Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 346: Destruction of Ancor Vantian

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The fur of Roen changes to purple as dark purple flames rise from its tails. Roen's eyes turn blood red and he releases an aura filled with immense bloodlust.


Roen roars again and looks around. He notices the girls shivering in a corner, terrified by the chilling aura of Roen.


Roen roars and lunges at them.

"Rrrr… Roen! What happened to you?"

Ayaka timidly calls his name. But Roen ignores it and swipes his claw at the girls.


A dark green barrier appears around girls and protects them from Roen's attack.


Roen roars in anger and attacks again and again with his claws. He infuses dark chakra into his claws and releases a dark purple flame slashes at the barrier.


Claw marks appear on the ground as the barrier trembles because of the powerful attack. The attack fails to scratch the barrier.


The fury of the Roen's mindless state increases and it relentlessly releases a barrage of attacks at the barrier.

Crack… crack…

Multiple cracks appear in the barrier. Roen starts to slowly chip away the barrier with his powerful attacks and dark purple corrosive flames.

"Wha… what's going on? Why is he attacking us?"

Hanabi timidly question as she stares at Roen's red-eye in fear.

"This dark chakra is influencing the mental state of Roen. I can feel overwhelming negative emotions from it."

Yakumo bites her lips as she stares at the dark purple flames.

"Roen! Calm down, Roen! Do you remember me? I am Ayaka! Roen…"

Ayaka tries to calm Roen by recounting some fond memories she spent with Roen.


Roen growls again and shakes his head as the dark purple chakra continues to pervade his body.


It roars again and slashes at the barrier with another powerful attack.

Crack… Crack… Boom…

The barrier shatters into countless fragments, exposing Ayaka and the rest to a berserk Roen.


As the girls are struggling against Roen, Izuna dives deeper into the depth of the temple.


He comes across a giant network of seals, where multiple cocoons are hanging around a tree.


Izuna's left eye changes into a Rinne-Sharingan. He notices multiple people held hostages in the cocoons as the giant tree siphons their chakra and converts it into dark chakra.

"This must be the core and the power source of the temple which also provides dark chakra to Reibi."


He slashes the tendril of the cocoon attached to the branch to free the person locked inside.


Another tendril immediately shoots out from the tree and recaptures the person.


"Seems like I will have to get rid of the tree to free these people. In that case…"


The tomoes in Izuna's Rinne-Sharingan rotates as he stretches his arm.

"Shinra Bansho"

Ten dark purple orbs appear in his palm.


The orbs morph into a giant sword as Izuna grabs it by the handle.


Izuna waves the giant purple blade and slashes apart the giant tree from the middle cross-section.


The powerful slash from the blade not only slashes the tree in half, it even slashes apart the entire temple as a violet wave of energy travels through the atmosphere.


The invisible red aura around the temple disperses as the giant tree slowly dissipates.


Izuna flickers and saves the hostages.



Roen slowly regains his senses as the flow of dark chakra stops.

"Mm… Miss Ayaka, I… I can't control my body. Quickly run from here before I lose control again! Only master can handle me in this state"

He desperately holds himself back and pleads to Ayaka.


Ayaka stares at Roen with teary eyes.


The dark purple chakra around Roen flares again as he swipes his claws at the girls.


The consciousness of Roen is temporarily able to resist it and stop the attack.

"Run away! Please run away!"

"Roen, I… I can't watch you in agony."

Ayaka clicks her tongue and recalls the incident from the past.

'It has been almost five years since that incident when Onii-chan almost died at the hands of that man. That day, I decided I will grow strong and protect my Onii-chan. But I… I am so weak…"

Ayaka grits her teeth.

"Let me try! I think I can absorb the dark chakra."

Yakumo steps forward. She places a hand on Roen's body and slowly absorbs the dark chakra.


Ayaka clenches her fists as she is too powerless to help. Unbeknownst to her, a white aura leaks from her body and slowly engulfs the group as it repels the corrosive effect of dark chakra.

