Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 498 - 495: Goddess of Death

Chapter 498: Chapter 495: Goddess of Death

Fang Mo looked in the direction of the sound.

Just in time, he saw a woman of strange beauty.

The woman had black pupils and hair, with her delicate face slightly marred by two streaks of tears. She wore a hooded cape made of black velvet...

However, behind this cape, her attire was indeed somewhat revealing.

Fang Mo admitted to himself that he had read too few books and didn't know how to describe the scene before him. If he had to say, it felt somewhat like a gothic dark-style bikini, with the light fabric adorned with very delicate silver embroidery, mostly of roses and bones.

The silk was as dark as ink, barely covering those things that decency forbids me to describe in detail.

However, the black satin contrasted with her snow-white skin, indeed creating a strong contrast that gave her an indescribably strange aura.

It was like the first generation of AI-generated pictures.

It looked eerie, yet there was an indescribable beauty within.

"Damn, it really is her..."

Seeing the woman who suddenly appeared before him, Fang Mo was clearly startled.

He had read about the character in comics before and had a rough understanding of Marvel's Goddess of Death. She was different from humans, possessing many forms, but her basic image was either that of a woman or a skeleton.

"What? Who?"

Nick Fury also looked in the direction Fang Mo was looking, but he saw nothing.

Even Bucky, the Winter Soldier, who had been zoning out nearby, heard the conversation and subconsciously looked around, but obviously found nothing.

Fang Mo guessed this was probably one of the Goddess of Death's abilities.

This was mentioned in the comics, though Fang Mo couldn't remember which one exactly.

In the beginning, she seduced Thanos when he was just a child, and besides Thanos, no one else could see her, leading many to think Thanos was mad, but that wasn't the case.

After all, she is one of Marvel's primordial deities, capable of dominating the entire Marvel Universe, even possessing a unique multiversal status, with her combat power definitely at a sky-high level, so having such a method didn't seem too strange.

However, the Goddess of Death couldn't be seen by ordinary people.

But Nyarlathotep clearly was an exception. At this moment, he was staring straight at her, and the broad smile on his face had disappeared.

Fang Mo didn't say anything, just glanced at Nyarlathotep with his eyes.

The latter clearly noticed him as well. It's worth mentioning that this being is not human but one of the three pillars of the Cthulhu Mythos, an indescribable lurking chaos.

As for Fang Mo's side.

He possessed what could be described as a law-level Chinese localization module.

Thus, the two's gazes met, and for some reason, they began to communicate.

Nyarlathotep, being a being of the Cthulhu Mythos, meant their method of communication was truly beyond human comprehension, but if it had to be translated, it was probably about how they were discussing dealing with the Goddess of Death.

Fang Mo had just heard Nyarlathotep say that he was merely an avatar at the moment.

But what about his true form?

Could he defeat this so-called Goddess of Death then?

After hearing this question, Nyarlathotep quickly replied to Fang Mo, almost certainly not.

Of course, this wasn't to say Nyarlathotep was weak. After all, he was one of the three pillars, a representative of the original chaos, Azathoth, and his strength was definitely formidable. However, Nyarlathotep indicated that this was the opponent's home field, with the laws of the universe and the order of all things tilting in her favor, making this battle unwinnable.

Even if his true form were to come, it would be of no use.

It is estimated that the opponent could instantly summon a large number of people over, and then send oneself packing.

Of course, the reverse is true as well; if it were in Nyarla's home field, then it's estimated that the opponent would certainly not fare well either, and in the worst-case scenario, there's always General A above him, right?

While Fang Mo and Nyarlathotep were communicating,

The goddess of death also spoke up.

She first glanced at Nyarlathotep beside her with the corner of her eye, then shifted more attention onto Fang Mo: "You two... where exactly did you come from?"

"I am..."

Nyarlathotep, upon seeing this, immediately opened his mouth intending to say something.

But before he could articulate his thoughts, Fang Mo suddenly brought his hands together in prayer and said, "This poor monk comes from the Great Tang of the Eastern Land, on his way to the Kingdom of Daughters to ask for marriage, ah no... to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures."


After hearing Fang Mo's statement, the goddess of death was also slightly stunned.

However, she quickly regained her composure, chuckled lightly, and then continued: "...Your explanation is quite interesting, it reminds me of someone."

"Oh, the legendary Deadpool?"

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo also nodded and then directly said, "To be honest, I'm quite eager to meet him, after all, the famous mouthpiece of Marvel, his reputation precedes him. Why don't you introduce me?"

"You know Wade?"

