Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 599 You Shouldn't Forget It!

It was just such a moment.

All the previous conflicts between Yahiko and Nagato had dissipated in an instant, and there was no longer any unpleasantness looming between them.

After all.

They were very good friends to begin with.

Although there was a slight ideological deviation between them before, it was not enough to shake their positions in each other's hearts. They both knew very well that they were each other's best friends.

In this chaotic and turbulent world...

Such friendship was especially precious!

For a moment.

Through just one look exchanged between them. It seemed like nothing was said, but everything had already been communicated.

All was understood without words.

"Konan, the thing is, this time I need to talk to you!"

After exchanging looks with Nagato, Yahiko then shifted his gaze to Konan. He had already heard Nagato's account of last night's events, and he was very concerned about such matters. The Akatsuki was not the property of any one of them but rather something they shared. Any decision made needed to be discussed, not made arbitrarily by one person.

Most importantly...

Yahiko didn't believe Konan really meant it.

Yahiko thought Konan just wanted to provoke Nagato a little.

As Yahiko spoke, Nagato's eyes immediately locked onto Konan. His gaze was filled with tension and seriousness as if he wanted to capture every expression and reaction from Konan. This was the most important thing to him at the moment.

Nagato's breathing became rapid.

He needed Yahiko to say the words he didn't dare to say.

He needed Yahikp to help him ask the question he didn't dare to ask.


Even though it was Yahiko who was speaking, not him, Nagato still felt extremely nervous and worried. He was very, very concerned about the answers Konan might give.

Because he cared about Konan a lot.

This wasn't because Konan's attitude toward him had changed.

It was because he liked Konan!

"What's the matter?"

Konan blinked in confusion, her eyebrows furrowing tighter. Her tone of voice wasn't very good either. She had just been focused on a crucial part of her reading, envisioning the story between herself and Toneri.

This good thing was interrupted so easily.

How could she feel good about it?

So now she just wanted to quickly get Yahiko and Nagato's matter over with, get back to her room, and finish reading the book she hadn't finished yet. Now she had fully appreciated the charm of this book.

"Did you already forget?" Nagato said somewhat helplessly. As he spoke, a self-deprecating smile appeared on his lips, and there was a hint of resentment on his face that even he didn't know where it came from.

"Konan, I want to ask about... the matter of moving the Akatsuki organization to Konohagakure. Are you serious about it?" Yahiko took over Nagato's question and asked. He didn't directly discuss the issue but first inquired about Konan's attitude, which was still very crucial. After all, if Konan was just talking casually, then it wouldn't be a big deal, but if she was serious, then the subsequent matters would need to be discussed carefully.

"So that's what it is..."

Konan suddenly slapped her forehead. She had been immersed in reading so much that she had reached the point of neglecting eating and sleeping. She had completely forgotten about the things she told Nagato last night. If Yahiko and Nagato hadn't found her now, she would have forgotten about it completely.

"I am serious!"

Konan took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and make herself appear more serious, redirecting her attention to this matter.

Now she understood why the members of the Akatsuki didn't even sleep last night.

So, faced with the choice between continuing to read the book and addressing the matter of moving the Akatsuki, the latter took precedence as her top priority.

But now...

She felt that this matter was not so urgent.

At least she wanted to finish reading this book quietly first.


The long journey of relocation.

She thought of herself holding a book she hadn't finished yet.

This wasn't merely inconvenient; the anticipation of the upcoming plot felt like thousands of ants crawling, evoking discomfort.

Now, her primary desire was to finish reading the book swiftly, as long as there were no more surprises in the plot, then all that was left was to relive it upon rereading.

Then, there would be no problem!


Both Yahiko and Nagato were shocked at the same time. They didn't have Konan's casual attitude. Such matters were difficult for them to accept.

"Are you serious?!"

Yahiko repeated again. He needed to make sure that Konan was not joking, because the subsequent words were based on this premise. Without this premise, there was nothing to talk about later.

At the same time.

Nagato's gaze became even more tense.

Such matters were even more important to him.

This was not just about the enemies who killed his parents.

More importantly...

It was about Konan's attitude!

"I'm serious!"

Konan nodded, raising a finger, wanting to talk about the benefits of relocating the Akatsuki to Konohagakure. But when the words came to her lips, she forgot them all.

At that moment, her mind was consumed by the plot she had just read, making it difficult for her to articulate anything significant immediately.


Konan tapped the table in front of her with her finger, smoothly connecting her awkward movements, and then said, "There are too many benefits to relocating the Akatsuki to Konohagakure. We were all misled by this conventional thinking, thinking that since we are from the Land of Rain, our Akatsuki Organization should be established there. But in fact, we can establish the Akatsuki Organization anywhere."

"You're right!"

Yahiko nodded heavily, his gaze shifting to Konan, his eyes tinged with disappointment. Even though he had mentally prepared himself and anticipated that Konan might have such thoughts, upon hearing her affirm her seriousness, he couldn't help but feel deeply disappointed.

"Our Akatsuki Organization can indeed be relocated anywhere..."

"But it must not be Konohagakure!"

"Because the ninja from Konohagakure killed Nagato's parents!"

"Such a thing..."

"You shouldn't forget it!"

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