
Aoba looked at Black Zetsu with deep meaning. He could clearly feel that Black Zetsu was not so easy to fool. Everything he said now was just a bit misleading on the surface. It did not make Black Zetsu believe it directly.

"Tell me!"

Aoba was very interested in the question that Black Zetsu was about to ask. Now, he wanted to know what kind of question Black Zetsu wanted to ask to make him believe that he was his uncle.

To be honest...

Aoba never intended for Black Zetsu to believe it.

He was just fooling Black Zetsu.

No matter what the final result was.

He hoped to use the words he said to mislead Black Zetsu so that Black Zetsu would be frightened and try his best to create great damage to Madara's side.

"My mother has always wanted to use a genjutsu called Infinite Tsukuyomi, but she has been sealed before she succeeds. If you are really my uncle, then you must know that Infinite Tsukuyomi can bring happiness to mankind. The ultimate peace, are you curious about what it will look like when it is finally presented?" After Black Zetsu finished speaking, he stared at Aoba, his eyes staring straight at Aoba as if he wanted to see the changes in Aoba's eyes.


After hearing Black Zetsu's words, Aoba did not answer immediately. Instead, he burst out laughing, as if he had heard something extremely funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Black Zetsu's tone became unhappy.

"I thought you would ask a hard question, but it was actually a question to trick me. But such a question is hardly difficult for me. It is a waste to give up such a precious opportunity to ask such a question."

Aoba said while shaking his head.

When he heard the first sentence that Black Zetsu said.

He knew that Black Zetsu was not asking a serious question.

Instead, he was playing tricks.

Of course.

All of this was based on the fact that he knew what was going on and that there was a large amount of information difference, which was why he could understand everything.

Otherwise, it would really be easy to be tricked.

"What are you talking about?" Black Zetsu stubbornly pretended not to know anything. After all, he was also worried that Aoba was trying to trick him.

"Your routine is okay to talk to Madara. If you tell me, it will be like showing off your skills in front of an expert."

Aoba raised his right index finger and directly shook it in front of Black Zetsu. After that, he stopped his index finger in front of Black Zetsu.

"There are a few loopholes in your words."

"Let me sort it out for you."

"This way, you can call me uncle in peace."

After saying this.

Aoba pointed his finger forward.

It looked like he was hitting the air in front of him.

"The first point!"

"Your first sentence was wrong!"

"Although I haven't gotten a precise piece of information yet..."

"But I can be sure."

"Your mother has at least used the Infinite Tsukuyomi once!"

"And it is very likely that she only used it once."

"She should have been sealed before it could be used a second time."

"This is based on the number of people on this planet, the amount of chakra distribution, and the time when the fruit of the God Tree matures!"

Aoba said coldly.

It was just a few words.

Black Zetsu began to break out in cold sweat.

It was not wrong.

It was all correct.

Completely correct.

His mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya, had performed the Infinite Tsukuyomi once and was targeted by the two filial sons. Then, she was sealed by the two sons.

She did not even have the time to perform the second Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Of course.

Black Zetsu did not say these words out loud.

He was still waiting for Aoba's next words, but in his heart, he had begun to gradually believe in Aoba's identity.

After all, this person had spoken too much unknown information.

One or two was fine.

Almost every sentence carried information that others could not possibly know, and the authenticity of the information was completely true.

This was definitely not a coincidence!

Even a fabricated story could not produce such an effect!

"The second point!"

At this moment, Aoba raised his second finger and shook it in front of Black Zetsu. His eyes were dyed with confidence.

"The Infinite Tsukuyomi does not bring ultimate peace..."

"Strictly speaking, it brings ultimate destruction."

"The area enveloped by the light of Infinite Tsukuyomi will all be trapped in the illusion of their dream."


"They became White Zetsu!"

Aoba shook the two fingers that he had raised as he spoke, and the corners of his mouth behind the mask curled up into a slight smile.

"Are you satisfied with my answer?"

Aoba's voice echoed in Black Zetsu's ears, and Black Zetsu was completely dumbfounded.

He did not want to believe that the person in front of him was his uncle.

However, what the latter said made him not know how to argue. The other party was like a person who knew everything. The secrets he knew, the other party knew.

It seemed...

Other than his mother's younger brother.

There was really no one who knew about this.


When Black Zetsu thought of this, an idea flashed through his mind again. He immediately said, "According to what you said, the purpose of Mother using Infinite Tsukuyomi is to turn humans into White Zetsu. Why?"


Aoba sighed helplessly.

There seemed to be something in his eyes.

He looked like he was reminiscing.

There was a hidden feeling of disappointment.

"Your mother!"


"She is really a little stupid!"

Aoba said something that made Black Zetsu dumbfounded. He never thought that the person in front of him who claimed to be his uncle would say such words that directly slandered his mother.

All of a sudden.

A surge of anger rose in Black Zetsu's heart.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Black Zetsu was very angry. Even if the person in front of him was his uncle, he could not allow this person to talk about his mother like this.


"I will sort it out for you again!"

"See if your mother is stupid!"

Aoba shook his head helplessly. Then, he stretched out a finger and placed it in front of Black Zetsu, showing the same posture as before.

"The first point."

"Your mother secretly ate the fruit from the God Tree of the Otsutsuki clan."

"Although it was a taboo."

"But your mother has already obtained a very powerful strength."

"At this time, she actually..."

"She chose to give birth to two sons."

"She clearly knew that she might have to face a powerful enemy, yet she still divided her chakra. In the end, she was sealed by those two sons."

"Aren't she stupid!"

Every word Aoba said was like a needle, directly piercing into the weak point in the depths of Black Zetsu's heart that he was most unwilling to mention.

