Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 333: Aztec Temple Ancor Vantian

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The next day in the morning,

"Amaru, I will go out for a while."

Shinnō hangs a bag around his shoulder and waves to Amaru.

"I am looking for some special herbs which grow deep in the mountain. It will take me a few hours to search and gather them. So, I will return by evening."

He warmly smiles at Amaru.

"But… but sensei… I would also like to come along with you." Amaru grabs the hem of Shinnō cloth.

"Silly girl! It's quite dangerous in the mountain. Many wild animals are lurking out there." Shinnōwarns her.

"That's more the reason, I should come with you. I will protect you!" Amaru clutches her fist.

"The other day, I went out on a hunt and captured that rabbit without help."


Shinnō chuckles and pats her head.

"It's alright! This old man can still take care of himself. In the meantime, why don't you tour the village with our guests."

Shinnō walks out of the village and slowly disappears in the distance.

"Alright! Since sensei asked me, I will show you around the village."

Amaru leads the trio of Team three through the village.

Outside the village,

Near the passage of the cavern,


Shinnō takes off his outfit of the kind doctor. His expression slowly morphs from a kind and caring elder to a cruel, cold-blooded commander.

"I maintained this façade of a kind-hearted doctor for fifteen years just so that I could harvest enough dark chakra from the people.

After all these years, I am close to the completion of my goal. How can I allow some little twerps from Konoha to ruin my plan?"

Swoosh… swoosh…

He throws away the outfit of the doctor on a rock beside the entrance. Shinnō takes out his Sky commander outfit from the bag on his shoulder and wears it.

"It's time to meet with my subordinates."

Shinnō walks out of the passage.


He notices the remains of the shattered earth release technique at the entrance of the cavern.

"So, these girls destroyed the barrier I made to isolate these villagers."

Swoosh… swoosh…

Multiple sky shinobis in their flying devices land in front of Shinnō.


The captain of the fleet lands in front of Shinnōand salutes him with trembling hands.

"I… I am sorry, commander!"

He kneels in front of Shinnōas he awaits his execution.


"You already know what you have done wrong! So, I will make it quick."


Shinnō takes out a scalpel from his pocket and slashes it out towards the captain.

"Darkness wave"

He releases a dark wave of chakra in the shape of a blade towards the captain.


The dark chakra blade chops the left arm of the captain.

"I will give you another chance to redeem yourself."

Shinnō points towards the village and remarks.

"Those three girls are in that village together with the vessel. The girl has grown overly dependent on me in all these years. After all these years of grooming, the time for harvest has come. So, to trigger it, we need to give her a soul-stirring trauma.

You and your men will kill me and those three Konoha girls in front of the vessel to induce a much greater impact. Do you understand?"

Shinnō has a fierce expression.


The captain gulps his saliva and frantically nods his head.

"Good! Now get out of my sight."

Shinnō dismisses him.

"Ah yes, commander!"

The captain turns around and quickly throws a dark purple orb towards Shinnō before tip-toeing out.


Shinnō notices the countless souls wreathing in pain inside the dark orb.

'I have enough offering to receive lord's blessing!'

He pockets the orb and walks deeper into the forest.

"Time to pick some herbs!"

A few minutes later,


Izuna appears at the meeting spot of the Sky group.

"So, the Sky shinobis are also a member of the cult of this evil God Jashin. Hmm… that explains their way too advanced technology and the usage of dark chakra. But what are they trying to achieve by collecting such a large amount of dark chakra?"


A shadow leaps towards Izuna. It morphs into a small wolf and bows in front of Izuna.

"Master! I have located the hidden fortress Ancor Vantian."


Izuna ruffles Roen's smooth white fur.

"Let's check it out. I suspect that they are planning something big!"


Izuna and Roen teleport away from the spot.


They reappear in front of a large underground temple.


Izuna frowns as he appears outside the temple.

"A space-time barrier blocked my teleportation. So, I could only teleport outside the barrier."

He raises his head and gazes at the entrance of the temple.

There is a giant stone head sculpture with its mouth acting as the entrance of the temple. Izuna looks around and notices various carvings and ancient writings on the wall of the temple.

"This reminds me of the Aztec civilization in my previous world. Though I feel a much sinister vibe from this temple."


Roen dives into Izuna's shadow and disappears.

Izuna takes a step forward and enters the temple. He feels a slight resistance at the entrance.

Izuna turns around and notices a slim watery film-like barrier at the helm of the mouth.

"Let's go!"

He continues to delve deeper into the temple. Along the way, multiple murals, sculptures, ancient writing, and stone masks with varying expression appears in front of them.


Izuna inspects the writing ancient and tries to read its content but fails to recognize anything.

"Hey, Kurama! Do you know anything about it?"

Izuna asks the Yin Kurama.

"Let me see!"

Kurama scrutinizes the writing and the sculptures. After a while, he shakes his head.

"I have never seen such writing. I am sure, even the old man Hagoromo doesn't know about it."

"Mm… I don't understand the ruins, but I recognize the murals."

The Light Genryū pops out of the Dragon blade. Izuna and Kurama turn their attention to the drawing.

They notice multiple drawings of serpentine creatures, horned humanoids, and cloaked figures with scythes engaged in a war against each other.

On another mural, there is a colossal structure with multiple ancient ruins engraved on its wall. There are multiple floating islands around the structure, as the structure emits a giant pillar of light.

He points towards the mural with the structure and remarks.

"From the memories, I received from the Miko; this place is called Kamiumi. A place where gods are born! That's all I remember since all of my memories are jumbled up and the Miko didn't pass too much information to me. Even according to Miko, all of this was a myth; so I am not sure of the credibility of the information."

Genryū shakes his head.

"Let's keep looking! Maybe we will get more clues about the origin of this temple."

Izuna walks into the deeper section of the temple to explore it.

Back in the Nagano village,

"SENSEI! SENSEI! Don't leave me alone, sensei!"

Amaru frantically shakes Shinnō's cold corpse, which is lying on the ground.

"Wake up, sensei! Wake up! Please wake up… sensei! Your number one disciple Amaru is here… please wake up!"

Tears flow from her eyes as she continues to shake Shinnō's body.

"Aa… Amaru!"

Ayaka and Hanabi stare at Amaru with worry.


Ayaka bites her lips as she is unable to gather any word to comfort Amaru.

"Amaru! Don't give hope yet. Maybe your Sensei could still be saved."

In the end, Ayaka could withstand the despair in Amaru's eyes; so, she tries to console her.

"My… my brother is a very good Medic. I am sure he will be able to help Shinnō recover."


Amaru wipes her tears.

"No! Sensei is… he is gone! He can't be saved anymore."

She blankly stares at Shinnō's corpse.

"I… we…"

Words remain stuck in Hanabi's mouth as she stares at Amaru's hopeless expression.


A peal of sonorous laughter rings in their ears.

"You little girls! I was waiting for this moment."


A Flying Destruction Machine suddenly appears above Ayaka and the rest. The captain of the sky ship is piloting the machine.

"You three gave me a lot of trouble. Now I will deal with you in one fell swoop."


Four sky shinobis rile up their chakra and infuse it in the laser cannon installed on the machine.

"Here I go!"

The captain raises his remaining right hand and presses the button.


"Oh, no!"

Before Ayaka and team three could react.


A gigantic beam of chakra engulfs them.


Amaru screams in horror as the girls vanish into dust. A giant crater remains at the place of Ayaka and the rest.


The captain laughs hysterically.

"Serve them well for what they did to me?!"


Amaru clutches her forehead and screams in agony.

Fwish… fwish…

Multiple dark chains rise from her body.

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