Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 386: When Did You Learn the Sealing Technique of the Uzumaki Clan?

"Even if you shout until your throat breaks, no one will come to save you!"

"I think you can speak louder!"

"Exactly! That's right! Your voice is too soft!"

"Come on!"

"Others can't be blamed if they can't come here!"


Aoba's shadow clones said one sentence after another. These words were what Aoba wanted to say. It just so happened that there were too many people here to talk. Every time they said a few words, the meaning they wanted to express was expressed.


Whether Kaze could understand the meaning was Kaze's problem.


Kaze's mouth kept shouting, and he talk the most, but his voice was suppressed by the voices of Aoba's shadow clones behind him.

Every shadow clone only had one or two sentences to say.

However, there were too many of them!

The overall momentum was enough to crush Kaze to death!


Not long after.

Kaze had already run to the tower's first-floor exit.

Outside the door was a forest.

At this moment.

In Kaze's eyes, this door was no longer a simple door. Instead, it was a path to escape.

Inside, it was a hell full of Aoba.

Outside, there was a vast sea, a fish leaping into the sky, and a bird flying freely, so there was no need to worry about his problems.


Just as Kaze arrived at the door.

Aoba's figure instantly appeared in front of him. With a playful smile on his face, he blocked the door.

"Get lost!"

Kaze's eyes were wide open. His eyes were bloodshot. He had not recovered from his shock. This person had always been in extreme fear. He immediately takes out a pile of shurikens from his ninja pouch and throws them directly at Aoba.

"Is this all you can do?"

"Are you still in an era of throwing shuriken?"

"There is no point in playing like this!"

"I don't want to play anymore! I don't want to play anymore!"


Aoba's voice rang out one after another. As these voices entered Kaze's ears, his body suddenly shook. His movements of running forward stopped. He felt that several hands had grabbed onto him. The strength of each hand was extremely great.

Immediately after.

Kaze's body was pulled away like a toy.

The shuriken, which he had thrown out, continued to shoot toward Aoba's shadow clone at the door. However, they did not hit at all and were all dodged by Aoba's shadow clone.

Ding! Ding! Ding!...

The shurikens collided one by one at the door, making crisp sounds. However, these sounds did not change Kaze's situation.

"Let go of me!"

Kaze shouted loudly. He struggled with all his might, trying to break free from this state. However, just as he was struggling with all his might, black lines appeared on his body.

In just an instant.

These lines spread throughout Kaze's entire body, causing all the nerves in his body to be severed. Not only was he unable to move, but he also found that his chakra had become blocked and could not be used.

This situation greatly exceeded Kaze's understanding.


Kaze wanted to cry out in alarm, but he couldn't speak. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make a single sound.


'What the hell is this?!'

'What did he do?'

'I can't even scream?'

Kaze was greatly shocked. He had never thought that one day, he would see Aoba with such strength. It made him not know how to describe his feelings. It was simply too uncomfortable.


Countless Aoba surrounded Kaze.

Every Aoba smirked at Kaze. When such laughter entered Kaze's ears, Kaze felt his hair stand. He could not even tremble.


Knock! Knock! Knock!...

Less than three minutes after Aoba send Kaze away, there was another knock on the door of his room.


A bigger question popped up in Aoba's head.


'Why come to my room for no reason?'

'I had never encountered such a thing before!'

'Since when did Anbu's dormitory become so lively?'

Aoba immediately walked toward the door. He was not afraid of who was outside, no matter who it was, it was not too big of a deal.


Along with the sound of a door frame rubbing, the door of Aoba's room opened.

What came into view was a tall man dressed in black. This man wore sunglasses and looked very calm.

"Brother Eaton!"

Aoba immediately recognized the identity of the man in black in front of him. It was Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain, Morino Eaton.

"Why are you here?"

Aoba asked doubtfully. He didn't know what day it was today, but they all came one by one.

However, compared to Kaze.

Eaton's arrival could be explained.

It could be said that after learning that Aoba forfeited in the Chunin Exams, he came over to ask why. This kind of thing was normal.

"Let's talk inside."

Eaton's expression was grave. He quickly looked around and confirmed that no one had seen him enter Aoba's room. Only then did he immediately step in. After that, he quickly closed the door and directly entered Aoba's room.


Many question marks appeared on Aoba's head. Logically speaking, Eaton did not need to be so alert. It seemed like there was something particularly important.

"Brother Eaton, what happened?" Aoba asked tentatively.

"Something very important!" Eaton nodded and sat down on the chair. He took off his sunglasses and put them aside. He stared at Aoba with a serious look in his eyes.

"What is it?" Aoba asked in a daze.

"When did you learn the Uzumaki Clan's Sealing Technique?" Eaton narrowed his eyes and stared at Aoba in confusion. If Hiruzen had not told him about these things, he would not have known that Aoba had learned the Uzumaki Clan's Sealing Technique. No wonder Hiruzen suspected him.

"What do you mean?" Aoba still looked stunned. There was no change in his expression, but he was thinking in his heart. He understood what went wrong but didn't realize which part of it was.

"Hokage-sama just looked for me. He said that he suspected that you were a member of the Uzumaki Clan. I have already clarified this for you. Others might not know about you, but I do. I am just curious how you learned the Uzumaki Clan's Sealing Technique. You did not tell me about such a big thing. At least let me be mentally prepared!" There was a hint of helplessness in Eaton's tone. He did not blame Aoba, but when he said these words, he felt a little uncomfortable about being kept in the dark.