The goddess of death, hearing this, looked at Fang Mo with a somewhat strange gaze: "He doesn't exist in this universe; you shouldn't have been to other universes yet. How do you know about him?"

"When Deadpool was romancing you, did he mention that he actually is a character from the comics?"

Fang Mo suddenly asked.

"He's always been wildly absurd, but indeed very interesting," said the goddess of death. "But I didn't romance him, and... how do you know about this?"

"I am the Key to the Gate, I am the Gate itself, I am Yog-Sothoth, the one who unifies all."

Fang Mo said with a grin, looking at the goddess of death not far away: "The reason I know everything is because my ability is omniscience and omnipresence, knowing everything and seeing everything..."


Hearing this, Nyarlathotep nearby was also almost unable to hold back.

Don't you have your own name? Even at this time, you still remember to shift the blame onto Yog-Sothoth, to say your brother is really unlucky, sitting at home while trouble falls from the sky.

"Omniscience and omnipresence?"

The goddess of death laughed upon hearing this: "You really dare to say..."

"What, you don't believe it?"

Fang Mo seemed unconcerned and continued on his own: "I also know about your relationship with Thanos... right? You've been watching him since he was a child, and he indeed fell in love with you when he grew up. However, Mrs. Death, you wouldn't want your brother Eternity to know about your liking for raising the little Thanos in a developing series, would you?"


Hearing Fang Mo's statement, the expression on the goddess of death's face seemed to stiffen slightly.

After a moment of silence.

The goddess of death barely began to defend herself: "...That wasn't the Thanos of this universe."

"Anyway, it's Thanos, right, the purple potato freak." Fang Mo said with a grin: "We don't care which world's Thanos it is, I got this right, didn't I? I've known there was an issue between you and old Thanos for a while, if not this old Thanos then that one, ah, ah, Thanos and Thanos!"

"I just felt that his eyes were filled with death."

The Goddess of Death said, "But later on, I realized that I actually don't like his personality that much... He's a very strange person."

"Oh, I understand that."

Fang Mo immediately laughed and nodded upon hearing this: "After all, which goddess would like a sycophant?"

Yes, although in the movie universe Thanos snapped his fingers for the balance of universal resources or something, in the comics, Thanos killed half of the universe's population just to please the Goddess of Death. After all, she is the Goddess of Death, akin to the Marvel version of the King of Hell; of course, she was happy about the deaths.

However, to Thanos' surprise, despite his efforts to please her, the Goddess of Death remained indifferent towards him.

"Sometimes, he really is too full of himself."

The Goddess of Death frowned, not liking the metaphor used by Fang Mo, but soon she realized: "Wait, I'm not here to discuss this with you..."

"Then what are you here for?"

Fang Mo asked knowingly and waved his hand: "Alright, if there's nothing else, you can go back. I'll miss you, little Death."

"...What kind of nickname is that?"

The Goddess of Death was baffled, hearing someone call her by such a nickname for the first time.

"Aren't you the Goddess of Death? Girls usually like to look young, right? So, what's wrong with calling you little Death?" Fang Mo spread his hands: "Otherwise, what should I call you? Medium Death? Big Death? Extra-large Death?"

"I just don't want you to address me with the word 'death'."

The Goddess of Death said with a dark face.

"Oh, got it."

Fang Mo immediately made an OK gesture with his hand: "Then I won't use the word 'death' to address you from now on. I'll simply call you little Gone, how about that?"


The Goddess of Death seemed a bit displeased as well, angrily saying: "Don't think I can't do anything to you just because your soul isn't here. I can destroy this incarnation of yours at any time, preventing you from ever descending to this world again!"


Nyarlathotep, who was beside them, also fell silent upon hearing this.

He wasn't afraid or nervous, but rather felt simply pity for Yog-Sothoth.

It's such a pity for the bubble...

It never even had a conversation with Fang Mo, and now it's being forced to take the blame.

"Ha ha, just kidding."

Seeing the Goddess of Death seemed angry, Fang Mo also quickly laughed: "Of course, I know I should call you Madam Death, but I thought of a nickname because, after all, death... is also a beautiful thing, isn't it?"

"If you really thought death was beautiful, you wouldn't revive the dead."

The Goddess of Death immediately responded.

"Ah, it's just a few people, no big deal." Fang Mo cheerfully waved his hand: "When Strange used the Time Stone to restore the city, he revived even more people, and you didn't go to reason with him... I only revived three, it's really not a big deal, truly not."


The Goddess of Death didn't speak, just kept staring at Fang Mo.

