Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 385: This Place Is Full of Aoba!


Kaze immediately stood up. His eyes were wide open as he stared at Aoba in a daze. There were many things he wanted to say, but all of them circled around his mouth, not saying a word.

'Don't feel anything?'

'What was going on?'

'Could it be that the dosage of the anesthetic was too little?'

'That can't be!'

'Being dizzy a little bit should still be acceptable!'


Aoba looked at Kaze with deep meaning. When he first saw Kaze earlier, he felt that this person was strange. However, he did not think of a specific reason at that time. Now, he understood everything.

'It turned out that it was for Saki and Rin!'

Aoba thought of this.

He couldn't help but feel that Saki had gone a little overboard.

He had already explained everything clearly, and he had already withdrawn from the Chunin Exams. It was obvious that he didn't want to participate in their matters anymore, but he didn't expect that she would still have to send Kaze over to read his memories.

Such a thing...

In Aoba's eyes.

It could be said that it was extremely excessive!

"What...what's the matter with you?"

A hint of panic flashed through Kaze's eyes. After that, he immediately returned to his normal state. The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a smile.

"What a pity!"

"Since you already know!"

"Then this kind of thing can't be done without making a sound!"

"I'll move fast!"

"Just bear with it for a bit!"

Kaze stared at Aoba with a cold glint in his eyes. He was no longer the Kaze of the past. Now, he was by Danzo's side, a ninja of Root. Although Danzo was injured and affected the operation of Root, his position at Root was already stable, and the impact was not too big.

Now that he had such an identity.

The way Kaze looked at the others had already changed.

Especially the people of the Nara clan who looked down on him before.

There was a hint of undisguised complacency.

To put it simply.

Kaze had already drifted away.

He had used drugs on Aoba this time because of Saki's instruction not to be too rude to Aoba.

Now that he had revealed his cards, it didn't matter anymore.


Aoba smiled meaningfully. He still sat on the chair and looked at Kaze who had already stood up. He slowly shook his head.

"You are not as calm as before."

"Before you were sure you could succeed."

"You actually leaked the mission."

"And after the obvious failure of the mission, even greater losses will be forced."

"How can such a Root person do this kind of thing?"

Aoba saw through Kaze's style at a glance. If he wanted to make an organization like Root in the future, he would definitely not use someone like Kaze. This was definitely a mission-destroying tool.

"Hahaha, Aoba, don't you think too highly of yourself? I will forcibly read your memories right now, what can you do?!"

Hearing Aoba says so much, Kaze only felt that a fly was making noises in his ears, which made him very agitated.

After that.

He took a step forward and grabbed Aoba.

From his posture.

From his posture, it was as if he was about to press Aoba down and forcibly read his memories.


Aoba raised his right hand and pointed his palm at Kaze. He made a stop gesture, which stunned Kaze.

Kaze suddenly stopped.

He did not attack again.

He stared at Aoba suspiciously, not knowing what Aoba meant.

"Have you thought it through?"

Kaze narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "As long as you cooperate with me to read your memories and know what happened in the Chunin Exams, you can also reduce some physical pain. With your ability, you are still not my opponent."

"Kaze, I have a question." Aoba seemed to have not heard Kaze's words and asked.

"What question?" Kaze was stunned. He vaguely felt that Aoba was buying time, but he also wanted to know what Aoba's question was.

"You come to my dormitory so blatantly, aren't you afraid that others will know?" Aoba did not ask directly. Instead, he used a relatively obscure statement. After all, he could not ask if someone had seen him coming over.

"Hahahaha!" After hearing Aoba's words, Kaze immediately laughed out loud and said, "No one knows that I'm here, and not many people know that you're back. I wanted to knock you out and read your memories silently. Now, if you don't want to cooperate, I can only knock you out!"

"That's good. It's good that no one knows. It won't bring me too much trouble." Aoba nodded silently. After that, he muttered, "You have considered it very carefully, and you really need to control your voice, otherwise it would be bad to disturb other people."

"Are you sleep-talking?" After hearing Aoba's words, Kaze frowned slightly and felt puzzled. This person was not stupid enough to not see the situation clearly.

"Then I will send you to my tower." Aoba seemed to have made a decision. He looked up at Kaze in front of him and grinned, "You have to cherish this feeling. After that, I will erase your memories. In the future, you won't be able to remember it."

"What are you talking about?" Kaze was confused. He felt that Aoba seemed to be daydreaming. Everything he said was just a dream. There was no logic at all. It gave him a feeling of confusion.


Under Kaze's gaze, Aoba slowly stood up. He raised his hand and directly slapped Kaze.

Such an action.

It immediately attracted Kaze's attention.

"This is your resistance?!"

Kaze had thought that Aoba would resist, but he never thought that he would resist in such a simple way.

Directly attack with his hand?

Was this person become stupid after going to Chunin Exams?

Who doesn't know that Aoba's body is weak?

What's the use of using such an attack method with almost no strength?

It's just a joke!

A deep disdain flashed in the depths of Kaze's eyes. He did not put Aoba's seemingly gentle action in his eyes at all.

Almost in an instant.

He took out a kunai.

He aimed the kunai blade at Aoba's throat and controlled Aoba's movements. He could then knock Aoba unconscious and read his memories.



