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Amaru slashes out the guts of the rabbit and slowly skins it.

"Amaru-chan, we will help too."

Ayaka and Hanabi help her with the preparation of the rabbit while Yakumo slowly chops the vegetable.


Ayaka scrutinizes Amaru's hair.

'This hair colour… it's almost similar to Kushina Nee-san. Kushina Nee-san's hairs are a tone redder than hers. Does this mean Amaru has connections to the Uzumaki clan?'

Ayaka speculates at Amaru's origin.

"Umm… Amaru-chan, can you tell me more about yourself? Like how you lived before you met Doctor Shinnō!"

"Before I met Doctor Shinnō?! Hmm…"

Amaru ponders as she slowly cleans the outer layer of the rabbit meat.

"As far as I know and the information, I heard from the other members of the orphanage I lived in. My father died while my mother was pregnant with me.

After my birth, some bad people captured my mother and tortured her for her bloodline. Though I am uncertain of the details, they abandoned me because I had an incurable illness."


Amaru lowers her garments to reveal her chest.


Ayaka, Hanabi, and Yakumo turns towards her and notices a strange tumour in the section between her breasts.

There is a dark purple orb embedded in the centre of the tumour while multiple layers of skin are constricted around the orb like a clot.


Amaru covers her chest and explains.

"From the people of the orphanage, I heard that my mother had a special chakra which could heal people when someone bites on her skin.

So, when I was born; those people thought my chakra had similar effects. So, they took a large portion of my blood and injected my chakra into their body, but it had a negative effect on the people. Instead of healing, my chakra worsens the injuries.

However, the blood loss, this tumour appeared on my chest and since then it slowly spread to my entire chest. People were terrorized when they notice the huge tumour on my chest. So, they shunned me away.

However, seven years ago… Doctor Shinnō found me. He treated me by planting this orb in my body. After he planted the orb, the tumour on my chest slowly receded and the pain which I suffered since my birth was gone.

Doctor Shinnō is my saviour. He is my idol and my sensei."

Amaru spews out one praise after another as she idolizes Shinnō.

"Such blind worship!"

Yakumo mumbles to herself.

"Alright! Alright! Let's prepare the dinner. Doctor Shinnō must be hungry."

Ayaka calms her down.


"I will prepare the best rabbit stew for Sensei!"

Meanwhile, inside the hut,

Shinnō scrutinizes the interaction between Amaru and the Konoha trio.

"Amaru has formed a bond with these three girls. If I get rid of them now, then she might lose her mind and all my preparation in seven years will go to waste. Also, it's very hard to search for another suitable vessel on such short notice."


He clicks his tongue in dismay.

"I will let you live for a few more days. I just need a little more dark chakra then my plan will finally come to fruition."


He takes out the communication scroll and jots down on it.

"There is a change of plan. I want you people to attack the Nagano village. Those girls are here. Together with the girls, kill the people of the entire village."


He closes the scroll and nods to himself.

"This way, it will appear as an accident. So, it won't have enough impact on the girl to make her lose her mind. Also, by attacking this village; I will be able to lure out the other Konoha shinobis."


Izuna, who is using his light release to turn himself invisible, silently stares at Shinnō.

'Does he honestly think Konoha needs an army to deal with him? Even in the original verse, Naruto was able to solo his entire village much less now.'

Izuna turns towards the window and stares at Amaru with his Rinne-Sharingan.

'This girl has half the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan. I suspect her grandparents were the lucky few survivors who escaped the Uzumaki massacre.

Then their daughter married someone from the other clan, and as a result, Amaru was born.

Also, upon further inspection of her body, I can see that the two bloodlines in her body are in a mutual clash with each other.

When she was born, the Uzumaki bloodline was the dominant one as evident from her hairs, but after a majority of her blood was drained as an infant; the recessive bloodline erupted with its traits. As a result, both bloodlines clashed for dominance.

The treatment this quack offered is nothing more than a farce. That orb is slowly absorbing the large amount of chakra generated by this girl. This way, it managed to resolve the conflict of the bloodline by suppressing both, but this orb is also slowly absorbing her vitality.

At this rate, this girl will die in another ten years; if she is left untreated. Also, I suspect he has other motives to pick this girl.'

Izuna shakes his head.

'If I want, I could end everything by just killing this Guy right here, but then I won't be able to locate the Zero-tails and know his motives. Handling this dark chakra is tricky. Tch… what a drag?!'

Izuna silently complains to himself while invisibly monitoring Shinnō.


The door bursts open as the girls dash towards the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen,

"Do any of you have any experience with cooking?"

Amaru turns to the girls.

"NO!" Hanabi and Yakumo shake their head.

"I used to bake cookies for my Onii-chan and he likes them a lot!" Ayaka proudly nods her head.


Izuna almost pukes and blows his cover as he hears Ayaka's self-boasting.

'And here I thought I was shameless enough but looks like Onii-chan lost to you in this department!'

"Wow! Ayaka-chan, I didn't know you could cook. Next time make some cookies for me too." Hanabi has a hopeful expression.

"Of course!" Ayaka nods her head.

"Alright! Then you two can wait outside while Ayaka and I will be cooking the food." Amaru sends Hanabi and Yakumo out of the kitchen.

"Let's start with the soup. Soak the brown mushrooms in water. Meanwhile, I will chop and season the rabbit meat."

Amaru instructs Ayaka as she starts her preparations.

"Next, heat the oven till the coals are brick red. Add some olive oil and roast the garlic loaves till they are crispy brown. Then do the same with the finely chopped red mushrooms."

Amaru preps the meat as Ayaka starts the roasting.

After five minutes,

Sniff… sniff…

Amaru raises her head and sniffs.

"Why does it smell like burnt charcoal?"

She turns around and notices Ayaka humming to herself while the oven is set on fire.


Amaru hurriedly brings a bucket of water and quenches the flames.

After five minutes,


The door to the kitchen opens and a depressed Ayaka walks out.

"What happened?"

Hanabi and Yakumo curiously ask her.

"Looks like Amaru-chan wants to prepare everything by herself. So, she kicked me out of the kitchen."

"Oh!" Yakumo and Hanabi nod in unison.


Izuna heaves a sigh of relief as Ayaka gives up on cooking.

'Well, at least this Shinnō deserved that cooking.'

He gazes into the kitchen and notices Amaru merrily cooking food for Shinnō.

"What a bastard for taking advantage of such an innocent child! After I deal with these events, I will bring her to Konoha. I am sure either Tsunade or Kushina will happily adopt her.

Especially Tsunade since this girl has a talent for Medical Ninjutsu. She could be a great successor to Tsunade's legacy.

For now, I have to wait for a report from Roen. He has been out for a while now; he must have found some sort of clues regarding Zero-tails location."

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