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Swoosh… swoosh…

The sky shinobis quickly surround Ayaka and the group.


"We are surrounded!"

Hanabi activates her Byakugan and inspects the surroundings.

"Guess, we have to fight our way out!"

Ayaka takes out a kunai from her holster and confronts the enemy. Hanabi takes a Taijutsu stance and guards Yakumo.


Yakumo pulls out a drawing board from her storage.

Swish… swish…

She quickly scribbles on it.

"Hanabi! Protect Yakumo while she completes her genjutsu. Meanwhile, I will create an opening and keep the enemies at bay."

"Yes!" Yakumo and Hanabi nod at her.


Ayaka activates her Sharingan and takes out multiple kunais and shurikens from her holster.


She clutches the shurikens in her hands and analyzes the location of enemies.


Swish… swish… swish…

She aims and throws the shurikens towards the hidden Sky shinobis.

Clang… clang… clang…

The Sky shinobis deflect the shurikens with their kunais.

"I was waiting for this!"


Ayaka throws her kunai towards the falling shurikens.


The kunai collides with the shuriken and changes its trajectory.

clang… clang…

It continues to deflect multiple shurikens and alter their trajectory.


The kunai loses its momentum falls on the ground right in front of Ayaka. It stabs upright into the ground.


Ayaka places her foot on top of the kunai and stares at the Sky shinobis.


"This girl! There are only three of them and we are seven people with reinforcement on the way. What's there to be afraid of?!"

One of the sky shinobis glares at Ayaka.


Ayaka raises her head and stares at the shinobi. She notices the chunnin outfit of the shinobis.

'The enemies sent a team of chunnins to deal with us. They underestimate us, but it works in our favor. I don't think we will be able to deal with seven jounin at the same time.'


Ayaka stomps on the kunai and tilts it towards the chunnin who just opened his mouth.

Shiing… Shiing… Shiing…

Multiple sharp metal wires appear around the chunnin. They entangle his arms, legs, and neck.


Ayaka stomps on the kunai again.

Slash… slash…

Blood splashes everywhere as the sharp metal wires cleanly slice his arms, legs, and neck from his body.


The chunnin releases a shrill scream as his body is mutilated into pieces.


Ayaka snorts and stares at the rest of the chunnins.

'These chunnins are just the cannon fodders. The real trouble is those shrewd jounins hiding in the distance. They are monitoring us from a distance and are trying to test our abilities using these chunnins.

I don't know what their objective is, but it seems like they want us to capture alive.'

Earlier, Hanabi noticed the group of chunnins and jounin hot on their heels.

'If I was on my own, then I could have escaped thanks to the various protective means given to me by Nii-san. But Hanabi and Yakumo will fall into the enemy's hands. I absolutely won't allow them to harm my friends.'

Hanabi quickly scribbles on the drawing board.

Rumble… rumble…

Dark clouds slowly loom over the sky.

Crackle… crackle…

Lightning starts to crackle through the clouds.

"Something is not right!"

The hidden jounins sense a life-threatening danger. They notice the dark clouds in the sky and Yakumo continuously scribbling something.

"It's that girl! Quick kill her."

The leader of the jounin team signals his subordinates.

Swish… swish…

The jounins launch a barrage of kunais at Hanabi and Yakumo.



The tomoes in Ayaka's eyes spin rapidly. She kicks the kunai on the ground and jumps in mid-air.


Ayaka spins her body in mid-air and dodges the kunais.


Hanabi walks in front of Yakumo and extends her right arm in front of her chest.

"Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven"

She emits a large amount of chakra from her tenketsu points and spins rapidly.

Clang… clang… clang…

Hanabi continues to deflect all the kunai aimed towards her.


While in mid-air, Ayaka performs a back-flip and stomps her leg on the floating kunai in front of her.


This creates a large amount of tension in the metal wires attached to the kunai.

Slash… slash… slash…

The tight metal wires pierce through the skins of the chunnins and brutally dissect them into pieces.


Hanabi finishes her rotation as she deflects the last kunai.

"I am done!"


Yakumo makes a last stroke with her brush and points the painting towards the sky.


The black clouds discharge multiple bolts of thick yellow lightning.


The sky jounins screams in agony as the lightning incinerates their body to ashes.

