Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 459: Black Zetsu Is the True Filial Son!


Black Zetsu was confused by Aoba's words. He didn't know what he was talking about.

What was going on?

What do you mean?

Disturbing your life?

Such a simple excuse?

It sounds very powerful!

It was just that...

You were the one who said that you wanted to lay low!

All of a sudden.

Black Zetsu was even more confused. He had a lot of questions to ask Aoba. Whether it was the identity of this person, or the unique attitude toward life revealed in this person's words.

"Tell me in detail..."

Black Zetsu could not help but continue to ask. He faintly felt that the matters here were not as simple as he had imagined. It seemed that this person who called himself his uncle, the way he conducted himself was not the same as the people he knew.

"The choice your mother made is really stupid that I can't describe. She had clearly already eaten the fruit of the God Tree and did not need to stay here any longer. Moreover, under the circumstances that there were people chasing after her, she just created hundreds of thousands of White Zetsu here..."

Aoba was really speechless in his heart.

In the past, when he was watching Naruto anime, he felt that Kaguya was a silly and sweet person. Now, this feeling became even more real after he continuously sorted out this matter.

"Back to the question you just asked..."

"If it was me."

"After I obtained the fruit of the God Tree, I would go straight to a place where the Otsutsuki Clan could not find and hide. I would change my identity and slowly improve my strength."

"As for after being discovered..."

"I won't let those who know my identity return alive!"

Aoba said firmly.

He had always done this.

Anyone who knew his information would be directly eliminated.

Of course.

There was another possibility.

That was to turn the person who knew his information into his own.

"What if the enemy is not someone you can defeat?" Black Zetsu took a deep breath. How could he not know this principle? Even his mother knew this principle, so she had to use Infinite Tsukuyomi to create White Zetsu's army to face the predicament that she might face in the future.

"What do you think the fruit of the God Tree is?"

Aoba asked Black Zetsu in annoyance. This sentence was not only directed at Black Zetsu but also at Kaguya, who was sealed on the moon.

"That people were nothing more than an Otsutsuki duo. With their strength, why should they be compared with the incarnation of the fruit of the God Tree!"

"In short..."

"Gods block, kill the Gods; if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas; come one, kill one; come two, kill two!"

Aoba said very casually. He felt that the chakra fruit that the God Tree had borne was a bit wasteful to be eaten by Kaguya.

She had indeed become strong.

However, she didn't develop her combat skills!

In summary, it was...

She was strong enough.

However, her combat strength was extremely weak.

But even so...

It was still more than enough to deal with an Otsutsuki duo!


Black Zetsu looked at the mysterious masked man in front of him. His brain, which was originally very messy, now became even more messy.

The contrast between this person was so strong!

Just now, he said that he wanted to find a place to hide. It sounded extremely cowardly, but in the blink of an eye, he became a war god who killed everywhere, as if there was no fear.

Wasn't this contradictory?!

How could such an extreme character appear on the same person?

The more Black Zetsu thought about it, the more he felt it was ridiculous.

But such a person was standing in front of him, presenting everything.

"Mother's strength..."

Black Zetsu recalled the scene he saw when he was thrown out. It happened to be the scene of his mother's two filial sons sealing his mother. When his mother created White Zetsu's army, her always worried expression made him feel that her opponent was very powerful.

Until now, when he heard this.

It seemed...

The opponent was just so-so!

"Is she really that strong?"

Black Zetsu could not help but ask the latter half of the sentence.

He knew that if his mother's strength was placed in the ninja world, she would basically have no opponent. Even if Hagoromo and Hamura joined hands, they could only seal her and couldn't really kill her.


He did not know the strength of the Otsutsuki Clan.

Taking advantage of the fact that Aoba did not speak.

Black Zetsu asked again, "Is the strength of the Otsutsuki clan really that weak? Can Mother alone handle it? What exactly does the Otsutsuki clan do?"

"The Otsutsuki clan doesn't have much ability, they're just tree planters," Aoba said casually.

"..." Black Zetsu was immediately speechless.

"Alright, you've asked everything you need to ask. Should you admit my uncle's identity now?" Aoba stared at Black Zetsu with deep meaning.


With his current strength.

Black Zetsu was no match for him at all.

Strictly speaking...

Black Zetsu's own combat strength was very low. What he relied on was to hide in the dark and take advantage of Madara to finish everything, then dig out his heart and take away the fruit of victory.

Moreover, Black Zetsu was now under control in his seal.

As long as Aoba wanted to.

Not to mention killing Black Zetsu.

At the very least, he could seal Black Zetsu up.


This was too boring!

Aoba had always wanted to find a chance to talk about life with Black Zetsu.

If he could fool Black Zetsu, the sense of accomplishment he would gain would be far greater than everything he accomplished.

After all, this was not something that could be conquered with a fist.


After hearing Aoba's words, Black Zetsu fell silent. He did not want to call this person uncle, nor did he want to recognize this uncle.

Even if Aoba was right about everything.

He felt that this person was not his uncle.

"I have another question."

Black Zetsu immediately said. On one hand, he wanted to delay time so that he could think of other ways. On the other hand, he wanted to find another reason to convince himself so that he could accept this more peacefully.


Aoba was not anxious at all and was very patient.

At this time.

He also had nothing to do.

He was originally just passing time to wait for the Third Ninja World War to enter the peak stage.

Now, he could have a deep conversation with Black Zetsu during this boring time. He was not afraid of Black Zetsu asking questions, but afraid that Black Zetsu would not ask.

The more Black Zetsu asked, the more he could answer.

This way, it could shake Black Zetsu's heart.

