Chapter 100

After the meeting, Yi Feng got back to work. He counted eight computer hosts piled up behind the counter still awaiting repair, predicting a busy night ahead.

Just keep working, as long as it doesn’t kill you, work to death!

Yi Feng rolled up his sleeves and dove into the repair booth.

As he busied himself, time flew by unnoticed until he emerged from the booth to find darkness had already enveloped the outside.

“What time is it now?” Yi Feng stretched his sore arms. Sitting down to work on these precise computer devices required finesse, taxing both the hands and eyes.

“It’s 8 PM, Brother Feng,” Han Ping’an replied.

“My, how time flies.”

“It’s getting late; I’ll head back first. Where’s Wang Tie?” Yi Feng looked around but didn’t see Wang Tie.

“Wang Tie said he had some errands to run and has already left, looked like he was going on a date,” Han Ping’an speculated after a moment.

Luo Cheng laughed, well, Wang Tie now had a girlfriend.

“Alright, then I’ll head back on my own. Ping’an, you tidy up later and head back too.”

“Brother Feng, I’ll clean up and then leave.”

“Here’s today’s revenue ledger for you to review,” Han Ping’an handed over the ledger.

Yi Brother browsed through it, nodding in satisfaction, “Not bad, a profit of forty-five thousand even on a non-weekend day. This performance is quite good.”

Reviewing the sold parts and complete units, Yi Feng knew it was time to restock soon.

After leaving the shop, Yi Feng rode his bicycle home alone.

On the way, the occasional car zoomed past him, and he couldn’t help feeling a bit envious.

Eventually, he’d need to get a car for business meetings; showing up without one wouldn’t do.

Sometimes, a car represents a businessman’s face. The more luxurious the car, the stronger the financial strength it implies, enhancing others’ trust in you.

A car isn’t just a product; it carries significant social implications.

But… he’d need to sign up for driving lessons first.

Unaware of the time, he arrived home at nine o’clock, with his parents already retired to their rooms. He moved quietly, careful not to disturb his mother’s rest.

The next morning, surprisingly, Yi Feng wasn’t woken up by the “Gu Muxi alarm clock” but by laughter and conversation outside his room.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Yi Feng wondered, who could be visiting so early?

He turned over, grabbed his phone, and checked the time.

It was nearly ten o’clock!

He couldn’t believe he had slept so long, even dreaming twice.

One dream was somewhat pleasant, involving a medical checkup where he was mistakenly diagnosed with stomach cancer, only to be relieved after a misdiagnosis was revealed.

The nightmare involved a re-examination revealing liver cancer instead.

In the dream, Yi Feng warmly “thanked” the diagnosing doctor’s female ancestors before waking up to the noise.

Hearing the chatter outside, Yi Feng slapped his face to wake up fully.

Getting out of bed, he emerged with messy hair and slippers.

Immediately, he noticed several gazes upon him.

Besides his parents, there were two middle-aged women and a bespectacled young man in the living room.

“Ah, this must be little Feng, right? Haven’t seen you in two years, and you’ve grown so tall!” a woman in a black dress smiled at him.

That smile seemed insincere.

“Young people these days, sleeping in so late?” another older woman in a red dress scrutinized Yi Feng.

Yi Feng recognized them as his aunts, related through his paternal grandfather’s siblings. His father, Yi Jianbing, had only average relations with these relatives, mostly seeing them during New Year visits back to the hometown.

“Son, come here and say hello. This is your big aunt and third aunt; you remember them, right?” Meng Xiaoyun beckoned.

“Yeah, I remember.” Yi Feng shrugged and greeted them.

After a round of superficial pleasantries, Yi Feng excused himself under the pretext of brushing his teeth and washing up.

He wasn’t close to these relatives and found conversation awkward, lacking common interests or benefits. 𝗳re𝗲𝚠e𝐛n𝗼v𝗲l.c𝐨𝐦

Especially his eldest aunt, Yi Qiaoxiu, who always assumed a domineering elder’s stance, pressuring him into silence.

But what brought them here?

Surely, they weren’t genuinely here to see Meng Xiaoyun. They hardly ever contacted otherwise, so why visit suddenly?

Yi Feng pondered as he finished washing up, just in time to overhear their conversation.

Yi Qiaoxiu sipped her tea, saying, “Jianbing, I mainly came today to check on sister Xiaoyun, but also to discuss something.”

“You have that five-acre plot by the river, right? It’s been lying fallow for years.”

“How about you sell it to me? I’m planning to build a temporary loading dock there. The location is just perfect.”

“It’d be putting it to good use, otherwise, it’s just going to waste.”

Yi Jianbing frowned slightly, “That’s not really feasible. I promised my father not to sell the ancestral home and land.”

“Ah, little brother, letting it go to waste isn’t good either. I’ll give you 800 per acre; what do you say?” Yi Qiaoxiu persisted.

“Big sister, that really won’t work. It’s not about the money. The family land is our lifeline; I can’t sell it,” Yi Jianbing stated firmly.

Yi Qiaoxiu’s expression cooled upon hearing this.

Turning, she spotted Yi Feng and beckoned, “Little Feng, come here.”

Curious about her intentions, Yi Feng approached and sat down.

“What’s up, big aunt?”

“Today should be when the college entrance exam results come out. How did you do in practice tests? Confident about getting into college?”

“Even a vocational college is fine.”

Yi Feng replied noncommittally, “It went okay.”

Yi Qiaoxiu scoffed, “Okay? That won’t do.”

“If you don’t get into college, you’ll suffer for being uneducated.”

The third aunt chimed in, “Look at your cousin, your big aunt’s son. He was in the top twenty of his grade in the mock exams!”

“Seems he even surpassed last year’s college entrance score, right?”

The young man adjusted his glasses and smiled, “Yes, by 10 points. Getting into college… shouldn’t be a problem, theoretically.”

“Haha, little Shui is really something, born to study. Sister, you’re lucky!”

Yi Qiaoxiu waved off the compliments with a feigned humble laugh, her pride evident. She then glanced smugly at Yi Feng.

Suddenly, her phone rang. After answering excitedly, she turned to the young man, exclaiming,

“Son, your college entrance exam score is out!”

“508 points, above the college entrance threshold!”

The third aunt quickly flattered, “Congratulations, big sister! I knew little Shui was meant for great things.”

“Little Feng, you should learn from your cousin!”


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