Huff… Huff…

Yakumo and Hanabi breathe heavily and fall to the ground.

"I exhausted all of my chakra in that previous jutsu. I can't move anymore." Yakumo rests against Hanabi's back.

"Me too! I have yet to master the secret technique, so it took me a lot more chakra to complete the technique."


Ayaka makes a shadow clone. She picks up Hanabi, and the clone picks up Yakumo.

"We can't delay anymore. We have to retreat to a safe place far away from the pursuit of these sky shinobis."

"We are already in the Land of Sky. Where is Sensei?! He told us he will meet with us once we reach the Land of Sky." Hanabi complains.


Yakumo also nods her head in agreement.

"He always likes to arrive late. I am sure we will see him soon!" Ayaka flickers deeper into the territory of the Land of Sky.

On a nearby tree,


Izuna stands on a branch and stares at the back of the trio.

"That was the last group of sky shinobi left which left that ship. I have already dealt with other scout teams. Also, my seal has completed the process of purification of the core. Now, the only person left on that ship is its captain and some of his loyal guards.

I have to keep him alive for a little longer, since I am still curious about the orb and the compass in his hand. That orb was reeking with sinister chakra, but I could also hear the screams of countless beings begging for salvation. There is something fishy about this entire situation!

For now, I am interested to see where these girls will end up!"


Izuna's body disappears into countless light particles.


Huff… Huff…

Ayaka continues to carry Hanabi and Yakumo on her back.

Burble… burble…

Sounds of a waterfall fall in her ears.

"There is a waterfall nearby. Let's go over there!" She suggests to Yakumo and Hanabi.

"Yes, we are already out of the water and I am feeling quite thirsty." Hanabi nods her head.

Ayaka places them down and the girls walk towards the waterfall.

A huge double fall appears in their vision. The waterfall is surrounded by various plants, trees, and planktons floating in the water.

Gulp… gulp…

The girls gulp down the water from the waterfall and Ayaka fills up her water bottle.


"That quenched my thirst!" Hanabi wipes her lips.

She takes a pail of water in her hands and washes her dirt-smeared face.

"Looks like the enemy has lost our track. Let's search for a nearby human settlement!" Ayaka suggests.

"Yes! I don't want to sleep in this wilderness." Yakumo nods in agreement.

"Then let's get going before the night falls!"

The girls gather their bearings and slowly crawl through the sky forest.

After every few meters, Ayaka will activate her Sharingan and look for traces of any human activity.

"There is a cavern up ahead!" Hanabi activates her Byakugan and remarks.

She points towards a small hill in the distance.

"I have recovered enough chakra to use my Byakugan. You can relax now!" Hanabi assures Ayaka.

"Alright! Then we will follow your lead."

The girls walk towards the path pointed by Hanabi.

After fifteen minutes of walking, the girls arrive in front of a giant cavern. A bed of rocks blocks the entrance of the cavern.


Hanabi and Ayaka scrutinize the passage.

"Looks like someone blocked this cavern using an earth-style jutsu!" Ayaka concludes.

"Let's break it open!"


Ayaka claps her hand and gathers some lighting chakra in her palm.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Bullet"

She fires a yellow ball of lightning towards the rock bed.


The jutsu blows away the rocks and opens the entrance to the cavern.

The girls enter the cavern.


They notice a trail of footsteps in the cavern. A thin layer of dust covers the trails.

"These footsteps don't seem too recent, but they aren't that old either. Looks like we are near a human settlement!"

Ayaka concludes.

"Let's keep going!"

The girls continue to walk through the cavern.

After another fifteen minutes, a huge opening appears in front of them.

"We are out!"

The girls quickly dash out of the cavern. They arrive at the other end of the hill on top of a small plateau. A small village at a distance appears in their vision.

"Let's take shelter in that village for the time being!"

Swish… swish…

The girls make some hand signs and use transformation jutsu to alter their appearance.

"Shinobi Battle Skill #5: Infiltration"

Izuna's lesson freshens up in their mind.

"Always use transformation jutsu while you are in enemy's territory."

Rustle… rustle…

The shrub behind the girls shakes wildly.

Hanabi and Yakumo insert their hand in their pocket to retrieve their kunais.

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