He might even make Black Zetsu limp in the end.

"You just said that if you eat God Tree's fruit, you will hide. I am very curious where you are going to hide?" Black Zetsu asked in a deep voice.

He did not ask this to satisfy his curiosity. Instead, he asked this for his mother.

After all...

He had to rescue his mother sooner or later.

The information he had now could help his mother make a decision in the future to some extent.

"This kind of thing..."

Aoba replied very casually, "I will directly return to the Otsutsuki clan planet. I will pretend to be an ordinary Otsutsuki clan member there and live a quiet life."


When Black Zetsu heard Aoba's answer, he was stunned. His entire person was numb. He did not expect that there would be such an operation. He was completely shocked.

"Didn't the Otsutsuki clan want to find you?"

"If you take the initiative to go back..."

"Wouldn't it be walking into the trap?!"

Black Zetsu stared at Aoba with his golden eyes. He wanted to get an answer from Aoba, and he had already realized that this answer was very likely to be the answer his mother needed.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Aoba said indifferently, "After the people of the Otsutsuki clan came here and found that I was not here, they knew that I had run away, so they would definitely look for me everywhere. No matter how good the other places were, it is better to hide directly in the Otsutsuki clan. They wouldn't suspect me of going back, would they?"


When Black Zetsu heard Aoba's explanation, he couldn't help but gasp.

When he first heard it, he felt it was very ridiculous.

He even faintly felt that this person was prevaricating.

But when he finished listening to the explanation, he immediately understood that this seemingly abnormal decision had great wisdom behind it.

No wonder...

This person would call his mother stupid.

Now it seems...

It was indeed a little!

"What is your purpose for coming here?" After a moment of hesitation, Black Zetsu immediately asked again, "Are you the member of the Otsutsuki clan who came to catch Mother?"

"To be precise, I am here to protect your mother," Aoba said in a calm tone.

"Protect?" Black Zetsu was puzzled.

"The Otsutsuki Clan has already discovered that God Tree in here has some abnormality. They have already sent two people over. After I learned the information, I came here before them. My only purpose is to protect your mother," Aoba explained.

"Why should I believe your words?" Black Zetsu was very vigilant.

"Because your mother is my sister, and I am your mother's younger brother. We are siblings. Of course, I will stand on your mother's side." Aoba explained without hesitation.

"Kinship?" Black Zetsu shook his head and said, "I don't believe in kinship at all. Even my mother's two sons can betray her, let alone her younger brother!"

"What about you?" Aoba responded quickly, "Aren't you also your mother's son? Then did you betray your mother?"

"Of course, I won't betray my mother!" Black Zetsu immediately straightened his back and said.

"Isn't that right!" Aoba nodded. The corner of his mouth behind the mask rose even higher. He enjoyed the process of fooling Black Zetsu very much, which made him very satisfied. Then he said, "Not every relative would choose to betray their loved ones."

"I understand now..."

When Black Zetsu was compared to Aoba, he instantly reacted and knew what was going on.

He has prejudice because of those two unfilial sons.

He felt that all the sons in the world were unfilial people.

It was indeed like this!

When Black Zetsu thought of this, a big stone that was hanging in his heart fell down. The vigilance in his heart weakened a lot.

"Are there any other questions?"

Aoba did not care about Black Zetsu's "another" question at all. He wanted Black Zetsu to keep asking questions, then he would belittle all of Black Zetsu's questions and achieve the purpose of disturbing Black Zetsu.

"If I admit that you are my uncle, will you help me save my mother?" Black Zetsu took a deep breath and asked the most critical question. This was also the thing he wanted the most, and that was how to save his mother.

This was the meaning of his existence!

If not for to save his mother...

He had no idea what value his life had!

This was his only mission in this world.

It could be said that...

Compared to Hagoromo and Hamura...

Black Zetsu was the real filial son!


Aoba seemed to have heard something funny. He immediately raised his head and laughed. His laughter directly made Black Zetsu unable to calm down. His mood, which had just relaxed a little, instantly became nervous again.

"Black Zetsu!"

"Your vigilance is really good!"

"Your mother will be proud of you!"

Aoba first praised Black Zetsu. The sugar-coated artillery shell had long been his unique skill. He had learned this kind of thing a long time ago. There was no difficulty at all. No matter who the other party was, he could use it skillfully.

After saying this.

Aoba immediately gave off a serious aura.

Even if he was wearing a mask.

Black Zetsu could feel that Aoba's face had already retracted its smile.

"It doesn't matter if you admit it or not."

"I will save your mother."

"This is the most important reason for me coming here!"

"I can't wait until the two Otsutsuki clansmen come and let your mother be captured!"


"I'm only telling you this today."

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not."

"It won't hinder my plan."

Aoba said casually. His words were like bombs that exploded in Black Zetsu's head.

"You... you... you..."

Black Zetsu almost said the word "uncle". Just now, he had been driven by Aoba's words and was in an excited state.

As long as this person wants to save his mother.

Then they were on the same side!

Black Zetsu had gone too hard on the road to save his mother. Now, he finally felt like he had seen his loved ones.

His nose felt inexplicably sour.


There was still a trace of rationality in the depths of his heart that kept telling him that everything the other party said could also be just an excuse.

After all.

There was still a possibility.

The person in front of him...

He was here to capture his mother on behalf of the Otsutsuki Clan!

The purpose of the other party saving his mother was to take his mother away!

If that was the case...

Preventing the resurrection of his mother in the short term was a way to protect her.

The voice in Black Zetsu's heart was very weak, but it kept ringing in his heart so that he could not ignore this possibility.

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