Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 325: A Troublesome Situation

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The Sky ship arrives in the airspace of Land of the Sky.

"So, this is the Land of the Sky."

The trio of Ayaka, Hanabi, and Yakumo peeks through the window.

"It's time for us to bail out of this ship. If we go any deeper, then we will be stuck in enemy's turf."

Ayaka reminds them.


The girls tie the winged mechanical flying device around their bodies. They sneak towards the aircraft catapult to get an initial thrust for their flight.

"Will this thing even fly?" Yakumo asks in hesitation.

"Not unless we try it!" Ayaka rolls her eyes.

The girls position themselves on the take-off system.

"Ready, set, go!"


Ayaka throws a shuriken towards the launch mechanism to activate it.

Whiz… whiz… whiz…

With an initial burst of thrust, the girls take off from the ship.


The girls undo their transformation jutsu and soar into the sky.

Clang… clang… clang…

They remove and drop the armor worn by the Sky shinobis.

"That was very suffocating. Even moving and breathing was hard with that armor."

Hanabi takes a deep breath and gazes at the vast expanse of land beneath her.

On the dock of the ship,


The captain raises his head and turns towards the direction of the take-off system.

"I never issued any order for any take-off. So, what's going on?"

He takes out a telescope from his pocket and focuses it on the girls.

"Huh?! Intruders!"

The captain's expression turns ugly.

He immediately presses the emergency button installed on the dock.

"A group of intruders just escaped from the ship. Stop them as soon as possible!"

The captain yells his lungs out at his subordinates.

"Damn! A bunch of useless idiots."

He clenches his fists in anger and slams them on the safety grill.

"I already failed to complete the objective at the Benisu Island. If even these intruders also escape from my grasp, then the commander will probably skin me alive and feed that monster!"


A shiver runs down his spine.

"Dammit! Hurry up, you idiots!"

Whoosh… whoosh…

Multiple sky ninjas take off from the ship and follow Team three's trail.


The girls continue to lower their altitude to search for a safe spot for landing.


Hanabi feels a gaze focused on her back.

Swish… swish…

She makes some hand seals.


Hanabi activates her Byakugan and inspects her surroundings.

"It's bad! The enemy is on our trail!"

She warns the others.

"What?! They caught on to us!" The girls panic at the revelation.

Ayaka lifts her head and stares at the giant sky ship in the air.

"We are already a considerable distance from the ship. I think it's about time we blow it up to buy us some time and safely escape from their pursuit."

Swish… swish…

She makes some hand signs and yells.



A gust of breeze passes by, making their hair flutter in the process.


Ayaka's expression freezes. She blankly stares at the sky ship.


She makes more hand signs, but nothing happens.

"It's not working! Why those paper bombs are not exploding? Did Kushina Nee-san give me duds? NO!"

Swish… swish… swish…

The sky shinobis aim their kunai launchers towards the trio and launch a barrage of kunais at the girls.


"Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm"

Hanabi thrusts her palm in mid-air and releases a wave of vacuum shell at the incoming kunais.


The vacuum palm deflects the kunais, but the recoil of the jutsu breaks the wing of her flying device. Unable to maintain her altitude, she falls free from the sky.



Ayaka and Yakumo dive and grabs Hanabi's arms.

Swish… swish…

Another barrage of kunais attacks them. The kunais land on the flying devices and damage their wings.


Having lost their ability to fly, the girls descend towards the ground.


The girls scream in fear and quickly remove the flying devices to lower the weight. While mid-air, they grab each other's arms and dives into the forest right below them.

Whoosh… whoosh… whoosh…

The girls fall freely through the forest. They quickly accelerate towards the solid ground.


Hanabi gulps a mouthful of saliva.


"Ayaka-chan! Yakumo-chan! It was a fun time with you two, but it's about time we say farewell!"

Hanabi and Yakumo close their eyes in fear as death appears in their vision. They tightly hug Ayaka's body.


Ayaka takes a deep breath and infuses a large amount of wind chakra into her mouth.

"Wind Style: Great Wind Twister"

She exhales a giant vortex of wind from her mouth. The vortex of wind slams into the ground and creates a windstorm in the area. This creates an upward current of air which greatly reduces the speed of their descent.

Bang… Bang… Bang…

The girls fall to the ground.


Hanabi and Yakumo slowly open their eyes and looks around.

"We are alive! We are alive!"

They cheer with happiness and embrace each other.

"You two shut up and get off me!"

An angry voice falls in Hanabi's and Yakumo's ears.

"Ayaka, where are you?!"

They look around in puzzlement.

"I am right below you! NOW GET OFF ME!"

Ayaka yells at them in anger.


Both of them hurriedly get off.

"Ayaka-chan! Are you alright?!"

They hurriedly support Ayaka and lays her against a tree.

"Huff… Huff… Do I look alright to you?"

Ayaka points towards her tattered clothes. She breathes heavily and rests against the tree.

"Somehow, we survived the fall. If not for my wind jutsu, I am afraid all of us would be a meat paste by now!"


Ayaka takes out a water bottle from her storage and chugs it down. She passes it to Hanabi and Yakumo.

Gulp… Gulp…

The girls chug down the water.


"This water is so amazing!"

They stare at the water bottle with surprise as the water hastens their recovery.

"What's so amazing about it? I drink it almost every day."

Ayaka rolls her eyes.

"Nii-san told me that this water is from some Shikkotetstu Forest… Ah, mo! I can't remember the name."

She shakes her head.

"Anyway! We should be moving now! The enemies are already on our trail!"

Ayaka raises her head and notices a group of Sky shinobis flying through the sky.



Ayaka grabs Hanabi's and Yakumo's arms and dives into a nearby shrub.

A few seconds later,

Swoosh… swoosh…

A few skies shinobis land near the crater created by Ayaka's jutsu.


One of them bends down and inspects the crater.

"They haven't gone too far. We must capture them at all cost."

He turns towards the rest of the shy shinobis and waves his hand to disperse them.


Other sky shinobis disperse in the surrounding area. The first sky shinobis slowly stand up from the crater and stare at the nearby bush.


'I think I felt Nii-sama's presence through our connection just now! But for now, I must get away from this place.'

Ayaka warily stares into her surroundings.

'It must be my imagination!'

His lips curve into a smile as he flickers in the other direction.


Ayaka and other heaves a sigh in relief.

"That was close! We should keep moving."

Swoosh… swoosh…

The trio of girls continues to walk deeper into the forest.


On a nearby tree branch,


Izuna dispels his transformation and stares at their back.

"That was a close call! This girl almost caught me. Thankfully, I could avert her attention through my Mangekyo Sharingan ability.

Well! I feel like scum by doing this to her. But I have no choice. I have to let her overcome the hardships of a shinobi on her own. I won't be able to shelter her for my entire life, even though I want to. Damn! How can I be so cruel to my cute angel?"

Izuna clutches his fist as a stream of tears rolls down his eyes.

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