However, he had no way to deny it.

After Kaguya gave birth to two sons, her chakra decrease a lot, so in the end she failed to beat the two sons who joined forces, and was finally sealed.


Black Zetsu wanted to say something but stopped.

He wanted to say that it was not Kaguya's fault, but Hagoromo and Hamura's.

However, he could not bring himself to say it.

After all, this was the truth.

Hagoromo rebel against his mother because of a woman who he had feelings for. He was ashamed to make an evaluation for such behavior.

"The second point."

"After your mother ate the fruit of the God Tree, her strength was already close to invincible."

"What she needs to do is to work hard to improve her combat ability."

"That's all."

"This way, she can easily deal with the enemies from the Otsutsuki Clan."

"But she chose to use Infinite Tsukuyomi, causing the public to be angry. This is one of the reasons why she was sealed."

"I don't trust my own strength. Instead, I put the bet on White Zetsu. This is the worst bet I have ever seen."

Aoba said one sentence after another. Each sentence was like a bolt of lightning, directly exploding in Black Zetsu's mind and causing Black Zetsu to fall into deep thought.

He had just asked Aoba why his mother wanted to turn humans into White Zetsu.

Now, Aoba had indirectly given the answer.

That's right!

That was what he want!

His mother wanted to use White Zetsu to deal with the possible enemies!

However, even Black Zetsu himself did not know who the enemy was. Instead, he had gotten the answer from Aoba.

"White Zetsu..."

"You might know how many White Zetsu armies Mother has!"

"This is a power that is hard to ignore!"

"You can't say that about Mother!"

Black Zetsu couldn't help but explain after thinking about it. He really didn't know what kind of enemy her mother was facing, he knew that White Zetsu's combat strength was limited but he just didn't want to admit that his mother was stupid.

This was something that every son was unwilling to admit!

"More than a hundred thousand."

Aoba casually shook his finger, then sent a question to Black Zetsu, "Right now, those White Zetsu should be in your hands. Do you think those White Zetsu can beat Uchiha Madara, who is at his peak state?"

"..."Black Zetsu chose to remain silent.

"It's fine if it's someone else." Aoba said meaningfully, "Then do you think that 100,000 White Zetsu will be able to defeat a peak-level Senju Hashirama?"

"..." Black Zetsu chose to remain silent again.

"Let's change to another person." Aoba's tone became even more interesting. He said, "Do you think that 100,000 White Zetsu can defeat the Sage of the Six Paths, Otsutsuki Hagoromo?"

"..." Black Zetsu was about to flip over.

"They can't beat him!"

The corner of Aoba's mouth behind the mask curled up again. What he said now was originally the ridicule in his heart when he was watching the anime.

It was just that time.

He was just an audience.

His ridicule did not have any effect.

It would not affect the direction of the plot at all.

Including after Kaguya was resurrected by Black Zetsu, that stupid woman's combat ability simply overturned the gutter in facing Naruto's combat ability.

Mastering the ultimate strength but not being good at releasing skills, directly forming a great contrast.


In the eyes of the vast majority of Naruto fans, the despair Kaguya brings to people was far below Six Paths Madara.

If Six Paths Madara brought people a tragedy full of despair, then Otsutsuki Kaguya was the final version of comedy staged for everyone after people feel the peak of Naruto anime.

"You can't beat this, you can't beat that, what's the use of your mother making such a pile of trash!" Aoba said in a bad mood.

He had seen some information on the internet.

Even though he didn't see much.

He knew some information about those people who came from outer space.

Let's say they were strong...

That was it.

But let's say they are weak...

A mere 100,000 White Zetsu could still not even be considered cannon fodder.

Facing people with top combat power, even if those White Zetsu were multiplied by ten times, to a total of one million, there was still no quality. Without quality, they would not be of any use. It would be better to properly hone your combat skills.

After all, the members of the Otsutsuki clan have excellent combat skills!


Black Zetsu fell silent again. He suddenly felt that what the person in front of him said was very reasonable. He had never thought about this place before. He just felt that what his mother had done was right.

Now it seemed that...

Things seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

Those White Zetsu.

It seemed to be quite useless.

What was the use of it?

A single bijudama and they were gone!

For a moment.

Black Zetsu suddenly realized...

Her Mother seemed to be quite stupid!

"Are you saying that Mother's enemy is the Otsutsuki Clan?" Thinking of this, Black Zetsu suddenly discovered this point. Then, he asked deeply, "Isn't Mother a member of the Otsutsuki Clan?"

"After your mother eat the fruit of the God Tree, she became Otsutsuki Clan's traitor. So, she knew that the people of the Otsutsuki Clan would find her sooner or later to take back the fruit she ate!" Aoba explained.

"If it was you, what would you do?" Black Zetsu was already confused. He vaguely understood that his mother had taken the wrong step, but he did not know what the correct way to deal with it was.

"It's very simple."

Aoba directly smiled.

"Change to a not-so-conspicuous planet, find a safe place, hide your identity, become an ordinary office worker, and feel the joy of an office worker."

"..." Black Zetsu was even more dumbfounded. Was this so-called uncle's outlook on life? It directly subverted his understanding.


"What if they still found you?"

"You have nowhere to hide."

"What will you do?"

Black Zetsu continued to ask. This was what he wanted to know. After all, this was what her mother had to face.

"This is also why your mother is stupid. She can find a place to hide. Have you ever seen someone who stole something and still settled in the same place!"

Aoba said angrily and then began to answer Black Zetsu's question.

"If they still find me..."

"That would be disturbing my quiet life!"

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