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"Aw, man, that sucks!" Ayaka, Naruto, and Sasuke walk out of the Hokage office.

"We spent our entire morning listening to the lecture!" Naruto grabs his head.

"My head hurts!"

"Hey, Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun!" Sakura waves at them.


Naruto and Sasuke turn around and notice the group of Konoha 12.

"Hey, you guys! How are you all?" Naruto waves his hand at the group.


Lee jumps in mid-air and pushes his fist toward Naruto. Naruto also does the same. Both of them do a sequence of fist bumps and end it with a hug.

"Dynamic Fist bump!"



The rest of the group speechlessly stares at them as a few nearby kids from the academy clap.

"Wow, that was so cool, big brothers!" One of the small kids claps and cheers them.

"Right!" Lee waves his hand and demonstrates his signature, flashing a smile with a thumbs up.

"Wow, amazing!"

The kid surrounds him.


Naruto silently stares at Lee as the kid flock toward him.

"What about me? Does nobody remember me?"

Pfft… Haha…

The rest of the group burst out in laughter.

"Hey Sasuke-kun, do you want to visit the carnival with me?" Ino locks her arm around Sasuke's hand. She pushes his arm into her well-developed bosom.

"Ino Pig! Put your cow tits away from my Sasuke." Sakura screams like a banshee and pulls her away.

"Your Sasuke! How is he yours?… you washboard billboard brow!"

"Heh… you picking a fight with me?" Both girls grab one of Sasuke's arms and pull him in their direction.


Shikamaru, who was silent the entire time, sighs helplessly.

"Being popular is sure a pain!"

Choji, who was stuffing his mouth with potato chips, stops and glares at Shikamaru.

"And here I thought you had something going on with that Suna girl!"


Shikamaru immediately grabs Choji's mouth.

"Don't shout, others might hear you!" Both of them ignore Shino's presence.

'But I was listening to your entire conversation.' Shino silently mutters to himself and sulks in a corner.

'They forgot about me again!" He draws circles on the ground.

"Umm… Naruto-kun! Would like to go on a date to the carnival with me?" Hinata shyly approaches Naruto and speaks in a feeble voice.

"Umm… what? You saying something Hinata!" Naruto turns towards a red-faced Hinata.

"Naruto-kun! I… you…"

"HEY NARUTO! LET'S SETTLE IT FOR ONCE AND ALL!" Kiba, while sitting on Akamaru's back, jumps towards Naruto. He fails to see the Hinata standing behind Naruto.

"Huh, Kiba!" Naruto side-steps exposing Hinata to Akamaru's pounce.


"Eight trigrams Palm revolving Heaven!"

Out of instinct, Hinata spins rapidly while releasing chakra from her tenketsu points to protect herself. The force from the revolving Heaven sends Kiba and Akamaru flying.

"AH… Kiba… I… I am sorry!" Hinata turns around and dashes away while covering her face.


"She is still the same Hinata from two years ago. Nothing has changed!" Naruto scratches his head.

"Naruto! You bastard."

Neji glares at Naruto with his Byakugan.

"Hinata-sama!" He dashes after Hinata.

"Haah… this sis-con!" Tenten shakes her head.


"And you are the same knucklehead from two years ago. Naruto Nii-san, you baka!" Ayaka stomps on Naruto's foot.

Aww… aww…

Naruto grabs his foot in pain.

"What was that for?"

"Nii-san! Go after Hinata Nee-san."

"But why?" Confusion appears on Naruto's face.

"Because she asked you out on a date!"

"Ah… really!" Naruto turns around and swiftly chases Hinata.

"Hinata, wait for me!"

"Well, at least he realizes to cater to the feelings of a girl." Ayaka shakes her head and turns towards Sasuke.

"Sasuke Nii-san! Is it alright like this?" She stares at Sakura and Ino who are playing tug with a log.

"I had no choice!" Sasuke shakes his head.

"If not for my genjutsu, I am afraid they might have pulled out my arms."

"Mm… seems like it!" Ayaka notices several hand prints from the girl's grip on the wooden log.

"Both of them have a crush on you. So, how would you reciprocate it?" Ayaka curiously asks him.

"Well, I will let them figure it out themselves. I don't want to hurt their feelings. Also, it's still too early for a kid like you to butt in your elder's love matters." Sasuke ruffles her hair.

"But I am not small anymore." Ayaka stares at her budding chest.

'Well, it's still bigger than someone's washboard.' She haughtily stares at Sakura.


