Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 497 - 494: Death Visitor

Chapter 497: Chapter 494: Death Visitor


Upon seeing the other person, Fang Mo couldn't help but be startled: "Damn... how did you get here?"


Nyarlathotep wore a sly smile: "Guess?"

"Weren't you running for president over in the Chainsaw Man world? Don't tell me you've blown that world up already?" Fang Mo looked at Nyarlathotep curiously. He really didn't bring Nyarlathotep's statue this time, but how did the other person suddenly appear?

"Could it be that you came specifically to help me lift the Ancient One's coffin?"

Fang Mo thought for a moment, and this idea suddenly popped into his head, then he was shocked: "Damn... how did you know I was short on manpower?"


Nyarlathotep seemed to be taken aback after hearing this: "I don't know?"

"Not here to help me lift the coffin?" Fang Mo touched his head in confusion upon hearing this: "If not... then why did you suddenly come here? Tired of playing in that world?"

"I'm still playing in that world."

Nyarlathotep explained: "I just felt you were using my power and thought you were calling me, so I created another body to come and check it out. It's just an incarnation, this is basic for us. Aren't you also using an incarnation to play here?"

"Hold on..."

Hearing Nyarlathotep's explanation, Fang Mo was clearly taken aback: "You said I was using your power?"

"Yes, I was wondering too."

Nyarlathotep nodded and then looked around. When he saw Howard and the others, he immediately realized: "Oh, you are performing a dark resurrection ritual... I don't care about this little energy, but why didn't you use your own positional energy?"

"Ah, this..."

Hearing this, Fang Mo also understood the trick.

The spell he used was called dark resurrection, which of course was not a Kamar-Taj spell but a sinister magic recorded in the Book of the Abyss.

As for this Book of the Abyss.

It came from the Abyssal Kingdom mod in the MC world, a product materialized into reality.

The Abyssal Kingdom mod itself is imbued with a heavy Cthulhu element, including the Old Ones, Outer Gods, the Kin, and Shoggoths among many other related settings.

Using the ritual to perform dark resurrection in the game required the consumption of positional energy, and this so-called positional energy, as previously introduced, is a kind of pure energy from a higher realm that humans can't grasp, referring to the all-powerful Abyss, the high-dimensional realm where the Outer Gods of the game reside.

Fang Mo thought about it.

This should be the fault of materialization.

Even after so long, Fang Mo still couldn't grasp the exact effects of this ability, just like he couldn't understand the system's judgment on new mods.

As mentioned before, materialization is really unreasonable, like forcibly giving a pixel item to the will of the cosmos and letting it handle it. And the rules mastered by the will of the cosmos in each world are different, so materialization will also be affected by the current world.

For example, the first time Fang Mo materialized the Eye of Ender was in the Naruto world.

And after materialization, the Eye of Ender became something between a gem and an eyeball, after all, Naruto is essentially about eyeball battles, which seems about right.

As for this time with the Book of the Abyss.

Fang Mo carried out the materialization in the Marvel Universe.

Therefore, after becoming reality, some of the spells inside looked somewhat similar to the spells of Kamar-Taj, though they are essentially different. Yet, the Ancient One could still understand and learn them by groping.

However, there are simply too many bugs in the Marvel Universe.

Here, the "bugs" do not refer to features, but to some higher beings.

Like the Beyonder, OAA, the Living Tribunal, the Five Great Gods, and other such chaotic entities. Fang Mo isn't trying to compare powers or anything; he's just saying that for someone who isn't a Marvel fan, these concepts are really abstract and can't be explained in just a few words.

Fang Mo suspects that it's because of the abundance of abstract concepts in the Marvel Universe that the judgment on what becomes reality is affected, leading to the materialization of some very bizarre items at times.

Previously, when he was charging the Abyssal Tome in the MC world.

What he used was indeed a statue of Nyarlathotep.

But for some reason, even though the Abyssal Tome has already materialized and was used in a dark resurrection ritual in the Marvel Universe, it was somehow detected by Nyarlathotep from another world. God knows what the judgment criteria were.

