Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 374: Naruto Vs Sasuke Part-2

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Bang… bang…

Naruto and Sasuke trade multiple blows with each other.

"Frog Kata," An invisible aura surrounds Naruto's fist and strikes Sasuke's face.

'Heavy!' Sasuke blocks the attack by crossing his arms in front of his face.


The blow pushed him back, leaving behind multiple trails on the floor.

Whiz… Spurt…

Multiple wounds open on Naruto's fist, blood drips from them.


Naruto stares at his fists with surprise.


'If the Sage Art Taijutsu techniques of Mount Myoboku add an aura with the effect of striking; then the Sage Art Taijutsu of Ryuchi cave adds an aura of cutting. That's amazing…' Jiraiya is surprised to see the Sage Art from Ryuchi cave.

'Orochimaru always craved the power of a Sage, but unfortunately, his heart wasn't suitable for the Senjutsu. To gain this power, he didn't hesitate to experiment on himself to gain a perfect body. But these two…'

Jiraiya shakes his head.

'Life is not fair! But it's what it is. A person's achievements aren't always determined by their talent.'

'Still, a spar between two children of prophecy is an amusing sight. These kids are leagues above anyone of similar age. Heck, even I don't have any confidence in a victory against them. The only genius who surpasses their level at their age… Nah! It's unfair for that monster to be called a genius it's unfair for these kids.' Jiraiya shakes his head as he recalls Izuna's achievements.

He turns his attention to the fight.


Both jump back to create some distance.

Sizzle… sizzle…

Smoke rises from the cut on Naruto's face, regenerating it rapidly. Green light glows from Sasuke's hand as he heals the bruise on his face.

Swish… swish…

Sasuke makes multiple hand signs.

"Sage Art: Pheonix Sage Fire Bombs,"

Boom… boom… boom…

Sasuke spews out multiple dark crimson orbs of fire. The fire orbs track Naruto's position and detonate, leaving behind a scorching field of high-temperature fire. The fire from the attack melts the floor beneath them.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Naruto deftly avoids the firebombs, but the heat from the fireballs scorches his body.

"Aww… hot… hot…"

His clothes catch fire. Naruto jumps around to extinguish the flames on his body.

"It's my turn!"

While in mid-air, he makes multiple hand signs.

"Sage Art: Gale of Wind God,"

Naruto inhales a large amount of air and spews out a small cyan wind tornado from his mouth.

The cyan tornado rapidly expands and sucks the surrounding fire to become a fire tornado. It expands further and engulfs Sasuke.

Slash… slash…

"Sage Art: Raikan Hengoku"

Bzzt… Purple lightning flashes across Sasuke's eyes. He manifests two giant purple blades in a cross pattern. The lightning blades slash apart the giant tornado.


The tornado disperses, and Naruto jumps out of it with a giant Rasengan in his hands.

"Sage Art: Fūma Ōdama Rasengan,"


Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan spins rapidly and purple armor surrounds Sasuke's body and blocks the Rasengan.

Crack… crack…

Multiple cracks run across the armor and shatter it into countless chakra fragments; the Rasengan also runs out of chakra and disperses.

Swoosh… Bang…

Sasuke jumps out of the partial Susanoo armor with a Chidori in his hand.

"Sage Art: Chidori Raikiri"


Naruto quickly crosses his arms to block the attack.


Yellow flames surround his arms and form a protective cloak.

Slash… rip…

The Chidori rips apart the chakra cloak. Naruto jumps back and manages to avoid the attack.

"It's time to end this spar!"

Naruto stretches his hand out. The two chakra arms cover the top of his hand.

Swirl… swirl…

The intensive wind gathers around Naruto's arm and forms a spiral of wind enveloping Naruto in a mini tornado.

"What an intense chakra?" Shisui stares at the jutsu with wide eyes.


Sasuke also calms his breath and closes his eyes to perform one of his most powerful jutsu.

Swoosh… Whoosh…

Whiz… Whiz…

A screeching noise similar to a giant windmill fills the entire room. The chakra arms hold a giant Rasenshuriken.

"Sage Art: Chō-Ōdama Rasenshuriken,"


Naruto swings the chakra arms and throws the Rasenshuriken toward Sasuke.

"That jutsu!"

Jiraiya flinches at the sight of Rasenshuriken.

"Should we stop the spar? If Sasuke is hit by that jutsu, then getting out barely alive would be considered a pretty good outcome. Worse… he might…"

"Sensei, wait!" Minato holds Jiraiya.

