as if the content of their speech was not leaving through the second ear. He was doing a good job at pretending that he was listening to everything while he was just savoring the last moment with his parents.

It was such an emotional scene at the airport. Some were teary-fully welcoming their family and others were tear-fully bidding them goodbye. After saying goodbye to his parents, he turned to look at Han Zixin who stood proud and tall against him.

"What's going on between you and my sister?" Lu Xuan asked him.

"Why don't you ask her?" Han Zixin dryly asked. If his girlfriend did not tell her brother, why would he tell this man? Anyway, his brother-in-law was a headache. He did not want to deal with it.

"Why can't I ask you?" Lu Xuan asked.

"You can ask. But I won't answer, "Han Zixin answered in a laid-back attitude.

"What an asshole, "Lu Xuan muttered. "You better not break her heart. If I heard that you hurt her even a little, I will catch the next plane and come to beat your ass. Let me tell you, your police badge doesn't scare me."

"You are welcome, "Han Zixin said. He did not put years of effort to win his girlfriend just to break her heart. He loved her more than he loved himself. There was no way he would ever break her heart.

Han Nanxian and Song Xueyun had also come to bid him goodbye. The newly wedded couple were surprised to hear the news. But as his best friend, Song Xueyun wanted to be here. More than An Xiulan, she was on the verge of crying. Airports always made her cry. Years ago, one best friend left her here with no way of contacting him and now another one was going.

"I am not him, "Lu Xuan said, hugging his best friend. "You can't get rid of me. I would still call you in the middle of the night if I need some girl advice."

"You better not keep harassing her, "Han Nanxian said.

"Look who is saying, "Lu Xuan said sarcastically. "Anyway, she is my best friend and she can't get rid of me. Only people with ulterior motives leave."

"You better not be having ulterior motives,"Han Nanxian raised his brow.

"You guys can stop arguing, "Song Xueyun said. "Do you guys really have to have a war each time you meet?"

"I don't like him, "Lu Xuan and Han Nanxian said at the same time.

"You don't have to like each other to be civil human beings, "Song Xueyun said. "You just give me a headache with this attitude of yours."

"What did I do?" They asked at the same time.

"I was warning him to not hurt you, "Lu Xuan said. He did not like Han Nanxian back in Song Xueyun's life in such a way. Many things were changing but his feelings for Han Nanxian were the same as day one. Have you ever met someone and felt the urge to hate them all your life without any rhyme or reason? This unreasonable hate for someone that knows no bound. He felt the same for Han Nanxian. It was not that he did not try to stop hating Han Nanxian, he did. But all his attempts were futile. Oh, he just hated this bastard who believed that he was better than everyone. Even if it was true, who cared about it?

"I will not hurt her, "Han Nanxian said. "I agree that I made some mistakes. I accept that. But all I am asking you is to not repeat them. Do not push your family and friends away. Do not repeat my mistakes. Do not be me. If you hate me that much, make sure you don't copy what I did. And if you did the exact same thing, what would be the difference between you and me?"

"I am original, "Lu Xuan said. "There is no similarity between you and me. And why would I do such a dumb thing? Only you can do it. I won't do it."

"Better to hear, "Han Nanxian said.

Lu Xuan took some deep breaths. Why was it so hard to leave now that he was leaving? But more than that, why was it harder to stay? What did his heart want? Was he making the right decision? Or was he ruining his life? Why was he in such a dilemma?

An Qinyan and Lu Zhaolin put hands on his shoulders and he looked at them.

"We will miss you, "They said.

"I would miss you too, "Lu Xuan said.

"If you ever need us, we are a call away. We will come to you as soon as possible, "An Qinyan said.

"Your mother is right, "Lu Zhaolin said.

"Dad, stop working too hard, okay?" Lu Xuan said. "Give more time to your family. You need some break. You have worked so hard for your family all your life. You should relax now."

Lu Zhaolin nodded his head. "I will."

"Really?" Lu Xuan was surprised to hear it. His father was working himself too much. He would always tell him the same thing but his father would change the topic. He was surprised that his father agreed this time so easily.

"I have to keep my schedule open so I can come to see you when I miss you, "Lu Zhaolin said in his icy tone.

Lu Xuan smiled. "Sure, dad."

He turned to his mother who raised her hand and said, "Spare me the lecture. I am not emotional enough to say that I will stop working too. It's not the time yet. When it will be the time, I will leave my post to relax."

"I was not going to say this, mom, "Lu Xuan said, hugging her. "I was merely going to say that you should let Shangyan Ge work more then take some time to yourself when you get it.

"I will not tolerate a workaholic in the family, "An Qinyan reminded him.

"Sure, mother, "Lu Xuan smiled and hugged her even tighter.


A/N: I am slowly putting back the messy chapters like the mess of my life.


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