
We reached Cloudia, and the sight alone made me feel such a blissful nostalgia, I couldn't help but shed a small tear. I could easily tell my parents were the same, seeing our old home from the distance must have hit in the feels really strongly for them.

"We're back at our little love nest…" My father sighed, laughing a little as he saw the place.

"And it seems that the Spirit Guardians we left behind are still there too." My mother laughed. "You guys did a good job at protecting this place for so many years."

The Angelic Blazing Spirit Guardians quickly flew back to my mother and my father, fusing back into them as if they had been fragments of their powers they left here.

"Oh wow, I didn't realized how much power it took from me to make these guys…" My father said. "Wait, have I been fighting this whole time while having my power lowered?!"

"It was the same for me…" My mother sighed. "What a terrible oversight from our part. The reason why they lasted so long was because they were made out of fragments of our Spiritual Power, the source of the power of our Spirits and our connection with them."

"W-Wait, what?!" I asked in surprise. "S-So this whole time, both of you have been weakened?!"

"Yeah, we were missing around a fourth of our power." My mother said. "Or 25% in numbers."

"More or less… Woah, I feel so much stronger than before as well. I guess training all these years with our power lowered made a difference." My father was amazed.

"Y-You two are sure something else… Seriously." Shade facepalmed.

"They still were the strongest of our group, even when weakened this far…" Nepheline said, laughing a bit. "You two are sure dummies!"

"Well, when we left these guys here, we did it without thinking we'll end up going away for literal years." My father said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah… They were left behind and we kind of forgot about them until now." My mother said. "Can you blame us? We've been incredibly busy since then."

"I guess there's no helping it with you two…" Arafunn sighed. "You could had simply told me about them and I would had brought them back for you!"

Uncle can easily fly across the skies and the heavens at incredible speeds, he said he could cross the sea to the other continent in less than an hour, so I guess it is possible for him to taking a trip here, get the spirits, and come back.

But knowing my parents, they would had never asked him such a thing, they would had felt too embarrassed to even admit it!

"Wow, so mama and papa got super strong again? Cool!" Zephy was happy to be around. "Can I do the same, I wonder…"

"Maybe? One day." My mother giggled, patting his head.

"For now you've been growing stronger really well, you're almost Rank 3 now in your Magic Circle, right?" My father asked my little brother.

"Yeah! I'll keep working hard hunting monsters with big sis too!" Zephy said. "My Physique just got to Tier 2 Rank 5!"

Zephy had been accompanying us the majority of our adventures, by hunting monsters and improving his magic circle, he has been developing slowly yet steadily.

He was growing steadily, probably almost at the same pace as I did and without that many helping items… Though there was one thing I felt a bit frustrated about.

When I tried giving him a System to help him grow even faster, I was unable to, for some reason.

Every time I tried to add the seed into his soul, it was rejected and throw away back at me!

And above all, Zephy felt a lot of pain each time it happened, so after the second try, I didn't tried to do it again, and apologized to him for the pain he went through by gifting him a lot of Physique and Magic Circle Growth Potions to compensate.

Alice explained to me that somehow, his soul was so enormous and powerful that it simply rejected the System Seeds… I don't know how that made any sense, but it seemed that Zephy's soul was very special and somehow had an ego of its own? It decided to just reject any help.

I started to wonder if my parents' souls might be the same due to the power they carry… Meaning that the amount of people that can actually get the System are much less than I had originally expected.

Though, he was healthy and growing stronger very fast, so it was alright. It just meant he had amazing potential and talent!

"Hey, is anybody sensing the same thing I do?" Asked Ninhursag. "That huge tree over there. It emits such a rich amount of Spiritual Energy!"

She pointed at the gigantic tree at the distance. Everyone had already noticed it, but once we put our eyes into it more clearly, the spiritual energy overflowing from it was tremendous.

And it sure stood out from the crowd based on its size, it was really, really huge! And it might quite possibly be…

"T-That's… It is, isn't it?!" Aquarina asked me.

"It must be…" I nodded.

The tree of over a hundred meters of height, towering into the highest skies of the world, now having expanded its roots across a large part of the land.

Which was once a small Eden Apple Tree, who don't grow larger than ten meters…

That's Yggdra, what could be said to be my very first Familiar, the little seed I grew using my [Agriculture] Skill when I was literally a baby.

And also the one that gifted me Naturia…

"It's mama, foo!" Naturia emerged above my head, looking at the gigantic tree. "Mama Yggdra!"

"It is indeed Yggdra…" I said with a smile. "How long has it been!" I quickly ran towards her.

It took me a couple of seconds to get towards her because she was so far away, but once I reached her, we hugged her with Naturia with our arms, hugging her old looking trunk.

"Yggdra! Are you there?" I asked her. "I remember you always used to sleep!"


Her voice, for once in many years, echoed within my mind.


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