
Since then, we prepared slowly yet steadily, every day became a preparation day, we explored the forest outside of Agartha as well to gather materials and make potions and other things, so we can sell them and make up more capital for our future.

I sold off my products to Aunt Aina as usual, and in between little adventures with my friends, alchemy, crafting, and other daily chores while having dates with Aquarina, the month went flying by.

And right now, we found ourselves above the skies, flying on a private Airship my mother rented, which was much smaller but faster and more resistant than normal airships, reinforced with great magic artifacts crafted by the Dwarves themselves.

It was rather luxurious, and it belonged to Auntie Aina actually, but she let us borrow it, having only to pay for the maintenance cost without any rent fee! She was really nice, she's my favorite aunt.

The Sea of Clouds greeted our private airship the more we moved upwards, everyone was amazed, nobody here except my family and Aquarina had come this high before!

"W-Woooah!" Mist cried. "A-Aren't we going too high now? T-This is nuts!"

"We've already gone above the clouds?!" Celica asked.

"Look!" Zack cried. "O-Over there! OVER THERE!"

He was going insane, pointing at a gigantic flying whale.

"Oh, a Sky Whale Family!" Aquarina said.

"Aside from uncle Arafunn's Whale, it has been years since we saw one last time!" I said.


The giant Sky Whales gave a loud cry, slowly flying across the Sea of Clouds. Suddenly, they opened their enormous mouths, swallowing huge flocks of wyverns and other flying monsters!

"T-They ate like a hundred…" Zack was left shocked.

"T-The sky is scary!" Mist cried.

"Hahaha, calm down kids, they're pretty peaceful creatures." My father stepped in. "Pretty amazing though, right? This is the Sea of Clouds, the big layer of clouds covering our beautiful world!"

"Dear, you sure are excited." My mom giggled. "Are you happy we're going back to our honeymoon house?"

"Yeah, I sometimes just wish we could go back there and just forget about all responsibilities again!" He said.

"Well, we can come every year for vacations if we have some time." My mom smiled.

"Really? That would be so nice!" My father said.

"For now, shouldn't we be looking for where Cloudia is?" Shade appeared.

"I can't believe we agreed to this." Nepheline sighed. "Ugh, wherever we came here, I always… ugh, the pressure is strong here, it makes me feel all nauseous."

"Mom, are you okay?" Aquarina ran towards her mom.

"D-Don't worry dear, it's just nervousness." Laughed her mom. "Ugh… Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Nepheline ran to the bathroom as fast as she could…

"She sure is quite bad at heights… well, these are extreme heights." Said Ninhursag, giggling.

"I'm quite worried about Agartha though, will it be fine without us?" Arafunn asked.

"Well, we left half our spirits and familiars protecting that place." My mom said. "Also there's this thing." My mother showed us a ring with a blue jewel.

My latest creation!

"These rings Sylphy made can teleport us to a designated area with the blue jewel left behind back there. It only works once every 7 days, but it's a very convenient teleportation artifact! If we sold it out, it would cost a fortune." My mom said, proud of my creations.

"I was only able to make it thanks to the Dimensional Crystal we stole from the Demons." I smiled. "But yeah, it's pretty good! I was only able to make two though, the recipe was too complicated."

"Keep the other on your own, after all it is possible to teleport a lot of people as long as you make physical contact with them." My mom said. "It will be more emergencies!"

"Yes mom!" I nodded.

"H-Hey, I think I'm seeing something!" Said Lara, pointing into the skies. "T-The Wind Spirits, so many! Light Spirits! A-And- OH MY GOSH! What is that?! H-HOLY SPIRIT?!"


Lara made us all see what she was seeing, suddenly finding out there was a gigantic, sun-like spirit hovering over Cloudia!

"Oh, that must be the Continent's Holy Spirits! There are about four or five there." My mother explained. "They're the continent's guardians, usually if you're not invited there, they will throw you away with a blast of light!" She laughed.

"EEEH?!" We all reacted shocked.

We didn't knew that!

"Don't worry, we are indeed invited, all of us." My mother calmed us down.

"Wait, that's Cloudia then?" Luck asked.

"Yep, welcome to Cloudia, kids!" My mom said.

The beautiful floating continent finally emerged before our sight, surrounded by beautiful and fluffy white clouds, it was an incredible sight to behold, more than we could have all expected.

Well, I had seen it before too, but even after so many years, it felt like seeing it all over again from the beginning…

There were many huge waterfalls all around it, gigantic mountains, forests, lakes, and at the distance there was even a mysterious golden desert dunes… It was sure huge!


The private airship kept traveling across the skies, slowly reaching where we once lived, the Spirit Forest of Cloudia, a beautiful greenery where there are all sorts of Rare Monsters, lakes, and rivers.

Slowly, the Airship landed, even without an airport, thanks to it being nimble and specially enchanted, it could land literally anywhere flat enough.

And we landed right over the ruined farmlands my father once attended to.

"Ah, my farmland is all covered on trees and weed!" My father cried in horror. "It is in such a terrible state!"

"Look, what's that?" I asked, pointing at the distance.

"T-The Spirit Guardians we left behind are still there." My mother laughed.

They were a group of angels made of light and flames my parents created when we left, they were still there standing, even after… almost a decade!

They are a high level summon, so I guess they can last many years, but still, it was amazing.

But above all…

"There it is, Zephy, that was our house before you were born!" I said, pointing at the distance.

"Wow… really big sis?" Zephy asked in surprise, as he glanced at our rustic house.

We were finally back home…

So nostalgic!


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