The invisible white aura blocks the flow of negative emotions and allows Yakumo to absorb and purge the dark chakra with no harmful effect.

Crack… crack…

The group hears the sound of an egg being shattered as the barrier around Reibi disperses.


Reibi screams in anger as it awakens from its slumber. Having lost its vessel, it undergoes a crisis of existence to sustain itself.


It roars and notices the life signature of the girls. Ayaka releases a pure white aura. The body of unconscious Amaru releases a red aura. Hanabi releases a cyan aura. Only Yakumo releases a dark purple aura.


Reibi roars again and lunges towards Yakumo in an attempt to possess her to sustain its existence.


The sudden appearance of a giant leech-like creature surprise and terrifies the girls.


The bracelet on Yakumo's hand glows with a blue hue and forms a dark blue barrier to protect her. But Reibi ignores the barrier and dives into Yakumo's body.

Argh… AHHH…

Yakumo screams in pain as Reibi slowly possesses her body. Multiple black totems appear on her body. Her appearance changes slowly as horns, claws, fangs grow out from her body.


Izuna arrives at the scene.

"Get away from my student, you vile beast!"

He makes some hand signs and forms a giant Fuinjutsu seal.

"Demon Purging Chains"

Swish… swish…

Numerous red chains emerge from the seals and coils around the Zero-tails.


Izuna yanks the chains and pulls out Reibi from Yakumo's body.

Swish… swish…

He makes a couple more hand signs as the chains wrap around Zero-tails like a cocoon.

"Sin seal it!"

He commands the Sin seal.


Multiple chains erupt from Sin Grimoire and drag the Reibi inside itself. The Zero-tails tremble in fear as it notices the appearance of Sin Seal.


Izuna seals the Reibi and frees Yakumo from its influence. Yakumo loses consciousness and tumbles down the gap between the two halves of the giant temple.


Ayaka and Hanabi quickly jump towards her and grab her hand before she could fall to her death. They slowly pull her up and lay her down beside Amaru.

Izuna turns to Roen and nods.

"You did well, Roen! Looks like you are able to control your dark negative emotions to some extent. Perhaps one day, you will be able to control your dark chakra form."

"Master! I hope that day will never come."


Roen shrinks into the size and walks towards the girls. He lifts Yakumo and Amaru and places them on his back. Izuna turns towards the girls and remarks.

"Our mission is done here. There are some hostages still held in this place. I will free them and destroy this giant temple, after which we will return to the village."

Whoosh… whoosh…

Izuna sends multiple shadow clones to clean up the place and free the hostages.

An hour later,

The group is standing on the ground as they stare at the giant fortress slowly falling towards the earth.

"It will be a disaster if this thing falls on the ground. I will annihilate it."


Izuna gathers a large amount of fire, wind, lightning, and water chakra in his palm.

"Oblivion Release: Spear of Penance"

He inserts less amount of chakra than the previous time. A dark crimson spear appears in his hands as he aims it towards the falling fortress.

"This should be enough to completely obliterate the fortress."


He hurls the spear towards the fortress as the spear releases sonic booms as it travels through the air.


The girls take shelter behind Roen's giant body as the shock waves uproot the nearby trees.


The spear collides with the remains of Ancor Vantian and explodes. A dazzling explosion of red energy followed by a black cloud of dust and debris rises in the sky as even the dust particles dissipate into nothingness.

The explosion forms a dumb-bell-shaped pillar and lasts for a few seconds before everything collapses on itself and dissipates into the void.


Ayaka and Hanabi stare at the explosion with wide eyes as they get to see a glimpse of Izuna's true power.

'Onii-chan is so cool and so powerful!'

'Sensei is so powerful!'

Both girls have stars in their eyes. They stare at Izuna's back with reverence.

Hanabi tries to activate her Byakugan to stare at the explosion, but Izuna warns her.

"Don't activate your Byakugan or Sharingan! You will hurt your eyes."

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