As Aoba's three-tomoe Sharingan spun, it morphed into a different pattern. The three black tomoe on the red eyeball linked together. This transformation immediately caught Orochimaru's attention.

"Your eyes…"

Orochimaru stared intently at Aoba's eyes excitedly, his tongue licking his lips as if he had discovered a new continent.

"This is a special pattern!"

Orochimaru was exhilarated; he knew all too well what these eyes meant. He had studied the Sharingan extensively, arguably understanding it more deeply than many members of the Uchiha clan.

This was the Mangekyo Sharingan!

Orochimaru was somewhat familiar with the Mangekyo Sharingan, though his understanding wasn't as profound as that of the basic Sharingan.

After all, throughout Uchiha clan history...

Only a handful of people possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan! Orochimaru knew it was powerful, but he wasn't fully aware of the extent of its capabilities.

"These eyes are too precious!"

Orochimaru's gaze, filled with greed, was fixated on Aoba's Mangekyo Sharingan. He desperately wanted these eyes for himself.


Before Orochimaru could fully revel in his excitement, the pair of Mangekyo Sharingan before him changed once more.

The pattern formed by the connected tomoe transformed into concentric circles, instantly evolving into the Rinnegan.


Aoba revealed his Rinnegan right in front of Orochimaru.

Aoba didn't mind showing some of his power before Orochimaru.

Even if Orochimaru might be resurrected in the future, all he would know was that someone with the Rinnegan killed him, not Aoba's specific identity.

In this way, Aoba hadn't exposed himself, and he could expect his future life to remain undisturbed. This approach aligned with his principles and was comfortable for him.


Upon seeing Aoba's Rinnegan, Orochimaru's expression subtly shifted.

First, big surprise, then intense excitement.

"So it is true!"

"It is!"

"Just as I hypothesized!"

Orochimaru excitedly spoke one sentence after another, like a scholar who had solved a complex physics equation. Awards and money didn't matter; what was important was that he had discovered the truth.

"I had speculated that the Mangekyo Sharingan was not the final evolution of the Sharingan, but rather…"

Orochimaru paused, typically playing coy, but he realized that the person before him was a real practitioner of the ultimate truth, so there was no point in being mysterious.


Orochimaru recognized the Rinnegan, the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths.

Not just he, but all of the Legendary Sannin knew of it.

At their level, they had access to a great deal of information.

The Rinnegan was among that information!

Seeing Aoba's Mangekyo Sharingan evolve into the Rinnegan, Orochimaru felt no fear, only increased excitement.

This was the truth!

As a ninja world scientist…

To witness such a transformation was a worthwhile trip for him.

"I've changed my mind!"

Orochimaru's smile grew even more excited, his eyes sparkling with unprecedented greed.

"I want you!"

"I want you now!"

"I won't kill you!"

"I'll take you back with me and study you thoroughly!"

"Your Rinnegan…"

"Will ultimately be mine!"

Orochimaru's obsession with dojutsu, particularly with the bloodline limits, was almost fanatical. Now that he had seen the Rinnegan, he could not let Aoba go.

Aoba just quietly watched Orochimaru making these declarations.

His expression is unchanged.

He seemed to have anticipated this.


Orochimaru was oblivious to his predicament, still considering the Rinnegan as good as his.

"Orochimaru, I know you have many tricks up your sleeve, but the situation now is not as favorable as you think. You have no idea who you're dealing with!"

Aoba spoke casually, his mind recalling Orochimaru's encounters with Sasuke, who was always arrogant yet never successfully defeated him. Although he had backups, those, too, failed.

Then, without saying more to Orochimaru, Aoba slowly raised his right hand, spreading his fingers with his palm facing Orochimaru.

"Bansho Ten'in!"

Aoba uttered these words lightly; he found that Deva Path was the most convenient to use among the Six Paths of Pain's abilities.

This also reasonably explained why Nagato preferred to use the Deva Path.

The ability to control gravitational forces was immensely powerful!

Compared to other forces, it was exceptionally dominant.


As Aoba's chakra surged.

A powerful force of attraction assaulted Orochimaru's side.

This formidable power crushed Orochimaru as it pulled him towards Aoba.

"What is this technique?!"

Orochimaru's eyes widened in shock, having never seen such ninjutsu before; it seemed to surpass the limits of ninja capabilities.

At that moment, Orochimaru felt like countless hands were pulling him forward while countless others pushed from behind.

He was utterly helpless!

Under such overpowering force.

Orochimaru was drawn irresistibly towards Aoba's hands.


With a crisp sound, Aoba's right hand struck Orochimaru's neck, gripping it firmly.

"Preta Path!"

Aoba again spoke indifferently, now using the ability of the Preta Path from the Six Paths of Pain, which allowed for intense chakra absorption from any contact made.

Chakra absorption was a formidable technique; it could even absorb the Senjutsu chakra, which was a defensive mechanism from the Rinnegan and a special offensive tactic.

Aoba particularly enjoyed using Bansho Ten'in and chakra absorption together.

This combination of the Deva Path and Preta Path formed an unstoppable sequence of moves.

Once drawn in by Aoba's Bansho Ten'in, any contact with his hands would result in the chakra being siphoned.

After such an attack…

Even if one could break free, they would be drained of strength!


"How do you like Preta Path?"

"How about I turn you into the Preta Path?"

Aoba's tone suddenly softened, seemingly asking a question, but his words tinged Orochimaru's scalp.

Orochimaru didn't have time to ask Aoba what he meant before he acutely felt his chakra draining rapidly.


Orochimaru was acutely aware that he would undoubtedly be defeated if he didn't change his situation quickly!

This realization brought fear to the once arrogantly confident Orochimaru, who sensed he might just capsize in the gutter…

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