Looking at the current situation, one can only say that the Abyssal Tome is indeed powerful...

Being able to cross worlds and extract the power of the Three Pillars of the Cthulhu Mythos, this is truly the most forbidden of dark grimoires, comparable to the kind used by dark summoners and urban mass murderers.

Let's not talk about ordinary people; even legendary investigators would go mad after seeing it.

And as Fang Mo was pondering these things, Nick Fury noticed Nyarlathotep and directly asked Fang Mo, "So, is this black gentleman also your friend?"

"Oh, yes."

Fang Mo came back to his senses and nodded to everyone: "Let me introduce him. This is my bro, Obama, the former President of the United States and a contracted singer at the White House, who can drive countless fans crazy with just a word."

"Former President of the United States? A contracted singer at the White House?"

After hearing this, Nick Fury couldn't help but retort, "Not... Can you tell the truth when introducing your friend for once?"

"Damn, I did tell the truth."

Fang Mo immediately spread his hands innocently: "It's your own fault for not believing me..."

"Ah, well, it's okay."

Hearing the two bicker, Nyarlathotep, on the other hand, smiled and played the peacemaker: "We are all friends here, let's not ruin the harmony. I'm just someone who had the honor of being the President of the United States in another world. As for music... due to my family's influence when I was young, I do have a bit of artistic talent."

"Just in time, I'm looking for a lead singer for the seven-day memorial service for the Ancient One, how about you take on the role?"

Hearing this, Fang Mo didn't hesitate to say: "And then you can also help carry the coffin along with others. It's not like the Middle Ages anymore, I'm really strapped for cash right now, I don't have that many black people..."

"Who is the Ancient One?"

Nyarlathotep asked curiously.

"A Sorcerer who desperately protects the Earth from the invasion of evil gods," Fang Mo briefly introduced: "I advised her to let go of her responsibilities and sincerely invited her to participate in her own seven-day memorial service."

"Haha! It's got to be you!"

Nyarlathotep immediately laughed upon hearing this and readily agreed: "Alright then, I'll personally perform a song at that time."


Fang Mo and the other party smiled at each other, showing pleasure.


While they were chatting, suddenly another voice rang out.

Fang Mo turned his head and found that it was indeed Howard Stark who had been waiting for quite a long time. However, it seemed like Fang Mo had forgotten about himself, which led Stark to remind him.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Seeing this, Fang Mo also reacted and nodded slightly towards him: "Please, go ahead."

"Could you let us spend some time alone with Tony?" Howard Stark was also very polite: "Though I may have been negligent, I am still a father. Given the current situation... I indeed have a lot to say to my son."

"Oh, that's no problem."

Fang Mo nodded, and then, like magic, he conjured a door on the ground: "Feel free to talk inside, for as long as you want."

"...Thank you."

Howard Stark was a bit surprised by the door but didn't say much. He quickly called his wife Maria, and then he and Tony went through the door, and they were gone.

After the Starks had left,

Only the Winter Soldier Bucky, Nyarlathotep, Nick Fury, and Fang Mo remained.

"If I'm not mistaken, those were the couple you just resurrected?"

Before Fang Mo could speak, Nyarlathotep began, looking towards the Winter Soldier Bucky not far away: "And you... um, sir, would you be interested in a new arm? I have a tentacle that might suit you well, as living tissue has a better affinity than metal, doesn't it?"


The Winter Soldier Bucky seemed to be waiting for Howard's judgment on him, ignoring Nyarlathotep's words, just staring off into space.

"He seems to be in poor spirits?"

Seeing this, Nyarlathotep raised his eyebrows and then turned to look at Fang Mo: "What did you do? Brainwashed him?"

"If you knew me a bit better, you wouldn't say such a thing."

Fang Mo said: "If I really wanted to harm him, he wouldn't be experiencing mental issues. On the contrary, his mental state would be much better, instantly becoming a vibrant young man..."

