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In a private room beside the Hokage Office,

Tsunade, the various clan leaders, and the elders of the village are having a meeting as they discuss the recent events.

"Any lead Hokage-sama?"

Sakuma asks Tsunade with slight worry in his eyes.

"Lord Fourth! Report what your scouts saw."

"Yes, Lady Fifth!"

Minato nods and walks towards the centre of the room. In these recent years, Minato had been tasked with the leadership of the Anbu. As the previous Hokage, he is more than enough to qualify for the responsibility.

"Around a month ago, some of our anbu stationed near the HOLE noticed some abnormalities in the Tonika Village. So, a squad went to the HOLE for investigation."

Minato marks a place on the giant map spread on the table.

"However, after a week, there was no sign of them. Instead, a messenger eagle begging for help arrived at the Anbu headquarter."

Minato pauses and turns towards Tsunade and the clan leaders.

"Also, it was around this time that the shinobis from Land of Sky invaded the Land of Fire and launched an all-out assault on Konoha. It was thanks to quick action from Hokage-sama and Izuna Uchiha, the village was able to avert the disaster with no casualties."

The various clan leaders and village leaders stare at Fugaku with an envious gaze.

"There is no doubt about it that Izuna Uchiha is the greatest asset of the village. If not for him, then we might have suffered major losses during the attack of Sand and the attack of Sky."

Hiashi declares as others nod in agreement.

"His contributions alone make him a worthy candidate for the position of next hokage. Not to mention his strength, which even compares to the likes of the First Hokage." Inoichi remarks.

"And there was a time we people were foolish enough to believe in the lies of Danzo and other elders to banish Uchiha clan to the outskirts of the village." Another clan leader comments.

Fugaku crosses his arms around his chest. He has a neutral expression on his face, but everyone could sense the pride in his eyes.


Shikaku clears his throat to get their attention.

"We can discuss this matter later. For now, let's hear Lord Fourth's report."

"Yes… yes… Please excuse us, Lord Fourth and Lady Fifth!"

The clan leaders and elder regains their composure as Minato continues.

"Even though the damage was minimized, it still took us over a week to recover from it. The attack from the Land of Sky was a major violation of the peace treaty signed a few years ago.

So, Konoha had every right to counterattack and pay the favour in kind. Thus, Lady Fifth issued an SS-Rank mission to demolish the forces of Land of Sky. This mission was accepted by Izuna Uchiha, who I presume has already completed the mission."

Minato remind them of the red cloud that appeared on the horizon a few hours ago.


The clan leaders nod with a solemn look.

'A single person single-handedly destroyed a country feared by multiple nations. This is no small feat. This makes Izuna Uchiha on the same level as the God of Shinobi.'

Such thoughts ran across their mind.

"However, the Land of Sky is not our concern and is not the reason behind the meeting." Minato continues.

"Lord Fourth, is it related to the stone golems which appeared at our borders?"

Akimichi inquires.

"Indeed, it is!"

Minato nods with a grave expression.

"According to the eyewitnesses at the borders, these golems suddenly appeared out of the nowhere and arranged themselves into a formation a few days ago. Since then, they haven't made any move.

That's not all! These stone golems have also been sighted at the border of Land of Wind, Land of Stone, and Land of Lightning. Land of Water, being a distant island, is the only place where these golems haven't appeared."

The expression of clan leaders turns grave.

"It seems there is a much bigger force at play here. Whoever or whatever it is, it wants to conquer all hidden villages in one fell swoop."

Shikaku speculates as he rubs his forehead.

"I also believe that such is the case." Minato nods in agreement.

"Then why they haven't made their move yet? Are they waiting for something or someone?" Fugaku raises a question.

"Hmm… about that!"

Minato presents the recent report to the group.

"I have sent a group of shinobis of the younger generation and the anbu Team Ro to investigate the peculiarity in the HOLE. The group includes team 7, team 10, team 4 and Team 8."

The expression of the clan leaders changes as they hear the teams.

"Two days ago, we lost contact with them. A giant red barrier has shrouded the entire Hole and despite the best efforts of our barrier team, we cannot break through it."

Minato reports to them.

"But that's…"

Hiashi, Inoichi, Choza, Tsume enquires with worry. Only Fugaku, Shikaku, and Shibi maintain their composure.

"I am sure you all are worried about your kids. Even my son Naruto, whom I met after twelve years, is trapped in that place. But as a shinobi, we can't allow such sentiments to blind us at such a grim time.

If I am not wrong, there is a huge possibility of the Fourth Shinobi War starting anytime soon. As such, we can't embroil ourselves with sentiments and lose sight of our enemies. Otherwise, the cost will be too much for us to bear."

Minato warns them with a heavy heart.


The clan leader sighs helplessly.

"Lord Fourth is right! We can't allow such emotions to cloud our judgement and let our entire clans and village suffer because of this."

Shikaku breaks the silence.

"We need to command our troupes and get ready for the battle. Meanwhile, we will send a team of highly skilled and trustworthy shinobis to inspect the barrier. If possible, we should ask Izuna Uchiha."

Shikaku breaks down the situation.



The surrounding space warps slightly as Izuna appears in the room with his team.


He looks around and notices various clan leaders and leaders gathered for a meeting. Izuna notices their grim expression and asks.

"Is something bothering you all?"


The clan leaders get out of their shock as Shikaku continues.

"You came just in time. There is an emergency! The Fourth shinobi war is about to start."

"Fourth shinobi war?"

Izuna raises an eyebrow

'Did Obito start his plan without even capturing the tailed-beasts?'

"Fill me in!" He turns to Minato and Tsunade.

"It's like this…"

Minato recounts the entire series of events to Izuna. The girls also listen to the discussion.

"Hinata nee-san is in danger!"

Hanabi enquires with worry.

"Naruto and Sasuke Nii-san too!" Ayaka also has a worried expression.

"I see…"

Izuna nods and ponders

'Stone golems armed with weapons and armours? That must be the army of demons. Did they awaken their general? Looks like I have to make a quick trip to Land of Demons. That priestess and her kid are in danger. Also, an impenetrable barrier around the HOLE."

Izuna closes his eyes and tries to sense his mark on Naruto and the group.

"I can't sense it. They are isolated by a space-time barrier."

Izuna opens his eyes and turns to the clan leaders.

"Alright! I will accept the mission and investigate the situation at HOLE. Meanwhile, you people gather your forces and prepare for the imminent war. If possible, try to communicate with other nations to seek an alliance. The situation might be worse than it seems."

Izuna warns them.

"Ok! Lord Fourth will deploy the Anbu unit to investigate the enemies. Shikaku will handle the logistics and Sakumo will command the forces." Tsunade orders everyone.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

The group of clan leaders nod and leave the room in hurry.

Only Minato, Izuna, and Tsunade are left in the room.

"How is it Izuna-kun? What's the real situation?"

Minato and Tsunade ask him with slight worry.

"You know about it, Minato-san!"

Minato's and Tsunade's questions slightly surprise Izuna.

"Of course, all these years; you have grown under our eyes. You are like an open book in front of our eyes."


"Alright! I will tell you what I think is the truth or close to the truth."


Izuna makes some one-hand signs and summons a chibi Yin Kurama.

"Kurama, explain everything to them. The tale of demons, the origin of Zero-tails and the seal of the Sage."

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