"If any of their lives are in danger, I will immediately teleport them out," Minato assures Jiraiya as he calmly stares at Sasuke.

No… to be particular. He stares into Sasuke's eyes. After the reconstruction of his body by Sin Grimoire; Minato's cognitive abilities have reached an entirely new league. His perception even allows him to sense even a minute disturbance in the chakra.

And currently, Minato can sense a massive amount of chakra gathered around Sasuke's eyes and mouth.


Sasuke opens his eyes.

"Sage Art: White Rage Technique,"

Sasuke spews out a massive red dragon infused with all of his nature energy.


Blood leaks from Sasuke's right eye.

"Amaterasu: Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi,"

A layer of black flames wraps around the giant red dragon, turning it into a massive black flame dragon.

"Sage Art: Combination Technique: Hiryū on Ikari," (Fury of the Flame Dragon)


A red glow appears in his eyes of the black fire dragon. It roars in fury and leaps at the incoming Rasenshuriken. The dragon opens its maw wide and swallows the Rasenshuriken.


A bright flash engulfs the arena, blinding everyone's sight.


Minato disappears from his place. A moment later,


A massive explosion occurs in the center of the arena.


The floor of the arena crumbles apart. The blinding light dies down to reveal the arena split in half. Two orbs of energy are engaged in a struggle against each other. An elliptical shape burst of white wind chakra is supporting one of the orbs while another elliptical shape burst of black flames supports another orb.


Red lightning gathers around the orbs as they engulf each other. The two orbs collapse into each other while releasing a column of black energy. The energy pillar shoots toward the sky and collides with the protective barrier.

Rumble… rumble…

The entire arena shakes from the impact of the two jutsus. A few small cracks appear on the barrier, but it withholds and disperses the energy of the attack.


Black Fuinjutsu runes light up in the arena and repair the damage from the previous battle.

Shisui and Itachi's expressions turn ugly as they stare at the recovery process.

'I don't want to mine again!'

Similar thought appears in both of their minds.

"Wow! That's incredible."

Naruto, who has somehow appeared beside Minato, stares at the entire process with wide eyes.


Minato takes a deep breath and shakes his head helplessly.

"That will eat lots of chakra ore."


Sasuke silently stares at the state of the arena and ponders.

'It may look like a tie, but I lost the previous confrontation. Naruto's jutsu slightly overpowered my jutsu. But then again, I didn't use my Susanoo during the battle; but I could say the same for Naruto.'

Sasuke stares at Kurama sealed inside Naruto. Kurama, seemingly sensing a gaze, opens its sleepy eyes and stares at Sasuke.


He growls slightly and nods his head and closes his eyes to sleep again.

'Looks like more or less, we have equal combat strength.' Sasuke clenches his fists.

'But still… it's nowhere near Izuna Nii-san.'

Up until now, Sasuke has always pushed forward with Izuna as his goal. For once, he wants to achieve a similar level of strength as his Izuna Nii-san.


Tsunade and Kushina, who have arrived in the arena at some point in time, glare daggers at everyone present. Ayaka innocently stands behind them with arms wrapped around her chest.


Minato, Jiraiya, Itachi, Shisui, Naruto, and Sasuke stare at Ayaka with accusing eyes as their eyes send a message.

'You traitor, you betrayed us at the first moment!'

Ayaka slightly shifts her eyes sideways to avoid their gaze as she silently relays a message.

'Your mess has nothing to do with me. I was just a spectator. And also, I won't plead to Tsunade and Kushina Nee-san for lenience."

She closes her eyes.


The heart of the boys' gang shattered at Ayaka's disregarding gaze.

'Our Ayaka is no longer the little innocent girl we used to know. The thoughts of these Onis corrupted her.'

Imaginary horns appear on the forehead of Tsunade and Kushina in their eyes.

"Were you thinking something rude about us?" Tsunade and Kushina's eyes turn red.

Beads of sweat trickles down from the forehead of the guys. They fervently shake their head to deny it.

'Sigh… Fine! I will ask them to reduce your punishment.' Ayaka sighs helplessly.

"Angel! Ayaka is our angel."

Imaginary white wings appear behind Ayaka.


Ayaka speechlessly stares at the exaggerated expression of everyone.

'I can totally imagine their thoughts with the help of Yakumo's jutsu.'

She walks out of the arena and reappears in the training around.

A gust of wind slightly blows her silky black hairs. Ayaka raises her head and stares into the sky.

"Nii-san, I can sense it. Your presence… it's close by."

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