"Alright then."

Nyarlathotep shrugged indifferently: "So, why did you resurrect him... huh?"

However, before he could finish his sentence, Nyarlathotep seemed to suddenly notice something, looking towards the Winter Soldier Bucky with a rare expression of surprise: "Wait, does this world actually have such a setting?"

"What's wrong?"

Fang Mo didn't notice anything and asked back.

"Huh, interesting." Nyarlathotep seemed to have found something amusing and laughed: "You're taking meat from someone else's mouth, and they're not happy about it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Fang Mo really didn't understand and unconsciously frowned: "I mean, can we not speak in riddles?"

"This world is different from ours, and the meaning of the universe is not chaos."

Nyarlathotep looked around, seemingly observing something: "Hmm... It looks like an abstract entity created by the materialization of rules, eternal, infinite... oh, right, death."

"Eternal, infinite?"

Hearing this, Fang Mo also reacted.

Although his understanding of Marvel was mostly from movies, he had occasionally seen some comic explanations, so he was aware of the concept of the five cosmic entities in Marvel.

These so-called five cosmic entities.

Refers to Eternity, Oblivion, Infinity, Death, and Galactus—these five concepts.

Of course, the fifth is quite different in terms of power from the first four. After all, in the comics, minor events summon Galactus, and major events summon the court, which is not said in jest.

Recalling the previous statements of Nyarlathotep, Fang Mo probably also figured out that what he referred to as snatching meat from others' mouths likely meant death. After all, this entity governs life and death and, in a strict sense, acts as the Grim Reaper of the Marvel side. Thus, reviving someone else is essentially opposing him.

Of course, the Death Goddess here is different from Hela, the Goddess of Death in Thor 3: Ragnarok.

Hela could at most be considered a powerful alien, and her abilities still belong to their Asgardian magic system.

But this Death Goddess is different.

According to the setup, she represents the concept of "Death" across the entire Marvel Multiverse, an abstract entity formed by the rules themselves, with her power nearly maxed out. This is akin to an elephant charging into a dairy farm and directly impacting the cows to the point of bursting milk.

If one must describe it in four words,

That would be "incredibly awesome"...

"Not really... Is resurrecting a person here so troublesome?"

Thinking of this, Fang Mo couldn't help but scratch his head: "Next door, for the sake of fighting in the ninja war, they deployed an entire division of the Edo Tensei army, and nobody came out to stop it, right?"

"Different worlds have their own rules."

Nyarlathotep said while unconsciously stroking his chin: "But the universe here... Hmm, it is indeed a bit strange. There are too many rules and settings. But honestly, brother, I have to remind you, our avatars definitely can't beat them head-on."

"That's true..."

Fang Mo nodded upon hearing this.

He isn't the type to get arrogant just because of a little power. Fang Mo is very clear about his own strength.

With Fang Mo's current strength, pushing through the movie universe is indeed no problem. If he's in his full state, it's not impossible to clash with some of the gods.

But to directly confront the five great gods... It's indeed a bit too early for that.

"What the heck should I do?"

Thinking of this, Fang Mo was a bit overwhelmed, only to look up and see Bucky, the Winter Soldier, nearby. Should he kill him again?


The Winter Soldier seemed to sense something too and looked towards Fang Mo with a wary face.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Just then, Nick Fury finally couldn't stand it anymore and directly asked Fang Mo: "What death? What are you guys planning to fight against?"

"Probably something like Marvel's version of the King of Hell."

Fang Mo briefly explained, then sadly wiped his face: "Damn, it must be because I always laughed at foreigners but never deducted 1..."

"Deduct 1?"

Nick Fury seemed not to catch on immediately and instinctively retorted: "What, you're a 0?"


Just as Fang Mo was about to explode, the next second, it seemed like a woman behind him couldn't hold back her laughter and let out a chuckle.

Hearing this, Fang Mo immediately turned around.

Just to see a beautiful woman... wearing a black silk... cloak.

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