Sakura sneezes and stares at Ino.

"Ino-pig! You must be thinking something rude about me."

"Hey, Ayaka… let's head out for the arena. It's almost time for our event!" Moegi waves at her.

Konohamaru, Udon, Hanabi, and Yakumo are also with her.

"Alright! I am coming."

She pulls Sasuke's arm.

"Sasuke Nii-san, let's go to the arena. I am participating in the three-leg race with Moegi. Cheer for me."

"I will also cheer for you!" Naruto arrives with a red-faced Hinata. An angry Neji is also following them.

"Neji, let's also shop at the night carnival. There are lots of weapons from different places that I want to add to my collection." Tenten pulls Neji away.

The group walks towards the training ground.


Later in the evening,

"We won!"

Moegi and Ayaka palm clap to celebrate their victory.

"I am very excited to meet Tsunade-sama. She is my idol!" Stars shine in Moegi's eyes.

"We are second!" Konohamaru has a depressed expression.

Udon pats his back.

"At least we still got the silver medal."

"We lost! I am sorry Hanabi." Yakumo apologizes to Hanabi.

"It's my fault that we lost."

"It's alright! Also, it was my idea to partner up with you." Hanabi consoles Yakumo.

"Still…" Yakumo grits her teeth.

"I will work harder to train my body."

"Let's celebrate our victory!"

The entire group of Konoha 12 and junior 6 enter Yakiniku-Q.

"Today it's my treat." Ayaka takes out a stack of cash from her pocket.

Choji gulps his saliva as he stares at the stack of cash in her hands. He takes out a handful of crumpled banknotes from his pocket.

"Her pocket money is more than my mission earning." A small drop of tear flows from his eye.

"How many potato chips could I buy with all that money?" He gulps his saliva.

"Actually, Choji Nii-san, her pocket money is more than the earnings of your entire clan. No, she can buy the potato chip for your entire clan for the rest of their life." Udon interrupts Choji's sweet dreams.

"What? Potato chips for entire life." Drool leaks from Choji's mouth.

"Huh… how?" The rest of the group also turns to him.

"Well… Ayaka is the owner of three different companies which are a part of the shinobi world's biggest enterprise, Kaminomegumi (God's Grace). One of her companies is the biggest beauty brand in the shinobi world."

"It all makes sense. She is the owner of 'Ayaka' beauty and cloth brand." It dawns on the girls. They stare at Ayaka with fervent eyes.

"It was Nii-san's idea!" Ayaka's cheeks flush red from embarrassment.

"Not only that, she is also the owner of the Kaminari publishing house responsible for the publishing and serializing of popular series Giga Man."

"And lastly…" He stares at Choji and a weird expression appears on his face.

"Choji Nii-san, what brand of potato chips are you eating?"

"Of course, it's the latest Spicy tangy tomato flavor from the Isshin company. It is sweet, sour, spicy, savory, and crunchy to eat. The potatoes in these chips are grown in the Land of vegetables. The spices are from the Land of bean jam and they grow the rice crackers mixed within in the Land of Rice paddies. It is the ultimate combination of health and food."

Choji spreads his arms wide as he savors the taste of the potato chip.

"Ayaka is the owner of the Isshin company." Udon drops the bombshell of news in Choji's ears.


Choji's eyes widen.

"Well, technically, Udon is right about feeding the entire clan part. Since she is the owner of the Isshin company, then that means every potato chip the Akimichi clan eats is from her company."

Shikamaru grabs a potato chip and slightly snacks on it.

"Ayaka, your potato chips taste wonderful. The few knock-offs I ate previously are nowhere close to it."

"Of course, this is the secret recipe of my mother perfected by my Izuna Nii-san with his Sharingan."


'What a waste of such a powerful Kekkei Genkai?'

The rest of the group takes a bite of the potato chip.


"On second thoughts, it's the perfect use of Sharingan." All of them turn to Sasuke.

"Well, I can't cook." Sasuke shakes his head.

Sakura's and Ino's eyes dim down.

'But brother can!' Sasuke remembers a memory from his childhood where both his parents were out on a mission. He was alone with Itachi. At that time, Itachi used his Sharingan to make perfect fried eggs for him.

Pew… Pew…

Firecrackers explode in the sky to commemorate the end of today's events.

"It's time to shop at the carnival!" Moegi grabs Ayaka's, Hanabi's, and Yakumo's hands and dashes in the direction of the carnival.

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