"Then how about this?"

Fang Mo casually reached into his space, and like magic, pulled out something utterly mutilated and inhuman: "This is a life from another universe, I'll kill her now, how about that as a big rocket for you?"


Hearing this, the Goddess of Death couldn't help but lift her head to glance at the thing.

"Hey, don't you want to die?" Seizing the opportunity, Fang Mo also lowered his head to speak to the lump of flesh: "Give yourself a chance to show off, and I'll kill you."

The lump of flesh didn't speak, but involuntarily trembled.

"I never said I wanted to."

It seems that the Goddess of Death heard Fang Mo's statement and immediately said, "Oh, it's nothing." Fang Mo, seeing the other's attitude, also didn't mind and waved his hand, saying, "Then consider it a small gift from me, a local specialty."

After he finished speaking, the arcane ring on his hand instantly lit up.

The Flame Mode was activated instantly, and Fang Mo's hand seemed to be holding up a noble red lotus, while that lump of rotten flesh didn't struggle or resist at all, quickly turning into a handful of ashes.

"...Hmph, this is what you gave to me."

Seeing Fang Mo actually killed this otherworldly being, the attitude of the Goddess of Death also seemed to improve a bit.

Of course, there was no helping it. Although souls and life in this universe would ultimately return to her, beings from another universe honestly held a certain allure for her.

"So what exactly is going on with you guys?"

After accepting the other's soul, the Goddess of Death once again spoke up, "This is the first time I've heard that, beyond the world I am familiar with, there actually exist other, different universes... Where exactly do you come from?"

"This question is actually quite hard for me to answer."

Fang Mo spread his hands, saying, "If I have to say... probably from the outside."

It sounds like a silly answer, but that is indeed the case.

There's no helping it; this is mainly because Marvel has set their standards too high. The editors in the comics dare to say anything to maintain that standard, including forced inclusivity, box theory, the fourth wall—essentially, they go as high as they can with their standards.

They created what's called an omniverse, including Earth within reality, and then started stacking boxes to stack buffs.

In essence, to give an example, it's like saying your Pac-Man universe is awesome, but it's actually also a part of our Marvel omniverse. Our OAA (Original Author Authority) trumps all in setting, then uses a kind of philosophical paradox to form the setting, thereby stopping any voice of rebuttal.

In short, it's a kind of mental victory.

So honestly, Fang Mo doesn't really understand these complicated concepts.

He just came in with the Book of Ages, what's included or not, he really doesn't understand.

Fang Mo indeed does not know how awesome the Marvel universe is, whether it truly includes other universes or not, but what does that have to do with him?

Whether Marvel's omniverse includes other universes, Fang Mo is not clear.

But in the Marvel comics Fang Mo had read before, there were quite a few scenes that left him puzzled.

Like how the Goddess of Death discovered Thanos from the future, who had gained her own powers, and then she felt that he had betrayed her... Could it be that the great Marvel Goddess of Death cannot transcend time?

So, thinking about these background settings is meaningless.

Sometimes, witnessing something with your own eyes is much more real than hearsay.

At least that's the case for now.

Like the current Goddess of Death, she seems quite formidable, dominating all death and the deceased.

Fang Mo was initially a bit nervous, after all, their prestige is well known, and even Nyarlathotep took it seriously, which probably really requires a careful approach.

But after a bit of interaction... Fang Mo feels this so-called god seems no different from humans.

Honestly, the Goddess of Death just looks like a very beautiful woman, with snow-white skin beneath her clothes, and her way of thinking is also female-oriented. Of course, the most important point is that they possess personalities rather than divinities, which can be negotiated with.

So, thinking of this, Fang Mo decided if he could really grow, he absolutely wants to personally witness this ultimate scene.

He always feels that real gods shouldn't be like this.

Not to mention, it should at least be one of the four great boasting laws mentioned in legends, right?

And as for now.

Nothing can attract him more than fun.

"Miss Death," Fang Mo said cheerfully, "If you are interested in the outside world, we can have a thorough discussion when we're free. So far, I have indeed visited many places, and I believe I can definitely find some topics you would like."

"I'm free right now."

The Goddess of Death clearly took great interest in this topic and immediately responded.

However, just then, a door standing not far away suddenly opened, and the Stark family slowly walked out from inside, and it was clear that Tony had been crying again, with his eyes all red, constantly sniffling.

"Oh, it seems you might have misunderstood something."

Seeing this scene, Fang Mo also smiled and turned down the Goddess of Death, "What I actually meant was..."

"I'm sorry, I'm not free right now."


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