"You are talking about the Soul Imprisonment Seal I used when I was treating Danzo-sama, right?" Aoba suddenly put on an expression of realization. He immediately analyzed the part of the problem from the information that Eaton revealed.

"I don't know what the seal is. Why don't you tell me what happened?" Eaton said rather helplessly. Now that he was sandwiched in the middle, he felt very distressed. On one hand, he represented the future of the village, Aoba, and on the other, he represented the current Hokage of the village, Hiruzen. If he didn't think that Hiruzen couldn't sit in the position of the Hokage for a long time and side with a team in advance, he would have already said it when Hiruzen asked.

"The Soul Imprisonment Seal is the seal of the Uzumaki clan. I learned it from the book about seals that Minato gave me. This seal can imprison the souls in an area for a period of time. Even if the person died, the soul will not immediately go to the Pure Land. I was worried that something might happen while treating Danzo-sama's injuries, so I used this Soul Imprisonment Seal. The purpose is to add a layer of insurance to Danzo-sama." Aoba answered truthfully. These words were true. They were not deliberately arranged. They were all true.

"So that's how it is!" Eaton understood Aoba's words. After that, he asked another question, "Aoba, you said that Minato gave you a book about seals, how could he have it?"

"Brother Eaton, are you stupid? Minato's girlfriend, Kushina, is a member of the Uzumaki Clan. Is it strange that he has the Uzumaki Clan's book about seals?" Aoba said with a smile.

"It's not strange! It's not strange at all! So it's like this! I knew you were fine!" Eaton slowly let out a sigh of relief. Although he came here to find an explanation and wanted to ask Aoba what was going on, it would be a lie if he said that he was not worried at all. After seeing Hiruzen's appearance, it was difficult for his heart to not waver a bit. Now, he could finally relax his hanging heart.

"Brother Eaton, did you come to find me for this matter?" Aoba stared at Eaton. He had already realized that Eaton was a breakthrough in his identity as a mysterious ninja. He did not say it today, but he might not say it in the future. Even if he did not take the initiative to say it, once he was caught, they might read his memories because interrogation was not enough, and it would be a problem.

"Um... No... No... There is something else..."

Eaton hesitated for a moment. He also felt that it couldn't end just like this. Otherwise, it would appear that he didn't trust Aoba too much.

For a moment.

He immediately put away his mood.

The expression on his face changed from helpless to serious.

"I heard that you forfeited from the Chunin Exams. Can you give me an explanation?" Eaton entered the state of Konohagakure Intelligence Division Captain in one second. Just one question, and he had the feeling of being interrogated.


After hearing Eaton's words, Aoba immediately laughed out loud. He knew that Eaton would ask this question, and he also knew that Fugaku would also ask this. It was just that Eaton asked it earlier.

As a result...

He had already prepared an answer.

He was waiting for Eaton to ask this.

"Brother Eaton, listen to me. I have never told them the real reason and I will never tell anyone else in the future. Only you will know the real reason."

Before Aoba get to the point, he flattered him first. After all, it was always necessary to make people happy before fooling around in such a matter.

Sure enough.

The lines on Eaton's face became much softer.

Aoba knew it!

Eaton cared a lot about being first!

And he also cared about the "only" feeling.

After Aoba had paved the way here, he was ready to get to the point. He immediately took out a notebook from the ninja pouch at his waist and handed it to Eaton.

"Brother Eaton, to tell you the truth, I was waiting for the end of Chunin Exams in the Forest of Death for a few days. I stood at the entrance of the tower and looked at the different states and expressions of the participant participating in the exam. I was inspired and thought about how to write the new story!" Aoba said seriously.

"A new story?" Eaton widened his eyes. He loved books. Recently, he had read almost only Teacher Bai's stories. He was already a little tired of it and wanted to see more new stories. However, these stories were not so easy to come out. Even the authors needed inspiration. It was not as easy as farming.

"Brother Eaton, you can take a look. This is the beginning of the new story. This time, my inspiration was very profound. After I came back, I wrote it directly. I thought that if I continue to participate in Chunin Exams, I might miss this inspiration." Aoba said seriously. The explanation he gave Eaton was to start from the new book. Eaton was a person who liked books, so this explanation must be very reasonable.

"This... This... Aoba, you gave up on the Chunin Exams in order to write a new story!" Eaton suddenly felt his nose sour, and he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He immediately felt that the notebook in his hand was heavy.

"The Chunin Exams is held every year. If I miss out on this inspiration, I won't be able to get it back. This is not the Teenager Binbin's story you saw before. I will finish writing that story in the near future. This is a different story. The background of the story is a future world that I imagined, and I predict it can be written into a long novel, enough for you to read for a long time!" Aoba stared at Eaton with a smile. He knew that once this story was taken out, it would become a super killer weapon. It was enough to make Eaton loyal to him. Of course, this did not mean that he would not make any preventive measures.

"I will read it now!"

Eaton took a deep breath. He suddenly realized that he had underestimated Aoba's determination to write stories. The person who could give up on the Chunin Exams to write a book was definitely unprecedented in the whole world.


Eaton carefully opened the notebook in his hand and looked at the words on the title page.

"Is this title of the book?"

"So long?"

"Golden Carp Won't Stay in a Pond Forever!"

"What does this mean?"

Eaton looked at the title and felt an unfathomable feeling in his heart. However, he did not know what it meant. He did not know what it meant at all.

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