Right at this time.

Aoba's right hand suddenly trembled slightly.

A thick amount of chakra rose from the center of Aoba's right palm. Moreover, a small black dot appeared on his palm. This small dot was his Flying Thunder God Formula.

"Hiraishin: Dorai(Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder)."

Aoba indifferently said these few words. As these words were spoken, Aoba's palm directly slapped Kaze's body.


Kaze's body suddenly trembled.

Immediately after.

He felt an incomparably terrifying chakra that contained spacial energy wrapping around him, making him unable to move at all.

This kind of feeling.

It was unprecedented.

It shook his heart with extremely strong momentum.


Almost in an instant.

He felt the world spin around him, and he suddenly appeared in another place.

This was a large hall.

There were people all around him.

"What is this place?"

A big question mark appeared on Kaze's head. His heart was now in a state of extreme fear. At this moment, he realized many things in his mind. These things were things he had never thought of before.

"This is a space-time ninjutsu!"

"Aoba is not that simple!"

"I underestimated Aoba!"

One thought after another emerged in Kaze's mind. Right now, he did not know who was around him. Those blurry figures made him unable to see clearly at all. He could only faintly feel that they were all staring at him.

This scene made him feel incomparably shocked.

He didn't know who the owner of these stares was, whether there was any danger, or what he was about to face.

It was only less than a second.

But in Kaze's eyes, it seemed like a long time had passed.


His vision became clearer.

The figures around him also became clearer.

"This... this is..."

When Kaze saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but suck in cold air. This was no longer a matter of shock, but fear, as if he had seen great horror.

This place was full of people.

Hundreds to thousands of people.



Was Aoba!

Aoba surrounded him!

Such a picture was something that he would never think of him in his dream.


Aoba's shadow clones, who didn't know anything and were training, were all staring at this unexpected guest with puzzled faces.

They didn't know why Kaze came.

Although they were all part of Aoba, their information was not shared. This was precisely the difference between the shadow clones and the six-paths clones.


Just as these shadow clones were puzzled.

A figure suddenly appeared.

Another shadow clone.

This was a new shadow clone.

"Let's take good care of him together!"

This new shadow clone did not speak too clearly. However, the shadow clones present were all Aoba's shadow clones. There was no need to be so clear about this. After all, they all had to return to Aoba's body. As long as they knew what to do, it was enough.

A simple sentence.

All the shadow clones understood.


Aoba's shadow clones were all rubbing their hands together. They stared at Kaze who was still in shock. Their eyes flashed with eagerness as if they wanted to go all out against Kaze. It was an intense multiplayer exercise.

"What... What... What are you guys going to do?"

Kaze took a deep breath. He looked at Aoba, who was gathered around him. All of them had the same expression, but there were some differences. He suddenly felt his anus tighten, and an ominous feeling arose in his heart.

"Don't come over!"

Kaze suddenly roared. He immediately looked around, and his gaze immediately fixed on the hall exit on the tower's first floor.

The door was tightly shut.

However, that was the only exit he had discovered at the moment.


There were fewer shadow clones in that direction.

It just so happened that it could be a breakthrough.

Kaze had never participated in Chunin Exams. He had never seen the tower's first floor. He did not know where this place was. However, he thought that since there was a door here, there might be people outside.


Kaze immediately shouted. His voice was very loud and directly spread out from the tower. If there were people around the tower, they could really hear it.


What a pity.

In this Forest of Death.

Let alone humans...

There weren't even many animals.

Even if Kaze shouted until his throat was broken, no one would be able to save him.

Kaze did not dare to stay here for a moment. He directly ran in the exit direction. Moreover, he was not idle. As he ran, he did not forget to shout.

"Save me!"

"Can you hear me!"

"Who can save me!"

"This place is too scary!"

"This place is full of Aoba!"

It was not that Kaze had never seen a ninja's shadow clone, but after suddenly experiencing such space-time ninjutsu and being transferred to another place, then seeing so many ninjas who were exactly the same as Aoba, he was extremely nervous and could no longer tell if this was a real or a clone.

If it was really a shadow clone...

That was too much!

But if not a shadow clone...

Could it be a group of people who looked exactly the same?

Kaze's heart was beating wildly. His mood had already fallen to the bottom. He felt that the ups and downs of life were nothing more than this. Originally, he thought that he was a hunter who went to find Aoba with an anesthetic. Now, no matter how he looked at it, he was the prey.


"Shout louder!"

"The louder you shout, the more exciting it is!"

"Kaze, did you eat?"

"Hurry up and run!"

"You're running too slowly!"

"It would be so boring if someone caught you by accident!"


Voices came from all of Kaze's directions. These sounds seemed to have magic power, constantly drilling into Kaze's ears.

These sounds seemed messy.

However, when Kaze heard them, he could clearly hear every sentence.

Kaze felt that he had received an extremely strong mental impact.

Originally, one sentence from one person was enough to make people feel like they were going to collapse, but these people were all Aoba.

Their voices were the same.

Their tone was the same.

This was simply more depressing than a genjutsu.

After all...

The genjutsu was fake.

This was real!

"Who can save me!"

The thousands of words in Kaze's heart finally converged into this sentence. He could no longer say anything else. Only this sentence suited his mood the most.

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