Aoba's icy voice slowly echoed, and as his dense chakra surrounded him, the area of the Root Division hall was instantly covered with layers of barriers, completely transformed into a different appearance.

It was an endless light.

There were hardly any shadows visible.

It seemed as if the light came from all directions, utterly exposing every shadow in the area.


Orochimaru's snake-like eyes flashed with confusion. He had just approached Danzo and hadn't yet grasped what was happening when the scene before him unfolded.

"A barrier?"

Orochimaru quickly deduced that this was no simple matter. As a ninja well-versed in ninja techniques and knowing countless techniques, he recognized the presence of a barrier and understood what it entailed.

However, knowing was one thing.

Now trapped within the barrier, Orochimaru found himself unable to escape.

"What a pity!"

Aoba sighed lightly, his face still masked, showing no intention of revealing his true identity to Orochimaru. Even if his mask were to break, the face behind it would still not be Aoba's true face.

From the beginning, Aoba had no intention of letting Orochimaru discover his identity.

Such a secret would never be unveiled to Orochimaru.

He didn't have the idea of ​​telling the other person secrets before they died to gain inner pleasure—a classic downfall of many villains.

Aoba had no interest in such dramatics; he merely wanted to complete his plans quietly.


Orochimaru had sought him out once.

At that time, he had resisted.

It was outside the office of the Third Hokage. If he had confronted Orochimaru, the Third Hokage would have become aware of the situation, complicating matters and rendering further plans unnecessary.

Unless necessary.

Aoba did not wish to resolve things through violence.

That would feel unfulfilling to him.

Now, however, it was different.

Orochimaru had intruded deep into Konoha's underground Root Division and was now isolated within this barrier.

Whatever happened here would remain unseen by others, no matter the commotion caused.

This was an excellent opportunity to eliminate Orochimaru.

This light barrier was not only to prevent any noise from disturbing the outside but also to ensure that defeating Orochimaru would make no sound.

"I didn't expect your curtain call to be in this form!"

Aoba's voice was slightly sad.

He felt differently about Orochimaru.

After all, he was known as the ninja world scientist.

And Orochimaru played a significant role in later parts of the story.

Aoba once considered Orochimaru a major villain when watching the Naruto series.

But as the series progressed, his perception changed, and he recognized Orochimaru's significance in the continuity of the ninja world.

But now, such a character was about to end his role in this world.


Orochimaru's eyes stared meaningfully at Aoba.

"Are you saying you want to kill me here?"

Orochimaru's eyes twinkled mockingly, not believing Aoba's claim. He knew that there were people in the ninja world capable of killing him, but certainly not this unidentified Uchiha before him.

"With your power? I doubt that's enough!"

Orochimaru should have taken Aoba seriously.

It was easy to understand why.

After all, Orochimaru was one of the Legendary Konoha Sannin and a direct disciple of the Third Hokage.

Orochimaru's prowess was immense.

Ordinary Jonin were no match for him.

Such a figure commanded respect and fear on the streets.

Even heads of clans spoke politely to him.

Now, a mere Uchiha youth dared speak to him in such a manner.

This made him feel that Aoba was vastly overestimating his abilities.

"I don't know how you managed to kill Danzo, but you're nothing in front of me. If you know what's good for you, you'll take off your mask, raise your hands in surrender, offer your eyes, and allow Root to follow my commands, or else..."

Orochimaru's tone paused, his gaze becoming sharper and more menacing, his threat very clear.

"If I have to do it myself, it won't be easy for you!"

Orochimaru's voice echoed in the brightly lit barrier, unaware of why this barrier was so luminous—a technique unknown to him. However, he knew that the technique would also belong to him once he consumed the person before him.

Orochimaru planned to study this technique thoroughly once he returned, along with studying Aoba.

In his heart, Orochimaru didn't consider Aoba to be very powerful or knowledgeable about many ninjutsus.

He merely thought the barrier and the control over Danzo were due to the Sharingan.

"It's from the Sharingan!" Orochimaru concluded, having never seen it in any scrolls.


Aoba watched Orochimaru's confident and arrogant demeanor, suddenly recalling the confident smile Orochimaru had in the official storyline, perhaps the pride of being one of the legendary Sannin, or maybe Orochimaru saw himself as a unique Sannin apart from the others.

This kind of pride originating from the soul is most vividly reflected in front of a little person like him.

Orochimaru didn't take him seriously.

But Aoba didn't mind.

"Then I shall send you off!"

Aoba knew that all plots had changed since his arrival in the ninja world; like a butterfly flapping its wings, he had caused a butterfly effect.

Madara was dead.

He sealed Black Zetsu.

Danzo was dead.

Now, Orochimaru was also going to die.

These significant figures who changed the ninja world were about to vanish from history.

Of course, this didn't mean history would end there.

Because new pivotal moments could emerge at any time, Aoba might not notice them.

"I need a good rest after this!"

Even Aoba felt exhausted; the recent period left him mentally and physically drained. He had done so much thought through many plans, and it was finally time to wrap things up. He could hide under Minato's protection after Minato became the Fourth Hokage.

The future looked infinitely wonderful!

Aoba couldn't help but sigh internally, already beginning to dream about it.


Aoba slowly lifted his head, his three-tomoe Sharingan peering through the eye holes of the mask and looking straight at Orochimaru, began to spin slowly, undergoing a series of changes at that moment.

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