Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 598 We Didn't Fight!

During the following period, Konan immersed herself in reading the book after washing her hands clean.


Time flew by.

Even Konan herself didn't know how much time had passed.

After all.

She was deeply attracted to the book's story.

When Konan first read it last night, she found the book somewhat embarrassing. The plot made her blush, and continuing to read it felt like an act of defiance.


After she corrected her thoughts.

She found that everything had changed.

Konan completely imagined all the people in this book to look like Otsutsuki Toneri and then immersed herself in these plots once again.


"Knock, knock, knock!"

After some time, there was a knock on Konan's door, breaking the original tranquility and pulling her back from the plot immersion.


"You in there!"

"It's Yahiko!"

"Mind if I come in and talk?"

Yahiko's voice sounded after the knock, passing clearly through the not-so-soundproof bedroom door to Konan's ears.


Konan's face suddenly changed drastically. From the intoxication just now, she became surprised in an instant, apparently not expecting to be disturbed.

"I...I'm here..."

Konan hurriedly replied. Then, she realized that her voice was a bit hoarse. She had been too focused on reading earlier, to the extent that her mouth now felt dry, and she hadn't even noticed.



"Could you wait for me for a moment!"

Konan quickly spoke up, realizing that she needed to stall for some time. Given her current state, she knew she needed a moment to compose herself before facing him.

"I'll be waiting for you in the meeting room." Yahiko seemed to sense Konan's inconvenience from her tone and didn't say anything more. After leaving these words behind, there was no more sound.


Konan let out a long sigh, with a lingering sense of unfinished business on her face. If Yahiko hadn't interrupted, she probably wouldn't have known how much longer she would continue reading.

Konan lowered her head slightly, fixed her gaze on the book, and looked at the few words on the cover.

"Teacher Bai of the Ninja School..."

"This is indeed a magical book!"

"I wonder if the author, Fugaku, is really Otsutsuki Toneri?"

"I even got immersed in it and forgot about the time..."

Konan muttered to herself silently, suddenly understanding the ninjas from last night and why their eyes were filled with fiery light when they looked at her.

Not only that.

Konan also understood Nagato even more.

It wasn't that Nagato was recklessly doing those things, it was just uncontrollable. A few casual moves turned into such results.


Konan put down the book in her hand.

At the moment she put it down, she found that the pajamas she had just changed into had become wet again at some point.


Konan's mouth twitched fiercely. She hadn't anticipated finding herself in this situation again. While engrossed in the book, she hadn't noticed this sensation, but upon returning to reality, she felt as if she had leaked once more.

"Damn it!"

Konan muttered to herself, realizing she couldn't address this issue at the moment. Hastily, she changed into the Akatsuki uniform, feeling a chill due to the dampness while doing so.

Half an hour had passed.

Konan walked out of the bedroom and headed straight for Akatsuki's office.

Akatsuki's office was located deep in the cave.

This place was a bit further inside than where Aoba went when he transformed into Juko that day.

Unless they were core members of the Akatsuki.

Otherwise, no one could come here.

The room where Konan lived was neither too far nor too close to the Akatsuki's office.

Not long after.

Konan had already arrived at the office.

At this moment.

In the Akatsuki's office, there were only two people: Yahiko and Nagato, both of whom were the most familiar to Konan.

Except for the two, none of the other core members were here.


Konan furrowed her brow slightly, sensing that something was off with the two. Yahiko wore a stoic expression, hinting at inner turmoil, while Nagato's face bore a rare look of distress, his red hair partially concealing it.

"You two..."


Konan asked in confusion. To her, the expressions on Yahiko and Nagato's faces suggested a disagreement, albeit a minor one, yet not substantial enough to warrant their current demeanor. It appeared that something remained unresolved.

In the past, there were cases like this.

When Yahiko and Nagato had differing opinions on certain matters, they would turn to Konan for mediation. She was accustomed to mediating all their disputes.

For now.

In Konan's opinion.

It was like this.

Konan sensed that Yahiko and Nagato must have encountered some conflict, each steadfast in their own views, unable to sway the other. It was time for her to step in and mediate.

"We didn't fight!"

"We didn't fight!"

At almost the same moment, Yahiko and Nagato spoke, as if they shared a silent agreement. Not only were their words identical, but the timing of each word spoken also synchronized perfectly, creating a unique sensation as their sentences seamlessly overlapped.

The mutual understanding that led them to speak these words simultaneously felt peculiar even to them. After uttering their sentences, they glanced at each other, recognizing the same sense of peculiarity reflected in each other's eyes.

Immediately after.

Nagato glanced away.

He appeared to be at odds with Yahiko.


Just the next moment.

Nagato turned his head away momentarily. However, considering he had sought out Yahiko himself and Yahiko was assisting him, any slight discord between them was trivial in the face of the current situation.

Thinking of this.

Nagato had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

The two men locked eyes once more and exchanged nods, recognizing the shift in each other's demeanor.

This was how the friendship between men was.

There was no need for many words.

There was no need for any words of apology.

A glance.

They understood each other.

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