Chapter 101

Yi Qiaoxiu’s face took on a hint of arrogance as she smiled, “Third sister, studying isn’t just about effort; it also requires a bit of talent. Sometimes, no matter how hard you study, you might not achieve good results.” Her surface meaning was to comfort Yi Feng, but in reality, she implied that Yi Feng lacked talent.

Could Yi Feng compare to her own son?

Since middle school, she had enrolled her son in various tutoring classes, which led to his impressive scores.

Considering the domestic situation, getting into a university was already commendable, let alone an undergraduate program, which would make future job searches worry-free.

Undergraduates were highly valued!

“Yes, yes, big sister is right, it’s all about talent!”

“With little Shui’s talent for studying, and big sister’s ability to earn money, you’re truly blessed!” The third aunt continued to flatter with a laugh.

Yi Qiaoxiu felt pleased with herself. She turned to Yi Jianbing, smiling, “Little brother, think about what I just said, will you?”

Yi Jianbing’s face showed his dilemma.

Refusing would make him seem unsociable, but agreeing would make him feel uncomfortable.

“Big aunt, there’s no need to think about the land. Grandfather instructed before he passed that the land and ancestral home could not be sold, even if we were to become impoverished.”

Yi Feng suddenly spoke up.

Seeing his father’s expression, he knew he had to be the one to refuse.

After all, he had little contact with these aunts on a regular day and wasn’t afraid of offending anyone.

Yi Qiaoxiu’s expression darkened as she looked from Yi Jianbing to Yi Feng.

Knowing Yi Feng was present, it seemed there was no hope for her plan today.

Such a child, lacking manners. Are you supposed to speak when adults are talking?

But as a guest, she refrained from making a scene right then.

“Hehe, little Feng, your college entrance exam results are out too, right? How many points did you score?” Yi Qiaoxiu asked with a smile, wanting to broach a topic that would embarrass Yi Feng.

At that moment, Gu Muxi entered the room.

“Hello, Uncle, Auntie.”

Yi Feng replied, “How would I know my score? I’m still waiting for the notification.”

“By the way, Gu Muxi, did the school call today?”

Gu Muxi, dragging her tired body, sat next to Yi Feng, “I don’t know, our landline seems to be broken. I took it for repair this morning, but I doubt it’ll be fixed today.”

“If it’s not fixed, let’s go to the school this afternoon.”

Gu Muxi’s appearance caught Yi Qiaoxiu’s attention.

What a beautiful girl!

Today, Gu Muxi was dressed in a white blouse and jeans, her black hair cascading down, her exquisite features like early spring flowers, bright and captivating, exuding youthful vitality.

Her son, the young man known as Xiao Shui, was struck dumb by Gu Muxi’s appearance, completely smitten.

“Hello, my name is Luo Shanshui.” He pushed up his glasses, blushing as he greeted her awkwardly.

In front of such beauty, he became even more reserved.

“Oh, hello.” Gu Muxi responded coolly, not overly friendly.

After all, these were not her relatives, and she didn’t want to pretend warmth, which would be hypocritical.

“Wow, whose daughter is this? So beautiful!” Yi Qiaoxiu exclaimed genuinely.

Meng Xiaoyun replied, “She’s the daughter of Vice Factory Director Gu from next door. Our families often visit each other; we’re practically family.”

The saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, which perfectly described their relationship now.

Hearing Gu Muxi’s father was a vice factory manager, Yi Qiaoxiu quickly switched to a warm smile, “I see, I was wondering why this child was so beautiful, just like a fairy, so spirited!”

Gu Muxi forced a smile, “Thank you for the compliment.”

But she soon leaned closer to Yi Feng, pouting, “Yi Feng, you don’t know, when I was cycling out today, a stray dog suddenly jumped out, scared me, and I fell off my bike!”

Her tone was slightly coquettish, utterly adorable.

She even showed Yi Feng the bruise on her elbow, which had scraped a bit.

“How could you be so careless, really.” Yi Feng took her arm, examining the scrape closely. Fortunately, it wasn’t serious, just a bit of blood.

“Come on, let’s go to my room, and I’ll apply some medicine for you.”

“Oh~~~ Heehee!” Gu Muxi giggled sweetly.

Their intimate interaction was observed by Luo Shanshui, feeling as if needles were pricking his heart.

He was filled with envy, jealousy, and resentment.

Damn it! What’s the relationship between these two?

As everyone watched, Yi Feng led Gu Muxi back to his room.

“Uh, hehe, those two kids are quite close, huh, just like siblings,” Yi Qiaoxiu laughed awkwardly.

Initially, she thought Gu Muxi and her son would make a good match, but seeing how familiar Gu Muxi was with Yi Feng, she half-gave up the idea.

If Gu Muxi dated Yi Feng, then her son marrying her would be like picking up someone’s second-hand goods.

No, absolutely not!

She would never agree.

Meanwhile, in the office of Taoyuan No.1 Middle School.

Zhao Xue was leisurely drinking tea in the office.

“Old Zhao, the college entrance exam results are out today. Your class must have quite a few students getting into university, right?” another class’s head teacher, Mo Fei, said with a laugh.

“Based on the mock exam results, only about half,” Zhao Xue shook his head and sighed.

Taoyuan No.1 Middle School ranked among the top ten schools in Guangxi City, but the college entrance exam acceptance rate was only about half.

The number of students who managed to get into undergraduate programs was quite low.

“Half is already good; our class probably doesn’t even have half,” Mo Fei laughed self-deprecatingly.

As they chatted, sudden hurried footsteps approached.


The door was forcefully pushed open, startling the teachers inside, who all turned to look.

The figure at the door was the white-haired principal, Su Rui.

“Zhao Xue, Teacher Zhao from Class 1, are you here?”

Su Rui called out urgently. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

“Uh, Principal, I’m here.”

Sitting in a corner, Zhao Xue quickly stood up in response.

Su Rui, his face flushed with excitement, hurried over and firmly grasped Zhao Xue’s hand, gratefully saying, “Teacher Zhao, I really can’t thank you enough!”

“You’ve brought glory to our school!”

“Ah?? What?”

Zhao Xue was completely baffled, clueless about the situation.

How had he suddenly brought glory to the school?

“Ah, Teacher Zhao, I was right about your teaching ability!”

“This college entrance exam, you’ve given me a huge surprise!! Haha!” Su Rui was thrilled.

“Uh… Principal, what exactly happened? I’m lost,” Zhao Xue asked, bewildered.

Taking a deep breath, Su Rui solemnly announced, “Teacher Zhao, I just received our students’ college entrance exam scores!”

“The highest score among our students, from your class!”

“The total score for the college entrance exam is 750 points, and our school’s highest score is 721 points!!! 721 points!!”

Hearing this score, Zhao Xue and the other teachers in the office were so shocked they nearly dropped their jaws, several teachers instantly stood up!

“What?! 721 points?!!” The teachers exclaimed in unison.


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